Wednesday, February 17, 2016

WWE TLC, Year 1

The last pay-per-view of the calendar year. Then, the Road to WrestleMania.

Match 1. Nikki Bella vs. Naomi - WWF Divas' Championship
Naomi took the match to the outside and landed a hurricanrana. Nikki threw her into the steel post. Back in the ring, Naomi hit another hurricanrana and a leg drop for a near fall. Nikki hit an Alabama Slam. Naomi kicked out of the Rack Attack and the Bella Buster much later. Nikki hit a second Rack Attack, but Naomi kicked out again! After receiving everything Naomi had, Nikki won with a third Rack Attack.

Oh my God. Nikki has the heart of a true champion. She took everything Naomi had to offer.

Match 2. Prime Time Players vs. The United Kingdom - WWF Tag Team Championship
Neville landed a heel kick and connected with a moonsault on Titus early. Bulldog came in and sent him to the outside. Bulldog then hit Darren with a brain buster and Neville followed it up with another moonsault. Bulldog landed the running powerslam on Titus and got a near fall. He then locked him in a camel clutch for a long time. Neville then hit one more moonsault and got the win.

New tag team champions! The United Kingdom worked like a well-oiled machine.

Match 3. Mark Henry vs. Dean Ambrose
The Industry is running SmackDown. Can they be stopped? Ambrose came out firing, but Henry cut it short and kept Ambrose grounded. Henry busted him open with a right-hand punch. Ambrose came back and connected with a diving fist drop. Henry landed a front slam and a bunch of headbutts. He later gripped the collar bone and forced Ambrose to tap.

After the match, Henry thought about leaving, but he continued to attack Ambrose.

Triple H should be happy that Henry took out Ambrose.

Match 4. Booker T vs. Ryback vs. Chris Jericho - WWF Intercontinental Championship
This has been built up for the past month or so. Ryback pulled out a sledgehammer and hit Jericho. He later hit the backpack stunner and sent Booker to the outside wth a knee to the head. Ryback hit Booker with Shell Shock, but Jericho broke up the pin. He connected with three powerbombs. Jericho hit Ryback with a Codebreaker, but got a two count. Ryback took out Booker. Jericho hit Ryback with a powerbomb and bridge to win back the title.

A great triple threat match. Jericho won back the IC title fair and square.

Match 5. Stone Cold vs. Kevin Nash
Another rebel vs. The Industry match. Nash landed a back body drop and a chokeslam. He then went to the second rope and hit a diving elbow. He got a near fall after a power slam. Austin came back with a Lou Thesz Press and sent Nash to the outside. He kicked Nash's head into the steel post. Austin busted him open with more mounted punches. Nash left and pulled out a bat. Austin hit a Stunner in the ring and won.

After the match, Nash went to attack Austin, but Stone Cold countered it and sent him packing.

Triple H won't be too happy with this. Let's see what happens next week.

Match 6. Iron Man - Shawn Michaels vs. Kurt Angle
The two went back and forth in the early moments. Angle took HBK down and locked in the Angle Lock. Michaels connected with the Sweet Chin Music. He continued with a super back suplex and elbow drop. Angle landed three German suplexes and an Angle Slam, but Michaels kicked out. He hit three more suplexes. Michaels busted Angle open with a super kick. Michaels kicked out of another Angle Slam. Michaels scored the first point after a Sweet Chin Music. Angle tied it up with a superplex and Angle Slam and took the lead with another finisher with about 30 seconds left.

Angle won 2-1. It was a great technical match. Angle proved he is the best.

Main Event. Triple H vs. John Cena - WWF Championship
We're back to this again, huh? Triple H suplexed Cena and threw him into the steel post. He then threw him into the announce table. Cena countered H and landed a DDT. Back in the ring, Trips hit a spine buster and got a near fall. Cena hit a sit-out powerbomb and the 5 Knuckle Shuffle. Cena landed the AA, but H kicked out. Cena hit the flipping sunset powerbomb. Trips came back with another spine buster and got another near fall. He hit the Pedigree, but Cena kicked out. After a back suplex, Triple H landed the AA on Cena and retained the title.

Wow! Triple H pinned Cena with his own move. Talk about humiliating.

Recap: Neville and Bulldog look good with the tag titles. Not a single TLC match. Interesting. Triple H using the AA was weird, but he needed it to get the job done. The Industry still looking strong.

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