Sunday, February 14, 2016

December Week 3, Year 1

Match 1. Lucha Dragons vs. The Dudleyz
After the match, Bubba issued a rematch to American Alpha.

Match 2. Damien Sandow vs. Wade Barrett

Match 3. Asuka vs. Brie Bella
Brie stomped on Asuka and snap DDT. Asuka took Brie down with an arm lock, but Brie came back with a jaw breaker. Asuka connected with her kicks to the chest. She then left the ring and took apart the announce table. She then put her through it with a back suplex. Wow. Is that the first table break? Brie came back with the Bella Buster and won.

Brie survived going through a table. That's now two wins over the champ.

Match 4. Kidd and Cesaro vs. The Wyatt Family
Kidd immediately tagged in Cesaro at the opening bell. Interesting. Cesaro landed a few suplexes and a diving elbow on Harper. Kidd and Harper went toe-to-toe before Kidd tagged in Cesaro. Harper got the upper hand on Cesaro with a gator roll. Cesaro hit three gut wrench slams on Rowan. Kidd and Cesaro hit Harper with a snapmare and running boot. Cesaro then hit the Neutralizer to win.

I wonder how Kidd feels about Cesaro picking up the fall.

Match 5. Kevin Owens vs. Lex Luger
Is there anyone left for Owens to dominate?

Match 6. Rock vs. Edge
Edge hit an electric chair drop and leg drop. Rock broke out of a submission and stomped on Edge. He then hit a suplex and clothesline. Rock hit a release German suplex. Edge came back with the Edge-O-Matic and got a near fall. After a DDT, Rock locked in the Sharpshooter. The two went back-and-forth for a bit. Edge hit an overhead belly-to-belly and connected with the spear, but Rock kicked out. He then hit a top-rope DDT and reverse neck breaker to win.

I like the win for Edge, but he's missing something. He's not Rated-R anymore...

Match 1. Ryback vs. The Undertaker
Taker connected with a super back suplex. Ryback came back with a powerbomb and then deadlifted him for a second one. He continued with three more powerbombs and a meat hook clothesline. Taker grabbed the ropes to break the pin. Taker kicked out of Shell Shock. Ryback kicked out of a Tombstone. Taker countered the meat hook clothesline. He made a comeback and won with The Last Ride.

Ryback put up a good fight against The Dead Man.

Match 2. Prime Time Players vs. The Nation

Match 3. Neville vs. The Miz

Match 4. Dean Ambrose vs. Mark Henry
Ambrose entered the ring, but Henry was right on top of him. Henry hit a hip thrust in the corner and a front slam. Ambrose hit a jaw breaker, but Henry locked him in a bear hug to win.

Ambrose had no shot. Henry and The Industry is a scary alliance.

Match 5. Stone Cold vs. Kevin Nash

Match 6. Kurt Angle vs. Shawn Michaels
Michaels ran down and took down Angle before the bell rang. He hit a neck breaker and locked in the Sharpshooter. Angle hit a suplex and rolling knee bar. Michaels connected with the Sweet Chin Music, but Angle kicked out. Angle hit a double underhook suplex and then three German suplexes. He then hit the Angle Slam, but got a two count. He continued with a super belly-to-back suplex and diving splash. A bloody Angle kicked out of a second super kick. He hit a third one and won.

After the match, Angle went to attack Michaels, but Shawn blocked it and sent Angle packing.

I swear, these two put on a wrestling clinic each and every week, This has been a great feud.

Match 1. Wade Barrett vs. Jake Roberts

Match 2. Randy Savage vs. X-Pac vs. Fandango

Match 3. The Dudleyz vs. Kidd and Cesaro

Recap: Austin may be in need of some rebel help to take out The Industry. Brie deserves another title match.

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