Sunday, February 28, 2016

February Week 1, Year 1

Now the Road to WrestleMania officially begins. NXT TakeOver: Respect is in two weeks.

Match 1. Tyson Kidd vs. Wade Barrett
This is Kidd's first match away from Cesaro. Kidd hit a neck breaker and overhead belly-to-belly. Barrett had Kidd in the ropes and hit his own neck breaker. Both men are focusing on the neck. Barrett landed a superplex and the Winds of Change. Kidd kicked Barrett's head into the steel post. He then hit a super back suplex. Kidd hit Code Blue, but got a two count. Barrett won with a second Winds of Change.

Kidd looked focused early, but maybe Cesaro got on his mind and distracted him.

Match 2. Paige vs. Emma

Match 3. Asuka vs. Brie Bella

Match 4. Dolph Ziggler vs. Jack Swagger

Match 5. Cesaro vs. Bret Hart vs. Kevin Owens
Owens hit Bret with a German suplex right away. All three men went after each other, no alliances. Owens sent Cesaro to the outside and into the steel post. Cesaro and Owens then focused on Bret, but it didn't last long. Owens hit Bret with the pop-up powerbomb, but got a two count. Cesaro went for the Nuetralizer, but Bret broke it up. Owens hit a second powerbomb, but Cesaro broke it up. Bret hit Cesaro with a chair multiple times and locked in the Sharpshooter. Bret took out Cesaro and Owens hit Bret with the package side slam to win.

Great triple threat. Owens is making moves for the NXT title as well.

Match 6. Daniel Bryan vs. Randy Orton
This stems from Bryan eliminating Orton. Bryan hit his kicks to the chest and one final one to the head. Orton pummeled Bryan hit the corner. He landed a DDT from the corner. Bryan connected with a suicide dive. Orton threw Bryan shoulder first into the post and hit a sit-out powerbomb. Bryan hit another suplex. He went to the top, but Orton got up and caught him with an RKO. Orton beat down Bryan on the outside and then stomped all over him before getting the win.

Orton got his revenge on the man who eliminated him. Is the NXT title next?

Match 1. Layla vs. Tamina

Match 2. Ryback and Mark Henry vs. Gold and Stardust

Match 3. Chris Jericho vs. Booker T - WWF Intercontinental Championship
Booker locked in a single-leg crab. He then hit a gut buster. Jericho tried making a comeback with a jaw breaker, but Booker cut it short. Jericho hit a clothesline and bulldog. He then locked in the Walls of Jericho, but Booker escaped. Jericho hit the Codebreaker, but Booker kicked out. Booker had Jericho in the tree of woe and then took apart the announce table. Jericho hit a second finisher to retain.

Good title match. Definitely not the last of Booker in the IC title picture.

Match 4. United Kingdom vs. The New Day

Match 5. Undertaker vs. The Miz
This is Taker's first match in a long time. Taker took Miz down with a shoulder block and kept him grounded. Miz got some offense with punches and running neck breaker. Taker landed a super back suplex. Taker hit the chokeslam, but Miz kicked out. Miz hit a bulldog and went to the top. He jumped, but Taker got up and caught him with the Tombstone to win.

I'm surprised Miz got as much offense as he did. It's that time of year. Who will Taker face at 'Mania?

Match 6. Sheamus vs. Batista
Sheamus countered a slam and landed a float-over DDT. Sheamus picked Batista up for White Noise. Batista kicked out and locked in a chin lock. He then hit a reverse powerslam and military press slam. Sheamus tossed Batista up and caught him with the Brogue Kick on the way down. Batista caught him with the spine buster and had the longest two count ever. Batista kicked out of a second Brogue Kick. Sheamus busted Batista open and later won with the Celtic Cross.

Another great main event. Sheamus is doing what he can to get back in the IC title hunt.

Seth Rollins came out to make his decision. He talked about the success of both champions, Triple H and Brock Lesnar. He said he already conquered NXT and won the title. So, he will be challenging for the WWF World title.

Triple H's music hit. He asked Rollins if he was sure. Triple H shrugged and said he can't blame Rollins for going after the best. He put out his hand and the two shook. Rollins turned to leave and Triple H attacked him from behind. He hit the Pedigree and stood over Rollins.

What?! Triple H attacked his, well I guess former, Industry stablemate. Rollins vs. Triple H at WrestleMania!

Match 1. Santino Marella vs. Brian Pillman

Match 2. Fandango vs. Jack Swagger

Match 3. Wade Barrett vs. Bam Bam Bigelow vs. Ken Shamrock

Recap: I don't blame Rollins, but I wasn't expecting that from Triple H. Orton and Owens picked up some big wins this week.

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