Wednesday, January 27, 2016

November, Week 3, Year 1

Match 1. Cesaro vs. Kevin Owens
Owens landed two German suplexes, a half-and-half suplex and a senton splash. Cesaor hit a deadlift suplex, but Owens cut him off. Cesaro threw him to the outside and into the steel steps. Owens came back with a package side slam and got a near fall. Cesaro kicked out of the pop-up powerbomb. Owens then kicked out of the Very European uppercut and the Neutralizer. Cesaro hit a super butterfly suplex and got a near fall. Owens hit a second pop-up powerbomb and won.

Owens came back strong after the loss to Edge in the tournament.

Match 2. Brie Bella vs. Asuka
Brie landed a snapmare and suplex. Asuka locked in a dragon sleeper and hit a reverse DDT. She later hit about 10 different kicks to the chest and head of Brie. Brie landed a dropkick and superplex. She finished Asuka off with a Bella Buster to win.

Brie got her win back to tie it at one apiece.

Match 3. Paige vs. Emma vs. Summer Rae

Match 4. Round 2 - Edge vs. Baron Corbin
Kevin Owens attacked Edge from behind. He threw him into the steps and hit the apron powerbomb. Edge could not make it into the ring. Corbin moves on to the finals.

Match 5. Round 2 - Brock Lesnar vs. Randy Orton
He then sent Lesnar to the outside and threw him into the steel post. Lesnar came back with a release German suplex and locked in a camel clutch. He then hit a deadlift powerbomb, but got a two count. Lesnar busted Orton open with an elbow to the forehead. He then hit 3 German suplexes. Orton hit two clotheslines and a snap slam. He then hit the second-rope DDT. After a back breaker, Orton connected with the punt kick. Lesnar hit a back suplex and F5 to win.

Orton tried, but The Beast was too strong. Lesnar/Corbin in the finals.

Match 6. Daniel Bryan vs. Bray Wyatt

Match 1. Ryback vs. Ric Flair
Flair defeated the IC champ.

Match 2. The United Kingdom vs. The Nation

Match 3. Kane vs. Shane McMahon
Why not? Kane sent Shane to the outside. He landed a snapmare and a standing dropkick. A little later, he his a press slam, big boot and sidewalk slam. Shane kicked out of a chokeslam and connected with a flurry of punches. Kane landed a superplex and a power slam. Shane hit his punches again and got the win.

Wow. I thought Kane would have won. The Wonder Kid pulls out a win.

Match 4. Prime Time Players vs. Rikishi and Haku

Match 5. Booker T vs. Triple H w/ Mark Henry
Before the match, Tyler Breeze walked down and sat with the announcers. Interesting. I wonder if Austin will make an appearance. H landed his high knee. He hit a gut buster and mounted punches. Booker came back with a belly-to-belly and neck breaker. Booker threw H into the corner. Breeze stood up and Booker went after him. H attacked him from behind. Henry then jumped up on the apron and distracted Booker. Trips hit the Pedigree, busted Booker open and won.

After the match, H, Henry and Breeze attacked Booker. Austin and Undertaker ran down and made the save.

This was a huge turn in the feud. Triple H added members to the Industry. Austin recruited Taker.

Match 6. Shawn Michaels vs. Kurt Angle
Michaels ran down and speared Angle before the bell rang. He then hit a DDT and diving elbow. Angle came back with an overhead belly-to-back suplex. He then hit 3 German suplexes and got a near fall. Michaels caught Angle with a northern lights suplex and won.

After the match, Angle went after Michaels, but HBK tossed him out.

Wow. That was a quick match.

Match 1. Wade Barrett vs. Heath Slater

Match 2. Fandango vs. Jack Swagger

Match 3. The Dudleyz vs. The Usos

Recap: Corbin is in the finals by default. Lucky him. But he gets to face Lesnar. Did we see a Survivor Series preview on SmackDown?

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