Tuesday, February 23, 2016

January Week 2, Year 1

Match 1. Lucha Dragons vs. American Alpha
The Lucha Dragons hit their powerbomb/diving elbow smash combo on Jordan. Kalisto connected with a rolling heel kick, but Jordan kicked out. They hit Gable with the same move. Jordan came back with a huge spinning back suplex. Sin Cara hit a super sunset flip, but Gable kicked out. Gable came back with a belly-to-belly and German suplex to get the win.

American Alpha continues to impress.

Match 2. Elimination - Enzo and Cass vs. Tyson Kidd and Cesaro

Match 3. Brie Bella vs. Asuka
Brie continued to the attack after the match.

Match 4. Rumble Qualify - Baron Corbin vs. Hideo Itami
The winner is guaranteed a Rumble spot. Corbin sent him to the outside. Hideo threw him into the announce table and went back into the ring. Corbin tossed Itami around a bit. Itami landed a corner dropkick and back suplex. He then hit a double knee splash in the corner and the GTS, but Corbin kicked out. Itami landed two clotheslines and multiple strikes and kicks. He won with a spin kick to the head.

Itami is the second superstar from NXT to enter the Rumble. Great effort by Corbin.

Match 5. Kevin Owens vs. Big Boss Man
Whoa! I thought Finlay was a tough opponent. Is this a one-time deal for Boss Man? Boss Man knocked Owens off the apron and into the steps. Owens slapped him across the face and suplexed him. He continued with mounted punches and a sidewalk slam. Owens missed the cannonball splash, but went back on offense. He hit the senton splash and the package side slam to win.

It was good to see Boss Man, but Owens is on a roll. Who's next?

Match 6. Brock Lesnar vs. Wade Barrett
Huge win for Barrett against the NXT champ.

Match 1. Rumble Qualify - Kane vs. Ryback vs. Booker T vs. Sheamus
This match has some interesting rules. The winning superstar gets to choose between an IC title match or a Rumble spot. If he chooses the Rumble, the losing star is out. If he chooses the title match, the other 3 are in the Rumble.

Booker and Sheamus went to the outside as Ryback and Kane fought in the ring. Kane landed a super reverse suplex and got a near fall. Sheamus hit a German suplex. Ryback connected with the meat hook clothesline. Back in the ring, Ryback hit Sheamus with Shell Shock and got another near fall. Booker hit Kane with a super back suplex. Sheamus hit Ryback with the Irish Curse. Sheamus caught Ryback off the top with a Brogue Kick. Booker hit Ryback with his spine buster and won.

Booker chooses...the IC title shot. The other three will be in the Rumble match.

Match 2. United Kingdom vs. The New Day
Despite the loss, New Day impressed enough to earn a title match.

Match 3. Chris Jericho vs. Seth Rollins
Good match for Rollins.

Match 4. Ultimate Warrior vs. Christian

Match 5. Dean Ambrose vs. Mark Henry
Mark Henry attacked Ambrose from behind on the stage. He then threw him down the ramp to ringside. Henry threw him into the steel post about 10 times. He rolled him into the ring and hit a big splash to win.

After the match, he grabbed a chair and hit Dean multiple times.

This was a brutal attack organized by The Industry.

Match 6. Big Show vs. Roman Reigns
Uh...Big Show connected with a side kick and a huge face smash. Show went to the second rope and landed a falling elbow drop. Reigns broke out of a camel clutch and began building momentum. Show landed a headbutt and locked in a bear hug. Reigns connected with three right hands and a tornado DDT. He then busted Show open with his running dropkick from the outside. Show came back with the WMD and won.

Reigns mounted a comeback, but Show ended it with one punch.

Match 1. X-Pac vs. Fandango

Match 2. The Usos vs. Gold and Stardust

Match 3. Wade Barrett vs. Fit Finlay

Recap: The Royal Rumble is taking shape. The NXT tag division is looking even better now.

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