Saturday, February 27, 2016


The Chris Jericho/Booker T match will take place on SmackDown.

Match 1. The United Kingdom vs. New Day - WWF Tag Team Championship
Big E took Bulldog down with a big suplex slam. Neville hit Kofi with a German suplex and missile dropkick. He continued with a brain buster. Big E landed a sit-out spine buster. New Day hit a diving elbow/Big Ending combo, but got a near fall. Kofi landed a supercanrana and diving elbow. He then buste him open with a tornado DDT. Bulldog hit Kofi with a slam and superplex. Bulldog shook off Big E's attack hit a running power slam to win.

This was a great tag match. The New Day did everything they could. I like the United Kingdom pairing.

Match 2. Enzo and Big Cass vs. Tyson Kidd and Cesaro - NXT Tag Team Championship
Can Cesaro hold two titles? He and Enzo started the match. Enzo got some separation and tagged in Cass. The champs then worked over Cesaro's head as Kidd was pacing on the apron. Cesaro was getting his butt whooped. Kidd pulled out a chair and...hit Cesaro! He left and Cass and Enzo hit the rocket launcher to retain.

What?! What is Tyson Kidd doing? Why ruin this opportunity?

Match 3. Asuka vs. Brie Bella - NXT Women's Championship
Asuka landed a bulldog and quickly locked in a submission. Brie ducked a slap and landed a belly-to-back slam. She got a near fall after a neck breaker. Brie continued with a super back suplex. Asuka got right up and hit a German suplex. Brie hit a face buster from the second rope. She then hit the Bella Buster and won the title.

Wow! Brie finally defeated Asuka when it counted and won the Women's title.

Match 4. Dean Ambrose vs. Mark Henry
Dean went for a crossbody, but couldn't knock Henry down. He dropkicked his knee and kneed him in the gut. Henry caught Dean and landed a powerbomb. Dean got a near fall after a DDT. He then hit a neck breaker and Dirty Deeds, but Henry kicked out again. Henry planted Dean with a World's Strongest Slam, but Ambrose kicked out. Dean busted Henry open with a DDT and won with a second Dirty Deeds.

Match 5. Triple H vs. Steve Austin - WWF Championship
Austin came out strong early. H cut him off with a high knee and suplex. Austin countered a slam and hit a German suplex. That's a first. He then hit a powerbomb and diving elbow on his way to a near fall. H came back with a hip toss and DDT. He locked in a reverse chin lock. Austin hit the Lou Thesz Press and sent H to the outside. Triple H took apart the announce table and Pedigree'd Austin through it. He broke up the count for some reason...Austin rolled back in the ring, received a high knee and still kicked out. Austin hit the Stunner, but H kicked out. Triple H hit a second Pedigree and won.

Oh my God! What a match! How did Austin get up from the table spot? The Game is on top.

Match 6. Brock Lesnar vs. Finn Balor - NXT Championship
Lesnar quickly hit a butterfly suplex. Balor came back with a double gut buster. This was hot from the get go. Lesnar sent Balor to the outside, but not for long. Balor hit a German suplex. Uh oh. Balor hit the shotgun dropkick. Lesnar came back with 3 German suplexes. Balor connected with the Coup de Grace, but Lesnar kicked out. Lesnar stopped Balor's comeback and hit an F5. He then hit a super belly-to-back. Balor got a couple of near falls. Lesnar then caught him with a T-bone suplex and won.

Balor looked good throughout, but he was overpowered by The Beast. Who can take him down?

Main Event. 30-man Royal Rumble
Here we go. No. 1: Dallas Page and No. 2: Rob Van Dam! What?! The Whole F'n Show is here! Page landed a suplex. Van Dam landed a front slam. No. 3: Damien Sandow. He dropkicked Page from behind. RVDDP worked over Sandow. No. 4: D'Lo Brown. Sandow went for the quick elimination. No. 5: The Rock. Not a good spot for Rocky. He went after D'Lo. No. 6: Daniel Bryan. Bryan hit Sandow with a running knee to the gut. RVD hit Rolling Thunder on Page and eliminated him. No. 7: Rey Mysterio. Another surprise! He landed a hurricanrana on Sanow. RVD eliminated D'Lo. Rey eliminated Sandow. Bryan and RVD eliminated The Rock. Bryan hit Rey with his kicks. No. 8: Randy Orton. Rey eliminated RVD. No. 9: The Miz. Ugh. Bryan kneed Orton off the apron! Wow! No. 10: Kane. Rey dropkicked Bryan over the top. The eliminations have all came from three Superstars so far.

No. 11: Faarooq. He quickly went after Rey. No. 12: John Cena. The (former) champ is here! Rey had Faarooq in a head scissors and eliminated him for his fourth elimination. Cena attacked him from behind and kicked him out of the match. Great showing from Rey. No. 13: Jeff Hardy. Oh my God! He went after Cena. No. 14: Kama Mustafa. Jeff hit Miz with a top-rope leg drop. No. 15: Hideo Itami. We are now halfway done. Cena eliminated Kane. Jeff eliminated Miz. Cena hit Kama with a spin slam and the 5 Knuckle Shuffle. No. 16: Fandango. The first one to earn a spot. He hit Cena with a back suplex. No. 17: Edge. He focused on Fandango as he hit a back suplex. Kama eliminated Hideo. No. 18: Undertaker. Good luck everyone. Taker eliminated Cena. Edge eliminated Kama. Fandango decided to go after Taker. No. 19: Sheamus. Edge knocked Jeff off the apron. No. 20: Seth Rollins. Rollins waited for an open spot.

No. 21: Shawn Michaels. Rollins eliminated Fandango. He then eliminated Edge. After a full nelson suplex to HBK, Rollins threw Taker out of the ring. He is clearing house. No. 22: William Regal. HBK hit Sheamus with a moonsault. No. 23: JBL. He helped Rollins almost eliminate Regal. No. 24: Scott Hall. Say hello to the Bad Guy. HBK and Rollins eliminated Sheamus. Rollins and Regal eliminated JBL. Rollins and Hall eliminated HBK. Rollins is taking advantage of the 2-on-1 situations. No. 25: Sami Zayn. Rollins landed a heel kick and eliminated Regal. No. 26: Ryback. Hall landed a belly-to-back on Rollins. No. 27: Roman Reigns. Hall and Ryback double teamed Rollins. No. 28: Bray Wyatt. Rollins came back and eliminated Hall. Ryback quickly eliminated Bray. Wow! Rollins kicked Ryback in the head and eliminated him. Reigns and Rollins team up to eliminated Sami. No. 29: Billy Gunn. Reigns attacked Rollins, but Gunn went after Reigns. Rollins and Reigns teamed up again and eliminated Gunn. No. 30: Wade Barrett.

Rollins sent Barrett to the apron and eliminated him and soon as he got into the ring. Rollins and Reigns are the final two. Rollins landed a DDT and dropkick. He then sent Reigns to the apron and knocked him off to win. Rollins is going to WrestleMania!

Recap: What title does Rollins go after? Will he switch to NXT and help The Industry conquer the whole Universe? Those were some nice surprise entrants, too. What a card. The two title matches were great.

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