Sunday, February 28, 2016

February Week 1, Year 1

Now the Road to WrestleMania officially begins. NXT TakeOver: Respect is in two weeks.

Match 1. Tyson Kidd vs. Wade Barrett
This is Kidd's first match away from Cesaro. Kidd hit a neck breaker and overhead belly-to-belly. Barrett had Kidd in the ropes and hit his own neck breaker. Both men are focusing on the neck. Barrett landed a superplex and the Winds of Change. Kidd kicked Barrett's head into the steel post. He then hit a super back suplex. Kidd hit Code Blue, but got a two count. Barrett won with a second Winds of Change.

Kidd looked focused early, but maybe Cesaro got on his mind and distracted him.

Match 2. Paige vs. Emma

Match 3. Asuka vs. Brie Bella

Match 4. Dolph Ziggler vs. Jack Swagger

Match 5. Cesaro vs. Bret Hart vs. Kevin Owens
Owens hit Bret with a German suplex right away. All three men went after each other, no alliances. Owens sent Cesaro to the outside and into the steel post. Cesaro and Owens then focused on Bret, but it didn't last long. Owens hit Bret with the pop-up powerbomb, but got a two count. Cesaro went for the Nuetralizer, but Bret broke it up. Owens hit a second powerbomb, but Cesaro broke it up. Bret hit Cesaro with a chair multiple times and locked in the Sharpshooter. Bret took out Cesaro and Owens hit Bret with the package side slam to win.

Great triple threat. Owens is making moves for the NXT title as well.

Match 6. Daniel Bryan vs. Randy Orton
This stems from Bryan eliminating Orton. Bryan hit his kicks to the chest and one final one to the head. Orton pummeled Bryan hit the corner. He landed a DDT from the corner. Bryan connected with a suicide dive. Orton threw Bryan shoulder first into the post and hit a sit-out powerbomb. Bryan hit another suplex. He went to the top, but Orton got up and caught him with an RKO. Orton beat down Bryan on the outside and then stomped all over him before getting the win.

Orton got his revenge on the man who eliminated him. Is the NXT title next?

Match 1. Layla vs. Tamina

Match 2. Ryback and Mark Henry vs. Gold and Stardust

Match 3. Chris Jericho vs. Booker T - WWF Intercontinental Championship
Booker locked in a single-leg crab. He then hit a gut buster. Jericho tried making a comeback with a jaw breaker, but Booker cut it short. Jericho hit a clothesline and bulldog. He then locked in the Walls of Jericho, but Booker escaped. Jericho hit the Codebreaker, but Booker kicked out. Booker had Jericho in the tree of woe and then took apart the announce table. Jericho hit a second finisher to retain.

Good title match. Definitely not the last of Booker in the IC title picture.

Match 4. United Kingdom vs. The New Day

Match 5. Undertaker vs. The Miz
This is Taker's first match in a long time. Taker took Miz down with a shoulder block and kept him grounded. Miz got some offense with punches and running neck breaker. Taker landed a super back suplex. Taker hit the chokeslam, but Miz kicked out. Miz hit a bulldog and went to the top. He jumped, but Taker got up and caught him with the Tombstone to win.

I'm surprised Miz got as much offense as he did. It's that time of year. Who will Taker face at 'Mania?

Match 6. Sheamus vs. Batista
Sheamus countered a slam and landed a float-over DDT. Sheamus picked Batista up for White Noise. Batista kicked out and locked in a chin lock. He then hit a reverse powerslam and military press slam. Sheamus tossed Batista up and caught him with the Brogue Kick on the way down. Batista caught him with the spine buster and had the longest two count ever. Batista kicked out of a second Brogue Kick. Sheamus busted Batista open and later won with the Celtic Cross.

Another great main event. Sheamus is doing what he can to get back in the IC title hunt.

Seth Rollins came out to make his decision. He talked about the success of both champions, Triple H and Brock Lesnar. He said he already conquered NXT and won the title. So, he will be challenging for the WWF World title.

Triple H's music hit. He asked Rollins if he was sure. Triple H shrugged and said he can't blame Rollins for going after the best. He put out his hand and the two shook. Rollins turned to leave and Triple H attacked him from behind. He hit the Pedigree and stood over Rollins.

What?! Triple H attacked his, well I guess former, Industry stablemate. Rollins vs. Triple H at WrestleMania!

Match 1. Santino Marella vs. Brian Pillman

Match 2. Fandango vs. Jack Swagger

Match 3. Wade Barrett vs. Bam Bam Bigelow vs. Ken Shamrock

Recap: I don't blame Rollins, but I wasn't expecting that from Triple H. Orton and Owens picked up some big wins this week.

Saturday, February 27, 2016


The Chris Jericho/Booker T match will take place on SmackDown.

Match 1. The United Kingdom vs. New Day - WWF Tag Team Championship
Big E took Bulldog down with a big suplex slam. Neville hit Kofi with a German suplex and missile dropkick. He continued with a brain buster. Big E landed a sit-out spine buster. New Day hit a diving elbow/Big Ending combo, but got a near fall. Kofi landed a supercanrana and diving elbow. He then buste him open with a tornado DDT. Bulldog hit Kofi with a slam and superplex. Bulldog shook off Big E's attack hit a running power slam to win.

This was a great tag match. The New Day did everything they could. I like the United Kingdom pairing.

Match 2. Enzo and Big Cass vs. Tyson Kidd and Cesaro - NXT Tag Team Championship
Can Cesaro hold two titles? He and Enzo started the match. Enzo got some separation and tagged in Cass. The champs then worked over Cesaro's head as Kidd was pacing on the apron. Cesaro was getting his butt whooped. Kidd pulled out a chair and...hit Cesaro! He left and Cass and Enzo hit the rocket launcher to retain.

What?! What is Tyson Kidd doing? Why ruin this opportunity?

Match 3. Asuka vs. Brie Bella - NXT Women's Championship
Asuka landed a bulldog and quickly locked in a submission. Brie ducked a slap and landed a belly-to-back slam. She got a near fall after a neck breaker. Brie continued with a super back suplex. Asuka got right up and hit a German suplex. Brie hit a face buster from the second rope. She then hit the Bella Buster and won the title.

Wow! Brie finally defeated Asuka when it counted and won the Women's title.

Match 4. Dean Ambrose vs. Mark Henry
Dean went for a crossbody, but couldn't knock Henry down. He dropkicked his knee and kneed him in the gut. Henry caught Dean and landed a powerbomb. Dean got a near fall after a DDT. He then hit a neck breaker and Dirty Deeds, but Henry kicked out again. Henry planted Dean with a World's Strongest Slam, but Ambrose kicked out. Dean busted Henry open with a DDT and won with a second Dirty Deeds.

Match 5. Triple H vs. Steve Austin - WWF Championship
Austin came out strong early. H cut him off with a high knee and suplex. Austin countered a slam and hit a German suplex. That's a first. He then hit a powerbomb and diving elbow on his way to a near fall. H came back with a hip toss and DDT. He locked in a reverse chin lock. Austin hit the Lou Thesz Press and sent H to the outside. Triple H took apart the announce table and Pedigree'd Austin through it. He broke up the count for some reason...Austin rolled back in the ring, received a high knee and still kicked out. Austin hit the Stunner, but H kicked out. Triple H hit a second Pedigree and won.

Oh my God! What a match! How did Austin get up from the table spot? The Game is on top.

Match 6. Brock Lesnar vs. Finn Balor - NXT Championship
Lesnar quickly hit a butterfly suplex. Balor came back with a double gut buster. This was hot from the get go. Lesnar sent Balor to the outside, but not for long. Balor hit a German suplex. Uh oh. Balor hit the shotgun dropkick. Lesnar came back with 3 German suplexes. Balor connected with the Coup de Grace, but Lesnar kicked out. Lesnar stopped Balor's comeback and hit an F5. He then hit a super belly-to-back. Balor got a couple of near falls. Lesnar then caught him with a T-bone suplex and won.

Balor looked good throughout, but he was overpowered by The Beast. Who can take him down?

Main Event. 30-man Royal Rumble
Here we go. No. 1: Dallas Page and No. 2: Rob Van Dam! What?! The Whole F'n Show is here! Page landed a suplex. Van Dam landed a front slam. No. 3: Damien Sandow. He dropkicked Page from behind. RVDDP worked over Sandow. No. 4: D'Lo Brown. Sandow went for the quick elimination. No. 5: The Rock. Not a good spot for Rocky. He went after D'Lo. No. 6: Daniel Bryan. Bryan hit Sandow with a running knee to the gut. RVD hit Rolling Thunder on Page and eliminated him. No. 7: Rey Mysterio. Another surprise! He landed a hurricanrana on Sanow. RVD eliminated D'Lo. Rey eliminated Sandow. Bryan and RVD eliminated The Rock. Bryan hit Rey with his kicks. No. 8: Randy Orton. Rey eliminated RVD. No. 9: The Miz. Ugh. Bryan kneed Orton off the apron! Wow! No. 10: Kane. Rey dropkicked Bryan over the top. The eliminations have all came from three Superstars so far.

No. 11: Faarooq. He quickly went after Rey. No. 12: John Cena. The (former) champ is here! Rey had Faarooq in a head scissors and eliminated him for his fourth elimination. Cena attacked him from behind and kicked him out of the match. Great showing from Rey. No. 13: Jeff Hardy. Oh my God! He went after Cena. No. 14: Kama Mustafa. Jeff hit Miz with a top-rope leg drop. No. 15: Hideo Itami. We are now halfway done. Cena eliminated Kane. Jeff eliminated Miz. Cena hit Kama with a spin slam and the 5 Knuckle Shuffle. No. 16: Fandango. The first one to earn a spot. He hit Cena with a back suplex. No. 17: Edge. He focused on Fandango as he hit a back suplex. Kama eliminated Hideo. No. 18: Undertaker. Good luck everyone. Taker eliminated Cena. Edge eliminated Kama. Fandango decided to go after Taker. No. 19: Sheamus. Edge knocked Jeff off the apron. No. 20: Seth Rollins. Rollins waited for an open spot.

No. 21: Shawn Michaels. Rollins eliminated Fandango. He then eliminated Edge. After a full nelson suplex to HBK, Rollins threw Taker out of the ring. He is clearing house. No. 22: William Regal. HBK hit Sheamus with a moonsault. No. 23: JBL. He helped Rollins almost eliminate Regal. No. 24: Scott Hall. Say hello to the Bad Guy. HBK and Rollins eliminated Sheamus. Rollins and Regal eliminated JBL. Rollins and Hall eliminated HBK. Rollins is taking advantage of the 2-on-1 situations. No. 25: Sami Zayn. Rollins landed a heel kick and eliminated Regal. No. 26: Ryback. Hall landed a belly-to-back on Rollins. No. 27: Roman Reigns. Hall and Ryback double teamed Rollins. No. 28: Bray Wyatt. Rollins came back and eliminated Hall. Ryback quickly eliminated Bray. Wow! Rollins kicked Ryback in the head and eliminated him. Reigns and Rollins team up to eliminated Sami. No. 29: Billy Gunn. Reigns attacked Rollins, but Gunn went after Reigns. Rollins and Reigns teamed up again and eliminated Gunn. No. 30: Wade Barrett.

Rollins sent Barrett to the apron and eliminated him and soon as he got into the ring. Rollins and Reigns are the final two. Rollins landed a DDT and dropkick. He then sent Reigns to the apron and knocked him off to win. Rollins is going to WrestleMania!

Recap: What title does Rollins go after? Will he switch to NXT and help The Industry conquer the whole Universe? Those were some nice surprise entrants, too. What a card. The two title matches were great.

Friday, February 26, 2016

January Week 4, Year 1

This is the go-home week for the Royal Rumble. Let's get hyped!

Match 1. The Dudleyz vs. Tyson Kidd and Cesaro
Kidd hit Bubba with a huge back suplex. He later hit an STO into the corner. Cesaro hit D-Von with a German suplex. He later hit Bubba with one. Bubba got a near fall with a leg drop. The Dudleyz hit Cesaro with the Wassup. Cesaro came back with the Very European uppercut to D-Von. He then hit the Neutralizer, but got a two count. D-Von hit Saving Grace, but Kidd broke it up. Cesaro landed a super belly-to-back suplex and a second uppercut to win.

Kidd and Cesaro will get a tag title shot at the Rumble. Can Cesaro be a dual champion?

Match 2. Asuka vs. Brie Bella
After a few lock ups, Brie took down Asuka. Asuka landed a clothesline and a German suplex. She got a near fall after a reverse DDT. She connected with multiple kicks. Asuka threw Brie up in the air and connected with a superkick on the way down. She landed a super belly-to-back. She landed more kicks and won.

Brie went to attack Asuka from behind, but Asuka caught her and threw her out of the ring.

This was Asuka dominating her challenger. It was very one-sided.

Match 3. Paige vs. Summer Rae

Match 4. Rumble Qualify - Damien Sandow vs. Ken Shamrock

Match 5. Bret Hart vs. Rusev

Match 6. Battle Royal - Orton vs. Rock vs. Sting vs. Edge vs. Corbin vs. Wade Barrett
A little preview of the Royal Rumble. Orton had Rock on the apron early, but Rocky came back. Corbin blocked an elimination attempt from Sting. Barrett hit Edge with a slam and back breaker. Rock landed a Samoan drop on Orton. Edge punched Barrett off the apron for the first elimination. Sting hit Corbin with a Tombstone. Sting clotheslined Rock off the apron and eliminated him. Orton eliminated Corbin. Edge eliminated Sting. Rated-RKO final two. They went back and forth with elimination attempts. Orton shoved Edge off the apron to win.

This could happen on Sunday at the Royal Rumble.

Match 1. Ultimate Warrior vs. The Miz

Match 2. John Cena vs. Kurt Angle
Angle had a reverse waist lock and hit an overhead belly-to-belly. Cena came back with a back suplex. They then went back and forth for a bit. Cena took Angle down with a snapmare and then hit the 5 Knuckle Shuffle. Angle came off the ropes and landed another suplex. Angle planted Cena with a DDT. He dove off the top, but Cena got up, caught him and hit the AA. He won after a second 5 Knuckle Shuff and an AA.

Angle kept Cena grounded, but took a big risk which led to his demise.

Match 3. Nikki Bella vs. Tamina

Match 4. Neville vs. Kofi Kingston
This should be fun. Kofi suplexed Neville from the apron to the ring. Neville hit a back suplex. Kofi took some kicks and landed a standing hurricanrana. He followed it up with a heel kick. He hit a second hurricanrana. Neville hit a cutter and standing moonsault. Neville landed forearms to the back and a dropkick before rolling Kofi up to win.

Neville put his hand out, but Kofi slapped it away and left.

This was a fun, quick match. Can't wait for the title match.

Match 5. Dean Ambrose vs. Mark Henry

Match 6. Kane vs. Roman Reigns
Kane stomped on Reigns and then hit him with a big boot. After an uppercut, he landed a big powerbomb. Reigns landed a corner splash and clothesline, but Kane cut him off. Reigns grabbed Kane between the legs and hit three consecutive slams. He hit the Superman punch, but Kane kicked out. He then tossed Kane up and hit a spear, but Kane kicked out again. He later hit a belly-to-belly and a second Superman punch, but got a near fall. Reigns hit a second spear and won.

Reigns looked strong and is a favorite entering the Rumble.

Match 1. The Usos vs. The Nation

Match 2. Curtis Axel vs. Wade Barrett vs. Dallas Page

Match 3. The Dudleyz vs. Lucha Dragons.

Recap: Yes, I know Kevin Owens didn't have his weekly match. Rumble build took over. It'll resume next week. Here we go, 30 men and just one winner.

Wednesday, February 24, 2016

January Week 3, Year 1

Match 1. Tyson Kidd and Cesaro vs. Enzo and Cass

Match 2. Brie Bella vs. Natalya
Asuka appeared on stage and she and Brie had to be separated.

Match 3. Paige vs. Emma
Emma tossed Paige over the ropes and elbowed her. She shook off a fisherman suplex and slapped Paige across the face. Emma had Paige in the tree of woe and then hit a reverse DDT. Paige hit a fall away slam and then seductively crawling on top of Emma before hitting three headbutts. Emma kicked out of the Paige Turner and the Ram-Paige. She later hit a second Paige Turner to win.

Emma got some offense in early, but this was Paige's time to shine.

Match 4. Kevin Owens vs. Mr. Perfect
Can Curt Hennig ruin Owens' perfect record? Hennig caught Owens with a power slam off the ropes. Owens landed a German suplex. Hennig it a snap suplex and snapmare/elbow drop combos. Hennig kept the pressure on Owens. Owens hit the package side slam. After another snap suplex, Hennig hit the Perfect-Plex, but Owens kicked out. Owens hit a pump handle neck breaker and a belly-to-back suplex. After a German suplex, Owens won with the pop-up powerbomb.

Mr. Perfect looked good, but Owens continues to roll. The matchups are getting tougher, though.

Match 5. Cactus Jack vs. Edge

Match 6. Rumble Qualify - Daniel Bryan vs. Bray Wyatt vs. Finn Balor vs. Sami Zayn
This match has similar rules to the 4-way from SmackDown; just replace it with the NXT title. Bray pulled out a sledgehammer, but Zayn took it away, Bryan hit Balor with a butterfly and a half-and-half suplexes. He then landed his kicks.Balor came back with the shotgun dropkick. Zayn hit Bray with the Blue Thunder Bomb. Balor connected with Coup de Grace. He followed it up with a diving elbow and Slingblade. He hit Bray with a reverse and regular Bloody Sunday. He hit a double foot stomp in the corner. Zayn ht Bray with an exploder suplex and top-rope splash. Balor busted Bryan open with a Codebreaker and won with the Coup de Grace.

Balor easily chooses the NXT title match. The Demon vs. The Beast II.

Match 1. Rikishi and Haku vs. Gold and Stardust
Stardust easily lifted Rikishi up for an Alabama Slam. He then sent Haku to the outside. Stardust caught Rikishi with a power slam. Rikishi landed a Samoan drop on the outside. Stardust hit a super reverse DDT. Goldust hit the Curtain Call, but Haku broke it up. Stardust hit Haku with Dark Matter, but got a two count. Goldust landed a Curtain Call to win.

Good opening tag match. Gold and Starust want another title shot.

Match 2. Rumble Qualify - Dallas Page vs. The Miz

Match 3. Ultimate Warrior vs. Vader

Match 4. British Bulldog vs. Big E

Match 5. Tyler Breeze vs. Mark Henry
Hmm. Industry members pitted against each other. Ambrose definitely has to be involved somehow. And that's what happened. Ambrose attacked Henry from behind and had to be pulled off by security. Ambrose threw Henry into the ring and Breeze busted Henry with stomps to the head. Breeze continued to take advantage of the attack. Henry hit a super fall away slam. Breeze hit the Supermodel kick and won with the Beauty Shot.

I wonder how this is going to go with The Industry. Ambrose made a big statement.

Match 6. Stone Cold and Roman Reigns vs. Triple H and Seth Rollins
Rollins hit Austin with a full nelson suplex. Trips then hit a tilt-a-whirl back breaker. Reigns came in and Trips was ready for him. He hit a back suplex and gut buster. Austin caught Rollins with strikes and a neck breaker. They then hit a double DDT. H wore down his neck and head. He got a near fall after a spine buster. He hit the Pedigree, but Reigns broke up the pin at the last second. Reigns hit the spear, but H kicked out. Trips came back with a Pedigree. He then hit a sit-out powerbomb from the corner and won.

This is another nail in the coffin for those rebelling against The Industry.

Match 1. Santino Marella vs. Tyler Breeze

Match 2. Fandango vs. Xavier Woods

Match 3. Wade Barrett vs. Bam Bam Bigelow

Recap: Another great week heading into the Royal Rumble. There are 11 confirmed for the Rumble match.

Tuesday, February 23, 2016

January Week 2, Year 1

Match 1. Lucha Dragons vs. American Alpha
The Lucha Dragons hit their powerbomb/diving elbow smash combo on Jordan. Kalisto connected with a rolling heel kick, but Jordan kicked out. They hit Gable with the same move. Jordan came back with a huge spinning back suplex. Sin Cara hit a super sunset flip, but Gable kicked out. Gable came back with a belly-to-belly and German suplex to get the win.

American Alpha continues to impress.

Match 2. Elimination - Enzo and Cass vs. Tyson Kidd and Cesaro

Match 3. Brie Bella vs. Asuka
Brie continued to the attack after the match.

Match 4. Rumble Qualify - Baron Corbin vs. Hideo Itami
The winner is guaranteed a Rumble spot. Corbin sent him to the outside. Hideo threw him into the announce table and went back into the ring. Corbin tossed Itami around a bit. Itami landed a corner dropkick and back suplex. He then hit a double knee splash in the corner and the GTS, but Corbin kicked out. Itami landed two clotheslines and multiple strikes and kicks. He won with a spin kick to the head.

Itami is the second superstar from NXT to enter the Rumble. Great effort by Corbin.

Match 5. Kevin Owens vs. Big Boss Man
Whoa! I thought Finlay was a tough opponent. Is this a one-time deal for Boss Man? Boss Man knocked Owens off the apron and into the steps. Owens slapped him across the face and suplexed him. He continued with mounted punches and a sidewalk slam. Owens missed the cannonball splash, but went back on offense. He hit the senton splash and the package side slam to win.

It was good to see Boss Man, but Owens is on a roll. Who's next?

Match 6. Brock Lesnar vs. Wade Barrett
Huge win for Barrett against the NXT champ.

Match 1. Rumble Qualify - Kane vs. Ryback vs. Booker T vs. Sheamus
This match has some interesting rules. The winning superstar gets to choose between an IC title match or a Rumble spot. If he chooses the Rumble, the losing star is out. If he chooses the title match, the other 3 are in the Rumble.

Booker and Sheamus went to the outside as Ryback and Kane fought in the ring. Kane landed a super reverse suplex and got a near fall. Sheamus hit a German suplex. Ryback connected with the meat hook clothesline. Back in the ring, Ryback hit Sheamus with Shell Shock and got another near fall. Booker hit Kane with a super back suplex. Sheamus hit Ryback with the Irish Curse. Sheamus caught Ryback off the top with a Brogue Kick. Booker hit Ryback with his spine buster and won.

Booker chooses...the IC title shot. The other three will be in the Rumble match.

Match 2. United Kingdom vs. The New Day
Despite the loss, New Day impressed enough to earn a title match.

Match 3. Chris Jericho vs. Seth Rollins
Good match for Rollins.

Match 4. Ultimate Warrior vs. Christian

Match 5. Dean Ambrose vs. Mark Henry
Mark Henry attacked Ambrose from behind on the stage. He then threw him down the ramp to ringside. Henry threw him into the steel post about 10 times. He rolled him into the ring and hit a big splash to win.

After the match, he grabbed a chair and hit Dean multiple times.

This was a brutal attack organized by The Industry.

Match 6. Big Show vs. Roman Reigns
Uh...Big Show connected with a side kick and a huge face smash. Show went to the second rope and landed a falling elbow drop. Reigns broke out of a camel clutch and began building momentum. Show landed a headbutt and locked in a bear hug. Reigns connected with three right hands and a tornado DDT. He then busted Show open with his running dropkick from the outside. Show came back with the WMD and won.

Reigns mounted a comeback, but Show ended it with one punch.

Match 1. X-Pac vs. Fandango

Match 2. The Usos vs. Gold and Stardust

Match 3. Wade Barrett vs. Fit Finlay

Recap: The Royal Rumble is taking shape. The NXT tag division is looking even better now.

Monday, February 22, 2016

January Week 1, Year 1

The Road to WrestleMania begins. We have Royal Rumble qualifiers starting this week.

Match 1. Cesaro and Tyson Kidd vs. Enzo Amore and Colin Cassady

Match 2. Natalya vs. Brie Bella vs. Asuka
Brie and Asuka hit Nattie with combination kicks. Nattie hit Asuka with a German suplex. Asuka came back with a super belly-to-back. Asuka and Nattie worked over Brie for a little, but it didn't last long. Nattie hit Brie with a back suplex and locked in the Sharpshooter. Asuka connected with the spin kick to Nattie. Asuka took out Nattie. Brie hit Asuka with a missile dropkick to the back and won.

Great triple threat match. Asuka and Nattie are two of the best, but Brie pulls out another win.

Match 3. Rumble Qualify - Dolph Ziggler vs. Fandango
Fandango is the first man in the Rumble!

Match 4. Kevin Owens vs. Jake Roberts

Match 5. Cactus Jack vs. Edge
Edge landed a flapjack and two snap DDTs. Cactus came back with mounted punches and a sidewalk slam. Edge hit a top-rope neck breaker and the Edge-cution. He continued with the spear, but Cactus kicked out. Cactus sent Edge into the corner and hit his running knee. He then hit a spike piledriver, but Edge kicked out. Edge popped up and hit a second Edge-cution and won.

Quicker match than I thought, but Edge did what needed to be done.

Match 6. Daniel Bryan vs. Rusev
Rusev was aggressive early, keeping Bryan grounded. Bryan escaped and created separation, but Rusev hit a Samoan drop and falling headbutt. Bryan took Rusev down with a neck breaker and attacked his back with forearm smashes. Rusev came back with a huge clothesline out of the corner. Bryan landed his Yes! kicks and locked in the Yes! Lock, but Rusev got to the ropes. Rusev hit a spine buster and fall away slam. Rusev later hit another spine buster and won.

The current MITB holder pinned a top star. Is he prepping for a cash in?

Match 1. Kane vs. Vader vs. Bam Bam Bigelow
These are some giants in the ring.

Match 2. Nikki Bella vs. Naomi

Match 3. Dean Ambrose vs. Ultimate Warrior
Mark Henry distracted Ambrose and attacked him after the match.

Match 4. Rumble Qualify - The United Kingdom vs. The Nation
The winning team will be entered into the Royal Rumble. Kama beat down Neville with a big boot and stomps. Neville landed a suplex and tagged in Bulldog. Kama got a near fall after a gut buster to Neville. D'Lo landed a supercanrana and a sit-out spine buster. He then hit the Low Down, but Bulldog broke up the pin. After a few minutes, he hit the Low Down on Bulldog and won.

Wow. The tag champs looked lost in this match. The New Day appeared at the top of the stage after the match...

Match 5. Stone Cold vs. Ryback and The Miz
This is the next challenge for Austin to get back in the title hunt. Austin took a beating for the first few minutes. Austin came back with some right hands. Austin and Miz fought on the outside. Austin landed the bionic elbow on Ryback. He hit the Stunner, but Ryback kicked out. He hit the meat hook clothesline and tagged in Miz. Miz left the ring, pulled out a chair and hit Austin.

I guess Ryback and Miz were not in this to win, but to maim Stone Cold.

Match 6. Roman Reigns vs. Batista
Batista overpowered Roman early. Reigns sent Batista to the outside and into the steel steps. Back in the ring, Batista landed a super back suplex. Roman came back with a superplex of his own. After a near fall, he hit a Samoan drop and the Superman punch, but Batista kicked out again. Reigns took apart the announce table, but Batista attacked him from behind. Reigns ran into the ring and speared Batista, but got another near fall. Batista kicked out of another spear. Batista hit a third spine buster and won.

This was a war. Batista had a huge gash across his forehead. Both men are making a case for the World title.

Match 1. Fandango vs. Xavier Woods

Match 2. Randy Savage vs. Shane McMahon vs. Brian Pillman

Match 3. Dolph Ziggler vs. Wade Barrett

Recap: Kevin Owens is running out of legends to defeat. Fandango, D'Lo Brown and Kama Mustafa are the first three members in the Rumble. Stone Cold wins on a technicality, but The Industry walked away.

Wednesday, February 17, 2016

WWE TLC, Year 1

The last pay-per-view of the calendar year. Then, the Road to WrestleMania.

Match 1. Nikki Bella vs. Naomi - WWF Divas' Championship
Naomi took the match to the outside and landed a hurricanrana. Nikki threw her into the steel post. Back in the ring, Naomi hit another hurricanrana and a leg drop for a near fall. Nikki hit an Alabama Slam. Naomi kicked out of the Rack Attack and the Bella Buster much later. Nikki hit a second Rack Attack, but Naomi kicked out again! After receiving everything Naomi had, Nikki won with a third Rack Attack.

Oh my God. Nikki has the heart of a true champion. She took everything Naomi had to offer.

Match 2. Prime Time Players vs. The United Kingdom - WWF Tag Team Championship
Neville landed a heel kick and connected with a moonsault on Titus early. Bulldog came in and sent him to the outside. Bulldog then hit Darren with a brain buster and Neville followed it up with another moonsault. Bulldog landed the running powerslam on Titus and got a near fall. He then locked him in a camel clutch for a long time. Neville then hit one more moonsault and got the win.

New tag team champions! The United Kingdom worked like a well-oiled machine.

Match 3. Mark Henry vs. Dean Ambrose
The Industry is running SmackDown. Can they be stopped? Ambrose came out firing, but Henry cut it short and kept Ambrose grounded. Henry busted him open with a right-hand punch. Ambrose came back and connected with a diving fist drop. Henry landed a front slam and a bunch of headbutts. He later gripped the collar bone and forced Ambrose to tap.

After the match, Henry thought about leaving, but he continued to attack Ambrose.

Triple H should be happy that Henry took out Ambrose.

Match 4. Booker T vs. Ryback vs. Chris Jericho - WWF Intercontinental Championship
This has been built up for the past month or so. Ryback pulled out a sledgehammer and hit Jericho. He later hit the backpack stunner and sent Booker to the outside wth a knee to the head. Ryback hit Booker with Shell Shock, but Jericho broke up the pin. He connected with three powerbombs. Jericho hit Ryback with a Codebreaker, but got a two count. Ryback took out Booker. Jericho hit Ryback with a powerbomb and bridge to win back the title.

A great triple threat match. Jericho won back the IC title fair and square.

Match 5. Stone Cold vs. Kevin Nash
Another rebel vs. The Industry match. Nash landed a back body drop and a chokeslam. He then went to the second rope and hit a diving elbow. He got a near fall after a power slam. Austin came back with a Lou Thesz Press and sent Nash to the outside. He kicked Nash's head into the steel post. Austin busted him open with more mounted punches. Nash left and pulled out a bat. Austin hit a Stunner in the ring and won.

After the match, Nash went to attack Austin, but Stone Cold countered it and sent him packing.

Triple H won't be too happy with this. Let's see what happens next week.

Match 6. Iron Man - Shawn Michaels vs. Kurt Angle
The two went back and forth in the early moments. Angle took HBK down and locked in the Angle Lock. Michaels connected with the Sweet Chin Music. He continued with a super back suplex and elbow drop. Angle landed three German suplexes and an Angle Slam, but Michaels kicked out. He hit three more suplexes. Michaels busted Angle open with a super kick. Michaels kicked out of another Angle Slam. Michaels scored the first point after a Sweet Chin Music. Angle tied it up with a superplex and Angle Slam and took the lead with another finisher with about 30 seconds left.

Angle won 2-1. It was a great technical match. Angle proved he is the best.

Main Event. Triple H vs. John Cena - WWF Championship
We're back to this again, huh? Triple H suplexed Cena and threw him into the steel post. He then threw him into the announce table. Cena countered H and landed a DDT. Back in the ring, Trips hit a spine buster and got a near fall. Cena hit a sit-out powerbomb and the 5 Knuckle Shuffle. Cena landed the AA, but H kicked out. Cena hit the flipping sunset powerbomb. Trips came back with another spine buster and got another near fall. He hit the Pedigree, but Cena kicked out. After a back suplex, Triple H landed the AA on Cena and retained the title.

Wow! Triple H pinned Cena with his own move. Talk about humiliating.

Recap: Neville and Bulldog look good with the tag titles. Not a single TLC match. Interesting. Triple H using the AA was weird, but he needed it to get the job done. The Industry still looking strong.

Tuesday, February 16, 2016

December Week 4, Year 1

Match 1. Lucha Dragons vs. Tyson Kidd and Cesaro
Cesaro gets the pin again.

Match 2. Paige vs. Emma

Match 3. Kevin Owens vs. Fit Finlay
Afer a big boot, Owens sent Finlay to the outside. Finlay held his own and threw Owens into the steel steps. They battled again on the outside. This is the most someone put up a fight against Owens. Finlay hit the Rolling Hills slam and a double underhook suplex. Owens came back with a gut buster and senton splash before hitting the pop-up powerbomb, but got a two count. He later hit another senton splash and package side slam to win.

The Belfast Bruiser put up a huge fight, but Owens pinned another legend.

Match 4. The Dudleyz vs. American Alpha
The rematch from TakeOver. AA almost won two weeks ago. Gable and Bubba started. Bubba clocked him with a right hand. Gable hit a German suplex. He then hit D-Von with a couple of suplexes. The Dudleyz then wore down Jordan. JJ came back with a huge belly-to-belly. Gable connected with a full nelson suplex. Jordan was back and hit a twisting back suplex to win.

Wow. American Alpha was determined to get their first win. I liked it.

Match 5. Asuka vs. Brie Bella

Match 6. Brock Lesnar vs. Dolph Ziggler
Ziggler recovered from a reverse suplex and wore down Brock. Lesnar came back with a back suplex. Ziggler hit his own German suplex. Ziggler kept countering Lesnar, so Brock took him down with a double leg takedown. Ziggler beat down Lesnar on the outside, but he beat the 10 count. Ziggler looked frustrated. He then hit the Heart Stopper elbows. Ziggler placed Brock on the top. Lesnar countered and hit a double ax handle. He then hit an F5 and won.

Just like that The Beast wins. Ziggler almost had the win a couple of times.

Match 1. Mark Henry vs. Booker T
Will Ambrose get involved? Henry landed a huge power slam on the outside. Booker connected with an ax kick and a spine buster, but got a two count. Henry hit a second-rope splash and another slam. He went for the World's Strongest Slam, but Booker countered and hit another spine buster. Henry busted Booker open with a headbutt and hit a super fall away slam. He later won with a big splash.

After the match, Ambrose came out and the two had to be separated.

What a tough opponent for Booker just days before his title defense. Henry may be in line for a title shot.

Match 2. Prime Time Players vs. Gold and Stardust

Match 3. Christian vs. Brian Pillman

Match 4. Tyler Breeze and The Miz vs. Neville and British Bulldog
Neville hit a sit-out powerbomb. Miz caught Bulldog with a back suplex, but Bulldog connected with a clothesline. Breeze took Neville down with two hurricanranas. Miz hit a leg sweep and diving elbow drop. Breeze countered Bulldog's powerbomb and hit the Supermodel Kick. He hit the Beauty Shot and got a near fall. There was a lot of action to keep up with. Neville won with another sit-out powerbomb to Breeze.

Great tag match. Neville and Bulldog continue to roll. They're the hot team right now.

Match 5. Kevin Nash vs. Stone Cold
Austin ran down and speared Nash before the bell rang. Austin hit a DDT and elbow drop. Nash sent him to the outside. Back in the ring, Nash drove Austin's head into the second turnbuckle. Austin DDT'd Nash on the apron. He then hit a powerbomb and Lou Thesz Press and won.

Oh? Austin easily defeated Nash. I'm just in shock it was that quick.

Match 6. Shawn Michaels vs. Kurt Angle

Match 1. The Usos vs. Rikishi and Haku

Match 2. The Dudleyz vs. Gold and Stardust

Match 3. Randy Savage vs. Lex Luger

Recap: American Alpha came out firing. The United Kingdom looked good, too. There is a revival in the tag division on both brands.

Sunday, February 14, 2016

December Week 3, Year 1

Match 1. Lucha Dragons vs. The Dudleyz
After the match, Bubba issued a rematch to American Alpha.

Match 2. Damien Sandow vs. Wade Barrett

Match 3. Asuka vs. Brie Bella
Brie stomped on Asuka and snap DDT. Asuka took Brie down with an arm lock, but Brie came back with a jaw breaker. Asuka connected with her kicks to the chest. She then left the ring and took apart the announce table. She then put her through it with a back suplex. Wow. Is that the first table break? Brie came back with the Bella Buster and won.

Brie survived going through a table. That's now two wins over the champ.

Match 4. Kidd and Cesaro vs. The Wyatt Family
Kidd immediately tagged in Cesaro at the opening bell. Interesting. Cesaro landed a few suplexes and a diving elbow on Harper. Kidd and Harper went toe-to-toe before Kidd tagged in Cesaro. Harper got the upper hand on Cesaro with a gator roll. Cesaro hit three gut wrench slams on Rowan. Kidd and Cesaro hit Harper with a snapmare and running boot. Cesaro then hit the Neutralizer to win.

I wonder how Kidd feels about Cesaro picking up the fall.

Match 5. Kevin Owens vs. Lex Luger
Is there anyone left for Owens to dominate?

Match 6. Rock vs. Edge
Edge hit an electric chair drop and leg drop. Rock broke out of a submission and stomped on Edge. He then hit a suplex and clothesline. Rock hit a release German suplex. Edge came back with the Edge-O-Matic and got a near fall. After a DDT, Rock locked in the Sharpshooter. The two went back-and-forth for a bit. Edge hit an overhead belly-to-belly and connected with the spear, but Rock kicked out. He then hit a top-rope DDT and reverse neck breaker to win.

I like the win for Edge, but he's missing something. He's not Rated-R anymore...

Match 1. Ryback vs. The Undertaker
Taker connected with a super back suplex. Ryback came back with a powerbomb and then deadlifted him for a second one. He continued with three more powerbombs and a meat hook clothesline. Taker grabbed the ropes to break the pin. Taker kicked out of Shell Shock. Ryback kicked out of a Tombstone. Taker countered the meat hook clothesline. He made a comeback and won with The Last Ride.

Ryback put up a good fight against The Dead Man.

Match 2. Prime Time Players vs. The Nation

Match 3. Neville vs. The Miz

Match 4. Dean Ambrose vs. Mark Henry
Ambrose entered the ring, but Henry was right on top of him. Henry hit a hip thrust in the corner and a front slam. Ambrose hit a jaw breaker, but Henry locked him in a bear hug to win.

Ambrose had no shot. Henry and The Industry is a scary alliance.

Match 5. Stone Cold vs. Kevin Nash

Match 6. Kurt Angle vs. Shawn Michaels
Michaels ran down and took down Angle before the bell rang. He hit a neck breaker and locked in the Sharpshooter. Angle hit a suplex and rolling knee bar. Michaels connected with the Sweet Chin Music, but Angle kicked out. Angle hit a double underhook suplex and then three German suplexes. He then hit the Angle Slam, but got a two count. He continued with a super belly-to-back suplex and diving splash. A bloody Angle kicked out of a second super kick. He hit a third one and won.

After the match, Angle went to attack Michaels, but Shawn blocked it and sent Angle packing.

I swear, these two put on a wrestling clinic each and every week, This has been a great feud.

Match 1. Wade Barrett vs. Jake Roberts

Match 2. Randy Savage vs. X-Pac vs. Fandango

Match 3. The Dudleyz vs. Kidd and Cesaro

Recap: Austin may be in need of some rebel help to take out The Industry. Brie deserves another title match.

Wednesday, February 10, 2016

NXT TakeOver: R-Evolution

Even with only two title matches, this is one of the best cards NXT has put together.

Match 1. Cactus Jack vs. Rusev vs. Cesaro - NXT United States Championship
This should be a war. Cesaro hit Cactus with a super butterfuly suplex. He then got a near fall on Rusev with a gut wrench slam. The match spilled to the outside. Cesaro hit Cactus with straightjacket powerbomb. The three traded big moves and made many pin attempts. Cesaro hit Rusev with a German suplex and Very European uppercut. Cactus hit Rusev with a super back suplex. Cesaro pinned Cactus after a huge uppercut.

Cesaro is the new US champ. This was an amazing match. How will Tyson Kidd react to this?

Match 2. Asuka vs. Brie Bella
Why isn't Brie envoking her rematch clause? Asuka locked in an arm bar early. Brie connected with a huge spin kick to the head. Asuka blocked a kick and hit a kick to the back of her head. Brie hit a running bulldog and second-rope dropkick. She then DDT'd Asuka onto the apron. After a back suplex, Asuka locked in the Asuka Lock, but Brie escaped. Brie hit the Bella Buster and won.

Brie defeated the champ and will get her title shot soon.

Match 3. Sami Zayn vs. Hideo Itami vs. Edge vs. Tyson Kidd
Oh my God! If Kidd Hideo sent Zayn to the outside and slammed him on the ramp. Tyson hit Edge with a couple of suplexes. Edge pulled out a bat, but Kidd took it away. Zayn caught Edge off the top and hit a back breaker. He then hit a senton bomb. Itami hit Kidd with the GTS, but the ref was accidentally knocked out. Edge speared Zayn and got a near fall. Hideo busted Zayn open with a GTS. Hideo wore down Edge and won after kicks to the chest.

What a 4-way. Hideo is making a case for himself to get a title shot, too.

Match 4. The Dudleyz vs. Chad Gable and Jason Jordan
The Dudleyz called out any team in wrestling to a match. What? American Alpha?! Gable was all over Bubba ealry. He hit a German suplex and dropkick to the jaw. Jordan and D-Von came in and the two had an exchange. Gable and Jordan kept fresh with frequent tags. Jordan hit Bubba with a belly-to-belly and spinning back suplex, but Bubba kicked out. AA then hit D-Von with an atomic drop/big boot combo. D-Von countered Gable's signature and hit Saving Grace to win.

Oh man. American Alpha looked good, but couldn't beat the veteran team. This isn't the last we've seen of them.

Match 5. Kevin Owens vs. Randy Savage
Legend No. 3 on Owens' tour of destruction. Owens came out firing on all cylinders. He hit a shoulder block and float-over DDT before sending Savage to the outside. He then hit a senton bomb from the top to the outside floor. He then threw Savage into the steps and hit the package side slam. Savage couldn't answer the 10 count.

Wow. Owens continues to send a message to everyone in the back. This was a beating.

Match 6. Randy Orton vs. Daniel Bryan
This could essentially be a No. 1 contender's match. Bryan landed a huge German suplex. He countered with a jaw breaker and then an airplane spin. Orton placed Bryan in the corner and hit a neck breaker. Bryan came back with a full nelson suplex and diving elbow. Orton could not build any momentum. Bryan hit a back suplex and knee to the side of the head. Orton hit another back breaker and slowed the match down. Orton hit a twisting back suplex and stomps before winning with an RKO.

Great match. Bryan had control early, but Orton came back and pulled out the win.

Main Event. Finn Balor vs. Brock Lesnar - NXT Championship
The Demon and The Beast II. Lesnar landed a half nelson suplex and mounted punches. He landed a fall away slam and powerbomb. Balor tried fighting back, but Lesnar locked in another arm bar. He then hit three German suplexes. Balor hit a front slam and began his comeback. He hit two forearm smashes and hesitation dropkick. Lesnar hit another suplex and F5, but Balor kicked out. He later hit a super German suplex and won. Oh my God!

The Beast is back on top. Good luck to the next challenger.

Recap: This was a great show. A new United States champion, a new tag team debuted and a new NXT champion. Great stuff.

Monday, February 8, 2016

December Week 2, Year 1

Match 1. Cactus Jacks vs. Damien Sandow

Match 2. Brie Bella vs. Asuka - NXT Women's Championship
Brie landed a flying forearm smash. Asuka connected with two German suplexes. She landed a hip attack in the corner. After a moment on the outside, Asuka landed a spin kick and running boot. She then landed a sick combination of kicks and won with the Asuka lock.

Asuka was dominant in this match. Brie got some offense, but nothing significant.

Match 3. Paige vs. Summer Rae

Match 4. Kevin Owens vs. Ricky Steamboat
Week 2 of Owens' path of destruction.

Match 5. Enzo and Cass vs. Cesaro and Kidd
Kidd and Cesaro worked over Enzo in the early going. Enzo tried building momentum, but kept getting cut off. He broke free and got the tag to Cass. He hit a squating suplex on Kidd. He got a near fall after a superplex. Cesaro hit Enzo with a half-and-half suplex and locked in a crossface. The champs wore down Cesaro. Cass hit a big boot and got a near fall. Cass destroyed Cesaro with four straight powerslams. They then hit Air Enzo on Kidd to win.

Great tag match. Both teams have great chemistry. This could be a fun feud later.

Match 6. Brock Lesnar vs. Sami Zayn
Lesnar countered a suplex into a German suplex. He then hit a double underhook suplex and gutwrench slam. After an armbar attempt, he hit another German suplex. He threw Zayn chest first into the corner and hit a German suplex. Lesnar landed three more German suplexes moments later. Zayn somehow still had the will to fight. He hit a tilt-a-whirl back breaker and Blue Thunder Bomb. Lesnar hit a powerbomb and an F5, but Zayn kicked out. Zayn hit a half-and-half suplex and went to the top, but Lesnar caught him with a second F5 to win.

Wow. Lesnar connected with seven different suplexes. I give credit to Zayn for sticking it out.

Match 1. Ryback vs. Chris Jericho w/ Booker T
Ryback clotheslined Jericho over the top and slammed him on the steel ramp. After a side slam, he locked in the Walls of Jericho. Ryback connected with the backpack stunner and meat hook clothesline. After a near fall, he hit Shell Shock and got a near fall. The two went back and forth, including a Codebreaker from Jericho. Ryback won with a second meat hook clothesline.

Ryback wants his IC title back and is targeting the man who beat him and the current champ.

Match 2. Tyler Breeze vs. Dallas Page

Match 3. Sheamus vs. Batista
These two big men are looking to move up the ranks for Triple H's title. Batista hit a twisting side slam and a back suplex. Sheamus came back with a rolling senton and White Noise. The match spilled to the outside as Batista threw Sheamus into the steel post. Batista got a close pin after a forearm smash. He later hit a super back suplex and spear. He later won with the Batista Bomb.

Batista was physical early and often. The Animal wants the title back.

Match 4. Ultimate Warrior vs. Dean Ambrose
Mark Henry attacked Ambrose before the match.

Match 5. Stone Cold vs. Kevin Nash
Nash looked good early with a neck breaker and double foot stomp. He took Austin down with a drop toe hold. Who is this guy and where is the real Nash? Austin hit a huge atomic drop and sent Nash to the outside. Nash went to the top rope, but missed a diving elbow. Austin hit a superplex and Lou Thesz Press. Nash connected with a knockout punch. Austin planted Nash with a DDT and Stunner, but got a two count. Nash got a near fall after the Jackknife. Austin landed a piledriver and won.

The two veterans pulled out some new moves. Austin is sending a message to Trips and The Industry.

Match 6. Kurt Angle vs. Shawn Michaels
The two brawled on the ramp before the match began.

Match 1. Ken Shamrock vs. Wade Barrett

Match 2. Dudley Boyz vs. The Wyatt Family

Match 3. Randy Savage vs. Dallas Page

Recap: Who is next for Kevin Owens? Austin is gunning for Triple H. Kurt Angle is getting the best of The Showstopper. Henry is doing The Industry's dirty work.

Saturday, February 6, 2016

December Week 1, Year 1

Stephanie McMahon announced her retirement from in-ring competition. We wish her the best.

Match 1. Billy Gunn vs. Curtis Axel

Match 2. Paige vs. Emma vs. Natalya

Match 3. Asuka vs. Brie Bella

Match 4. Wade Barrett vs. Dolph Ziggler
Ziggler countered a spine buster into a DDT. He then hit a sit-out face buster. Barrett blocked a boot in the corner and hit diving elbow drop the second rope. He hit a German suplex and then tossed Ziggler up and connected with the Bull Hammer on the way down to win.

Sick finish. That elbow is insane. Barrett picks up a big win.

Match 5. Sami Zayn and Hideo Itami vs. Bray Wyatt and Baron Corbin
Corbin sent Itami do the outside and threw him into the steel post. Bray threw him into the steps, but that seemed to have fired Itami up. Corbin got a near fall after a back breaker. Zayn caught Bray with the Blue Thunder Bomb. He then hit the STO into the Koji Clutch combo. Corbin hit Zayn with End of Days and Bray took Itami off the apron, but Zayn kicked out. He landed a superplex and won with a front slam.

Good tag match. Wyatt and Corbin worked well together.

Match 6. Sting vs. Kevin Owens
After some back-and-forth action, Owens hit a senton splash. He connected with the cannonball splash a little later. Sting came back with a nice back suplex. He hit a suplexed and shouted "Woo!" Sting's feeling it. He hit 3 clotheslines and the Stinger Splash. Owens kikced out of the Scorpion Death Drop. Owens pulled out his package side slam, but got a two count. He then hit the pop-up powerbomb and won.

After the match, Owens made a challenge to every legend, active or not, that he is coming for them.

Wow. I thought Sting had it. Owens could not give up. What does Owens think he's going to prove?

Match 1. Dean Ambrose vs. Mark Henry
Henry recently aligned himself with Triple H and The Industry.

Match 2. Adam Rose vs. Brian Pillman

Match 3. Nikki Bella vs. Cameron

Match 4. Booker T vs. Chris Jericho - WWF Intercontinental Championship
After a diving elbow, he locked in the Walls of Jericho. Booker kicked out of the Codebreaker. Jericho blocked a scissors kick and hit a second Codebreaker, but got another near fall. Booker landed a side slam and a diving leg drop and got the longest 2 count ever. Booker caught Jericho with a Book End and won the title.

After the match, Ryback ran down and attacked Booker. He then clotheslined Jericho and walked away.

Another new IC champ, but he didn't get to celebrate for long. Do we get a triple threat match?

Match 5. Shawn Michaels vs. Kane
Angle attacked Michaels from behind. The two traded back suplex. HBK hit a back breaker and locked in the Sharpshooter. He then tossed Kane up and connected with the Sweet Chin Music on the way down. Kane dodged a moonsault. He then hit a superplex and sidewalk slam. Kane grabbed HBK by the throat and chokeslammed him to win.

Kane picked up the win, despite the attack by Angle.

Match 6. Stone Cold vs. Kevin Nash
Is this a roadblock Trips put in front of Austin? Austin wanted to tear his quads with a Boston Crab. He later hit a Lou Thesz Press and huge powerbomb. Austin hit the Stunner, but Nash kicked out. Nash got a near fall after a knockout punch. He then hit a super side slam. Austin hit a second Stunner and got another near fall. A bloody Nash hit a Jackknife powerbomb, but Austin kicked out. Austin hit a third Stunner and got the win.

It took 3 finishers, but Austin got the job done. However, this is just the beginning.

Match 1. Heath Slater vs. Fandango vs. Jake Roberts

Match 2. Wade Barrett vs. Brian Pillman
Inter-brand match?

Match 3. Randy Savage vs. Lex Luger

Recap: Wade Barrett is on a roll with two wins this week. Owens looked scary. SmackDown is out of control.

Wednesday, February 3, 2016


There is no WWF Championship match tonight. Booker T will get his IC title shot on SmackDown.

Match 1. Cactus Jack vs. Rusev - NXT United States Championship
Rusev is still the MITB holder. Cactus hit his running knee in the corner. Rusev connected with a bicycle kick and got a near fall. Cactus hit another knee smash. Rusev hit a side slam and locked in the Accolade, but Cactus broke out. Rusev hit a super belly-to-back and another high kick and got a long two count. Rusev locked in another Accolade. Cactus hit two spike piledrivers and won.

Rusev was bleeding by the end of this. I'm surprised Cactus escaped from the Accoldade. Twice.

Match 2. Brie Bella vs. Asuka
Asuka ran down and speared Brie before the bell rang. She then connected with her kicks. Brie came back with a knee smash and northern lights suplex. She broke out of an Asuka Lock and landed a diving clothesline. Asuka landed some more kicks and got the win.

Asuka is now the No. 1 contender after defeating the Women's champ.

Match 3. Ryback vs. Chris Jericho - WWF Intercontinental Championship
The winner faces Booker next week. The two went back and forth for a bit. Ryback hit a front suplex. Jericho hit a clothesline and running bulldog. He then locked in the Walls of Jericho. He then connected with the Code Breaker and won the IC title.

Wow. Jericho got the quick win over The Industry's powerhouse. He is in line for a rematch.

Match 4. Elimination - Edge, Cesaro and Kidd vs. Owens and The Ascension
This match branches from the Edge/Owens feud over the last two weeks. Also, Cesaro/Owens feuded for a little. The Ascension took turns keeping fresh and wearing down their opponents. Konnor countered Edge's powerbomb. Cesaro got a near fall on Owens and the match broke down. Cesaro hit Owens with a back stabber in the corner. Cesaro got the first elimination by hitting Owens with three gutwrench slams. Cesaro and Edge hit Konnor with the Heart Attack and eliminated him. Edge ended it with an Edge-O-Matic to Viktor.

Decent 6-man tag. The Cesaro/Owens battles were good.

Match 5. Shawn Michaels vs. Kurt Angle
This has been an amazing feud. Michaels hit a back suplex and stomped on Angle and then went for a quick pin. Angle hit a nice pump handle back breaker. He then hit an overhead belly-to-belly and got a two count. Angle took down Michaels and went to the top. He leapt, but Michaels popped up and connected with the Sweet Chin Music and almost won. He then hit a moonsault. Angle got up and hit the Angle Slam, but Michaels kicked out. He then landed a moonsault and a seconf Angle Slam to win.

After the match, the two exchanged words as Michaels walked up the ramp.

Great match. Angle needed two finishers to put him away. This feud isn't over yet.

Match 6. Finn Balor vs. Baron Corbin - NXT Championship
After some kicks, Balor hit a sit-out powerbomb. He then hit a double knee face buster. Balor got a near fall with a back suplex. Not much later, he hit the shotgun dropkick. Corbin came back with a huge slam and a powerbomb. Balor sent Corbin to the outside and hit a top rope plancha. He hit a second shotgun dropkick and modified GTS to retain the NXT title.

Maybe this would have been a better match with Lesnar instead of Corbin. Balor awaits the next challenger.

Main Event. Elimination - Austin, Booker and Taker vs. Triple H, Mark Henry and Tyler Breeze
This has been built up very nicely. It's just a weird group of superstars. Good spot for Breeze though. The heels wore down Taker. H came back in and hit a high knee and spine buster. Booker threw Henry into the table and steel post. He busted Henry open with an STO. Breeze hit Booker with the Supermodel kick and Beauty Shot. Austin eliminated Breeze after a Stunner. He then busted H open and eliminated him with a Pedigree! Taker hit Henry with the Tombstone and won.

The babyfaces got the clean sweep. Austin was on fire. Breeze looked good in defeat.

Recap: What an amazing show. The lack of championship matches didn't take away the important. Asuka will get a title shot in the near future. Balor took down another challenger.

November Week 4, Year 1

Match 1. Dolph Ziggler vs. Bo Dallas vs. Rusev

Match 2. Elimination - Tyson Kidd and Cesaro vs. The Vaudevillains
Aiden got a near fall after a clutch slam. The Vaudevillains hit Cesaro with the Whirley Dervish, but Kidd broke up the pin. They then hit Kidd with a Samoan drop/senton bomb combo, but got another near fall. Cesaro caught Gotch with the Very European uppercut and eliminated him. Kidd landed an STO and a double foot stomp from the top. Aiden landed a northern lights suplex and pinned Kidd. After much back and forth, Cesaro hit the Neutralizer and won.

Match 3. Asuka vs. Natalya
Brie Bella distracted Asuka during the match.

Match 4. Damien Sandow vs. Jack Swagger

Match 5. Kevin Owens vs. Edge
Owens cost Edge a shot at the NXT title after Edge eliminated Owens in the first round. Owens quickly hit a clothesline and senton splash. The two traded big boots. Edge pinned Owens, but Kevin grabbed the ropes and the ref saw it this time. After a gut buster, Edge took apart the announce table. Owens came back with a package side slam. Edge came back with a face buster and spear to get the win.

 Edge won this time fair and square. Owens is probably still not happy.

Match 6. Finals - Baron Corbin vs. Brock Lesnar
The winner faces Finn Balor at Survivor Series. Lesnar almost took Corbin's head off with a clothesline. Lesnar countered a suplex and landed a German suplex. He later hit a butterfly suplex. Corbin fought back with kicks to the head and gut. He then hit a powerbomb and back suplex. Corbin landed a front suplex and got a near fall. He connected with the End of Days, but Lesnar kicked out. Lesnar fought back and hit 3 German suplexes. Corbin hit a second End of Days to win.

Wow. Great main event. Corbin conquered The Beast. He gets a title shot.

Match 1. Dallas Page vs. Rick Rude

Match 2. Chris Jericho vs. Brian Pillman vs. The Miz

Match 3. Seth Rollins and Ryback vs. The Usos
The Usos wore down Rollins early. Ryback hit Jey with the backpack stunner and a back breaker on the outside. Rollins and Ryback hit a snapmare and running boot combo. Jey connected with a super kick on Ryback. Rollins pushed Jimmy off the top and Ryback hit a meat hook clothesline and Shell Shock, but got a 2 count. Jimmy came back with a diving headbutt. Rollins hit Jimmy with an STO into the corner and a frog splash to win.

Great tag match. The Industry is looking stronger than ever.

Match 4. The United Kingdom vs. The Nation

Match 5. Steve Austin, Taker, Booker T vs. Triple H, Mark Henry, Tyler Breeze
Or we get this match this week...Taker busted Henry open. Breeze finally came in and went after Taker. Booker countered the Pedigree and hit the scissors kick, but got a near fall. Breeze hit Booker with the Supermodel Kick. Austin hit Breeze with the Stunner. Booker got the hot tag and took out H with a scissors kick and everything broke down. H countered the Tombstone and hit the spine buster and Pedigree. Taker hit Old School. Austin wore down H on the outside and rolled him in to win.

Oh my. What a long match. I should have adjusted the momentum. H's B-team didn't cut it.

Match 6. Shawn Michaels vs. Kurt Angle
Michaels entered the ring, but Angle attacked him before he could get all the way in. He then hit his three German suplexes and an Angle Slam, but Michaels kicked out. Wow! HBK made a comeback with a flying forearm smash and atomic drop. After a belly-to-back, Angle locked in a head scissors and made Michaels tap.

After the match, Angle grabbed a chair and hit Michaels multiple times.

Angle's cheap shot didn't make this a fair match. We should see the conclusion at Survivor Series.

Match 1. Wade Barrett vs. Heath Slater

Match 2. Santino Marella vs. Bo Dallas vs. Damien Sandow

Match 3. Braun Strowman vs. Fandango

Recap: Balor/Corbin at Survivor Series for the title. SmackDown has some interesting feuds, especially Angle/Michaels and the gang warfare with The Industry.