Monday, February 22, 2016

January Week 1, Year 1

The Road to WrestleMania begins. We have Royal Rumble qualifiers starting this week.

Match 1. Cesaro and Tyson Kidd vs. Enzo Amore and Colin Cassady

Match 2. Natalya vs. Brie Bella vs. Asuka
Brie and Asuka hit Nattie with combination kicks. Nattie hit Asuka with a German suplex. Asuka came back with a super belly-to-back. Asuka and Nattie worked over Brie for a little, but it didn't last long. Nattie hit Brie with a back suplex and locked in the Sharpshooter. Asuka connected with the spin kick to Nattie. Asuka took out Nattie. Brie hit Asuka with a missile dropkick to the back and won.

Great triple threat match. Asuka and Nattie are two of the best, but Brie pulls out another win.

Match 3. Rumble Qualify - Dolph Ziggler vs. Fandango
Fandango is the first man in the Rumble!

Match 4. Kevin Owens vs. Jake Roberts

Match 5. Cactus Jack vs. Edge
Edge landed a flapjack and two snap DDTs. Cactus came back with mounted punches and a sidewalk slam. Edge hit a top-rope neck breaker and the Edge-cution. He continued with the spear, but Cactus kicked out. Cactus sent Edge into the corner and hit his running knee. He then hit a spike piledriver, but Edge kicked out. Edge popped up and hit a second Edge-cution and won.

Quicker match than I thought, but Edge did what needed to be done.

Match 6. Daniel Bryan vs. Rusev
Rusev was aggressive early, keeping Bryan grounded. Bryan escaped and created separation, but Rusev hit a Samoan drop and falling headbutt. Bryan took Rusev down with a neck breaker and attacked his back with forearm smashes. Rusev came back with a huge clothesline out of the corner. Bryan landed his Yes! kicks and locked in the Yes! Lock, but Rusev got to the ropes. Rusev hit a spine buster and fall away slam. Rusev later hit another spine buster and won.

The current MITB holder pinned a top star. Is he prepping for a cash in?

Match 1. Kane vs. Vader vs. Bam Bam Bigelow
These are some giants in the ring.

Match 2. Nikki Bella vs. Naomi

Match 3. Dean Ambrose vs. Ultimate Warrior
Mark Henry distracted Ambrose and attacked him after the match.

Match 4. Rumble Qualify - The United Kingdom vs. The Nation
The winning team will be entered into the Royal Rumble. Kama beat down Neville with a big boot and stomps. Neville landed a suplex and tagged in Bulldog. Kama got a near fall after a gut buster to Neville. D'Lo landed a supercanrana and a sit-out spine buster. He then hit the Low Down, but Bulldog broke up the pin. After a few minutes, he hit the Low Down on Bulldog and won.

Wow. The tag champs looked lost in this match. The New Day appeared at the top of the stage after the match...

Match 5. Stone Cold vs. Ryback and The Miz
This is the next challenge for Austin to get back in the title hunt. Austin took a beating for the first few minutes. Austin came back with some right hands. Austin and Miz fought on the outside. Austin landed the bionic elbow on Ryback. He hit the Stunner, but Ryback kicked out. He hit the meat hook clothesline and tagged in Miz. Miz left the ring, pulled out a chair and hit Austin.

I guess Ryback and Miz were not in this to win, but to maim Stone Cold.

Match 6. Roman Reigns vs. Batista
Batista overpowered Roman early. Reigns sent Batista to the outside and into the steel steps. Back in the ring, Batista landed a super back suplex. Roman came back with a superplex of his own. After a near fall, he hit a Samoan drop and the Superman punch, but Batista kicked out again. Reigns took apart the announce table, but Batista attacked him from behind. Reigns ran into the ring and speared Batista, but got another near fall. Batista kicked out of another spear. Batista hit a third spine buster and won.

This was a war. Batista had a huge gash across his forehead. Both men are making a case for the World title.

Match 1. Fandango vs. Xavier Woods

Match 2. Randy Savage vs. Shane McMahon vs. Brian Pillman

Match 3. Dolph Ziggler vs. Wade Barrett

Recap: Kevin Owens is running out of legends to defeat. Fandango, D'Lo Brown and Kama Mustafa are the first three members in the Rumble. Stone Cold wins on a technicality, but The Industry walked away.

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