Wednesday, March 2, 2016

February Week 2, Year 1

Match 1. Billy Gunn vs. Curtis Axel

Match 2. Brie Bella vs. Asuka
Asuka landed the hip attack and rolled Brie up for a long two count. She locked in a couple of arm bars. Brie hit a bulldog. Asuka ducked a clothesline and hit a German suplex and multiple kicks. She then tossed Brie up and connected with a super kick as she was coming down. Brie kicked out of a super belly-to-back suplex. Asuka landed some more kicks and won with a kick to the head.

Asuka proves she can defeat Brie to get back her NXT Women's title.

Match 3. Chad Gable w/ Jason Jordan vs. Kalisto w/ Sin Cara
It was back and forth early. Kalisto caught Gable with a super kick off the ropes. Gable came back with some arm drags and kept Kalisto grounded. Gable DDT'd Kalisto on the apron. Gable then hit the exploder suplex and a superplex to win.

American Alpha continue to roll. This was a good showing for Gable.

Match 4. Kevin Owens vs. X-Pac
Owens beat Bret Hart in the triple threat match last week.

Match 5. Cesaro and Sami Zayn vs. Tyson Kidd and Baron Corbin
Kidd landed a gut buster and back suplex on Cesaro. Kidd hit an STO, but Cesaro came back with a spinning forearm smash. Kidd tagged in Corbin. The heels then wore down Cesaro for a bit. Sami came in and hit Kidd with a hip toss and diving splash. He then hit the Blue Thunder Bomb, but Kidd kicked out. After a super back suplex, Zayn locked in the Koji Clutch. Kidd got a near fall on Cesaro after a diving elbow. Corbin kicked out of the Neutralizer. Zayn hit Corbin with a super brain buster, but didn't go for the pin. Kidd took out Cesaro as Corbin hit the End of Days to win.

Sami, Sami, Sami...Kidd did his part by taking out Cesaro. That will be a great US title match.

Match 6. Finn Balor vs. Edge

Match 1. Christian vs. Tyler Breeze vs. Dallas Page vs. Ric Flair
The mid-card division is very deep on SmackDown. Page sent Flair to the outside. Breeze planted Christian with a DDT. Flair got a near fall on Breeze after a knee smash. Breeze came back with the Supermodel kick. Page went to the outside with Christian this time. Breeze DDT'd Flair on the apron. Page landed a spinning sit-out powerbomb to win.

Fun 4-way match. Dallas Page gets a big win over some top names...and Breeze.

Match 2. Layla vs. Nikki Bella vs. Tamina
Tamina grabbed a chair and DDT'd Nikki onto it. Layla and Nikki teamed up against Tamina for a bit and then fought with each other. Nikki countered a slam and DDT'd Tamina. Layla locked in a leg scissors on Tamina over the ropes. Nikki hit the Bella Buster and Rack Attack. Tamina hit Layla with a huge diving leg drop. Nikki took out Laya. Tamina caught Nikki with a super kick to win.

Great triple threat match. Tamina pinned the champ, so she is in line for a title shot.

Match 3. Neville vs. Kofi Kingston

Match 4. The Usos vs. The Nation

Match 5. Kane vs. Kevin Nash
Two monsters going face to face.

Match 6. Seth Rollins vs. Ryback and Mark Henry
Now, this just isn't fair. What did Rollins do to deserve this? Ryback dominated Rollins early and then tagged in Henry. Rollins recovered and pummeled Henry in the corner. Henry and Ryback landed a double back elbow. Rollins hit a package fisherman suplex. Ryback came back with four powerbombs. He hit the eat hook clothesline, but Rollins blocked Shell Shock. He hit the roll through super kick and Pedigree to win.

What?! Rollins did the impossible; and he used Triple H's own move to win.What will happen next week?

Match 1. Santino Marella vs. X-Pac

Match 2. Tyler Breeze vs. Fandango vs. Brian Pillman

Match 3. Wade Barrett vs. Bam Bam Bigelow

Recap: I'm not sure who will face Brock Lesnar. We now Cesaro and Kidd will face off for the US title. TakeOver: Respect is about everything but that. Rollins may regret winning that match.

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