Saturday, February 6, 2016

December Week 1, Year 1

Stephanie McMahon announced her retirement from in-ring competition. We wish her the best.

Match 1. Billy Gunn vs. Curtis Axel

Match 2. Paige vs. Emma vs. Natalya

Match 3. Asuka vs. Brie Bella

Match 4. Wade Barrett vs. Dolph Ziggler
Ziggler countered a spine buster into a DDT. He then hit a sit-out face buster. Barrett blocked a boot in the corner and hit diving elbow drop the second rope. He hit a German suplex and then tossed Ziggler up and connected with the Bull Hammer on the way down to win.

Sick finish. That elbow is insane. Barrett picks up a big win.

Match 5. Sami Zayn and Hideo Itami vs. Bray Wyatt and Baron Corbin
Corbin sent Itami do the outside and threw him into the steel post. Bray threw him into the steps, but that seemed to have fired Itami up. Corbin got a near fall after a back breaker. Zayn caught Bray with the Blue Thunder Bomb. He then hit the STO into the Koji Clutch combo. Corbin hit Zayn with End of Days and Bray took Itami off the apron, but Zayn kicked out. He landed a superplex and won with a front slam.

Good tag match. Wyatt and Corbin worked well together.

Match 6. Sting vs. Kevin Owens
After some back-and-forth action, Owens hit a senton splash. He connected with the cannonball splash a little later. Sting came back with a nice back suplex. He hit a suplexed and shouted "Woo!" Sting's feeling it. He hit 3 clotheslines and the Stinger Splash. Owens kikced out of the Scorpion Death Drop. Owens pulled out his package side slam, but got a two count. He then hit the pop-up powerbomb and won.

After the match, Owens made a challenge to every legend, active or not, that he is coming for them.

Wow. I thought Sting had it. Owens could not give up. What does Owens think he's going to prove?

Match 1. Dean Ambrose vs. Mark Henry
Henry recently aligned himself with Triple H and The Industry.

Match 2. Adam Rose vs. Brian Pillman

Match 3. Nikki Bella vs. Cameron

Match 4. Booker T vs. Chris Jericho - WWF Intercontinental Championship
After a diving elbow, he locked in the Walls of Jericho. Booker kicked out of the Codebreaker. Jericho blocked a scissors kick and hit a second Codebreaker, but got another near fall. Booker landed a side slam and a diving leg drop and got the longest 2 count ever. Booker caught Jericho with a Book End and won the title.

After the match, Ryback ran down and attacked Booker. He then clotheslined Jericho and walked away.

Another new IC champ, but he didn't get to celebrate for long. Do we get a triple threat match?

Match 5. Shawn Michaels vs. Kane
Angle attacked Michaels from behind. The two traded back suplex. HBK hit a back breaker and locked in the Sharpshooter. He then tossed Kane up and connected with the Sweet Chin Music on the way down. Kane dodged a moonsault. He then hit a superplex and sidewalk slam. Kane grabbed HBK by the throat and chokeslammed him to win.

Kane picked up the win, despite the attack by Angle.

Match 6. Stone Cold vs. Kevin Nash
Is this a roadblock Trips put in front of Austin? Austin wanted to tear his quads with a Boston Crab. He later hit a Lou Thesz Press and huge powerbomb. Austin hit the Stunner, but Nash kicked out. Nash got a near fall after a knockout punch. He then hit a super side slam. Austin hit a second Stunner and got another near fall. A bloody Nash hit a Jackknife powerbomb, but Austin kicked out. Austin hit a third Stunner and got the win.

It took 3 finishers, but Austin got the job done. However, this is just the beginning.

Match 1. Heath Slater vs. Fandango vs. Jake Roberts

Match 2. Wade Barrett vs. Brian Pillman
Inter-brand match?

Match 3. Randy Savage vs. Lex Luger

Recap: Wade Barrett is on a roll with two wins this week. Owens looked scary. SmackDown is out of control.

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