Tuesday, February 16, 2016

December Week 4, Year 1

Match 1. Lucha Dragons vs. Tyson Kidd and Cesaro
Cesaro gets the pin again.

Match 2. Paige vs. Emma

Match 3. Kevin Owens vs. Fit Finlay
Afer a big boot, Owens sent Finlay to the outside. Finlay held his own and threw Owens into the steel steps. They battled again on the outside. This is the most someone put up a fight against Owens. Finlay hit the Rolling Hills slam and a double underhook suplex. Owens came back with a gut buster and senton splash before hitting the pop-up powerbomb, but got a two count. He later hit another senton splash and package side slam to win.

The Belfast Bruiser put up a huge fight, but Owens pinned another legend.

Match 4. The Dudleyz vs. American Alpha
The rematch from TakeOver. AA almost won two weeks ago. Gable and Bubba started. Bubba clocked him with a right hand. Gable hit a German suplex. He then hit D-Von with a couple of suplexes. The Dudleyz then wore down Jordan. JJ came back with a huge belly-to-belly. Gable connected with a full nelson suplex. Jordan was back and hit a twisting back suplex to win.

Wow. American Alpha was determined to get their first win. I liked it.

Match 5. Asuka vs. Brie Bella

Match 6. Brock Lesnar vs. Dolph Ziggler
Ziggler recovered from a reverse suplex and wore down Brock. Lesnar came back with a back suplex. Ziggler hit his own German suplex. Ziggler kept countering Lesnar, so Brock took him down with a double leg takedown. Ziggler beat down Lesnar on the outside, but he beat the 10 count. Ziggler looked frustrated. He then hit the Heart Stopper elbows. Ziggler placed Brock on the top. Lesnar countered and hit a double ax handle. He then hit an F5 and won.

Just like that The Beast wins. Ziggler almost had the win a couple of times.

Match 1. Mark Henry vs. Booker T
Will Ambrose get involved? Henry landed a huge power slam on the outside. Booker connected with an ax kick and a spine buster, but got a two count. Henry hit a second-rope splash and another slam. He went for the World's Strongest Slam, but Booker countered and hit another spine buster. Henry busted Booker open with a headbutt and hit a super fall away slam. He later won with a big splash.

After the match, Ambrose came out and the two had to be separated.

What a tough opponent for Booker just days before his title defense. Henry may be in line for a title shot.

Match 2. Prime Time Players vs. Gold and Stardust

Match 3. Christian vs. Brian Pillman

Match 4. Tyler Breeze and The Miz vs. Neville and British Bulldog
Neville hit a sit-out powerbomb. Miz caught Bulldog with a back suplex, but Bulldog connected with a clothesline. Breeze took Neville down with two hurricanranas. Miz hit a leg sweep and diving elbow drop. Breeze countered Bulldog's powerbomb and hit the Supermodel Kick. He hit the Beauty Shot and got a near fall. There was a lot of action to keep up with. Neville won with another sit-out powerbomb to Breeze.

Great tag match. Neville and Bulldog continue to roll. They're the hot team right now.

Match 5. Kevin Nash vs. Stone Cold
Austin ran down and speared Nash before the bell rang. Austin hit a DDT and elbow drop. Nash sent him to the outside. Back in the ring, Nash drove Austin's head into the second turnbuckle. Austin DDT'd Nash on the apron. He then hit a powerbomb and Lou Thesz Press and won.

Oh? Austin easily defeated Nash. I'm just in shock it was that quick.

Match 6. Shawn Michaels vs. Kurt Angle

Match 1. The Usos vs. Rikishi and Haku

Match 2. The Dudleyz vs. Gold and Stardust

Match 3. Randy Savage vs. Lex Luger

Recap: American Alpha came out firing. The United Kingdom looked good, too. There is a revival in the tag division on both brands.

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