Wednesday, February 3, 2016


There is no WWF Championship match tonight. Booker T will get his IC title shot on SmackDown.

Match 1. Cactus Jack vs. Rusev - NXT United States Championship
Rusev is still the MITB holder. Cactus hit his running knee in the corner. Rusev connected with a bicycle kick and got a near fall. Cactus hit another knee smash. Rusev hit a side slam and locked in the Accolade, but Cactus broke out. Rusev hit a super belly-to-back and another high kick and got a long two count. Rusev locked in another Accolade. Cactus hit two spike piledrivers and won.

Rusev was bleeding by the end of this. I'm surprised Cactus escaped from the Accoldade. Twice.

Match 2. Brie Bella vs. Asuka
Asuka ran down and speared Brie before the bell rang. She then connected with her kicks. Brie came back with a knee smash and northern lights suplex. She broke out of an Asuka Lock and landed a diving clothesline. Asuka landed some more kicks and got the win.

Asuka is now the No. 1 contender after defeating the Women's champ.

Match 3. Ryback vs. Chris Jericho - WWF Intercontinental Championship
The winner faces Booker next week. The two went back and forth for a bit. Ryback hit a front suplex. Jericho hit a clothesline and running bulldog. He then locked in the Walls of Jericho. He then connected with the Code Breaker and won the IC title.

Wow. Jericho got the quick win over The Industry's powerhouse. He is in line for a rematch.

Match 4. Elimination - Edge, Cesaro and Kidd vs. Owens and The Ascension
This match branches from the Edge/Owens feud over the last two weeks. Also, Cesaro/Owens feuded for a little. The Ascension took turns keeping fresh and wearing down their opponents. Konnor countered Edge's powerbomb. Cesaro got a near fall on Owens and the match broke down. Cesaro hit Owens with a back stabber in the corner. Cesaro got the first elimination by hitting Owens with three gutwrench slams. Cesaro and Edge hit Konnor with the Heart Attack and eliminated him. Edge ended it with an Edge-O-Matic to Viktor.

Decent 6-man tag. The Cesaro/Owens battles were good.

Match 5. Shawn Michaels vs. Kurt Angle
This has been an amazing feud. Michaels hit a back suplex and stomped on Angle and then went for a quick pin. Angle hit a nice pump handle back breaker. He then hit an overhead belly-to-belly and got a two count. Angle took down Michaels and went to the top. He leapt, but Michaels popped up and connected with the Sweet Chin Music and almost won. He then hit a moonsault. Angle got up and hit the Angle Slam, but Michaels kicked out. He then landed a moonsault and a seconf Angle Slam to win.

After the match, the two exchanged words as Michaels walked up the ramp.

Great match. Angle needed two finishers to put him away. This feud isn't over yet.

Match 6. Finn Balor vs. Baron Corbin - NXT Championship
After some kicks, Balor hit a sit-out powerbomb. He then hit a double knee face buster. Balor got a near fall with a back suplex. Not much later, he hit the shotgun dropkick. Corbin came back with a huge slam and a powerbomb. Balor sent Corbin to the outside and hit a top rope plancha. He hit a second shotgun dropkick and modified GTS to retain the NXT title.

Maybe this would have been a better match with Lesnar instead of Corbin. Balor awaits the next challenger.

Main Event. Elimination - Austin, Booker and Taker vs. Triple H, Mark Henry and Tyler Breeze
This has been built up very nicely. It's just a weird group of superstars. Good spot for Breeze though. The heels wore down Taker. H came back in and hit a high knee and spine buster. Booker threw Henry into the table and steel post. He busted Henry open with an STO. Breeze hit Booker with the Supermodel kick and Beauty Shot. Austin eliminated Breeze after a Stunner. He then busted H open and eliminated him with a Pedigree! Taker hit Henry with the Tombstone and won.

The babyfaces got the clean sweep. Austin was on fire. Breeze looked good in defeat.

Recap: What an amazing show. The lack of championship matches didn't take away the important. Asuka will get a title shot in the near future. Balor took down another challenger.

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