Saturday, December 26, 2015


This is the last co-branded event until Survivor Series in November.

Match 1. Kevin Owens vs. Cactus Jack - NXT United States Championship
Jack was on top early. He landed a sidewalk slam and then sent Owens to the outside. Back in the ring, Owens went for a super kick, but Cactus ducked. Owens came back with a suplex and senton splash. The two then went back and forth with pin attempts. Jack got a near fall after a running knee in the corner. Owens came back with the cannonball splash. Cactus caught Owens with the spike piledriver and got the win.

Cactus Jack is the NEW US champion. He was in control for most of the match, too.

Match 2. Nikki Bella vs. Stephanie McMahon - WWF Divas Championship
Steph took Nikki down with a dropkick and then taunted her with a crotch chop. Nikki sent Steph to the outside and threw her into the steel post. Steph came back with a suplex on the floor. Back in the ring, Steph landed a spine buster and the Pedigree to win the Divas title.

Whoa! Two matches, two new champions. What happened to Nikki?

Match 3. Sheamus vs. Neville - WWF Intercontinental Championship
These two teamed up a while ago. Neville dropkicked Sheamus' knee and landed a DDT. Sheamus caught Neville with a German suplex. Neville sent Sheamus to the outside and landed some kicks. Sheamus hit a spine buster and threw Neville into the steel steps. Back in the ring, he hit the Irish Curse back breaker and got a 2 count. He later hit the Brogue Kick to retain the IC title.

Neville had a couple of moments, but Sheamus was too strong. That kick is a dangerous one.

Match 4. Finn Balor vs. Bray Wyatt
This is the only non-title match. The winner will likely be the No. 1 contender for the NXT title. Bray hit a float-over DDT at the opening bell. Balor came back with a Codebreaker. Both men using big moves early. Balor landed two modified STOs. Bray had Balor on the top and hit a super fall away slam. Balor came back with the shotgun dropkick and then hit another one to a seated Wyatt. He connected with the GTS and won with the Coup de Gace.

Great match. With the win, Balor is in line for a title shot.

Match 5. Extreme Rules - The Wyatt Family vs. The Dudleyz - NXT Tag Team Championship
Harper left the ring and went for a weapon, but D-Von cut him off. Bubba hit a sidewalk slam on Rowan and kicked him a few times before grabbing a....table. Yepp. He set the table up in the corner and powerbombed Rowan through it. D-Von and Harper fought on the outside. Bubba landed the Bubba Bomb and got a near fall. All four men were back in the ring. Bubba then hit Harper with the Bubba Cutter and won.

The Dudleyz are the new NXT tag champs! This was their environment. It's a night of title changes.

Match 6. Brock Lesnar vs. Randy Orton - NXT Championship
The match spilled to the outside and up the rampway. Back in the ring, Lesnar landed a super butterfly suplex. Lesnar ducked a clothesline and hit 3 German suplexes. He then hung Orton up over the top rope and landed knee strikes to the face. He connected with the F5, but Orton kicked out. Lesnar then busted Orton open with strikes to the face. Orton hit the second-rope DDT. He then tossed Lesnar up and connected with the RKO on the way down, but Lesnar kicked out. Lesnar brought Orton on a trip to Suplex City and won.

Orton had a chance after the RKO, but couldn't capitalize. The beast still reigns.

Main Event. Hell in a Cell - Triple H vs. John Cena - WWF World Heavyweight Championship
The final match in their brutal rivalry. Trips blocked a chair shot, but Cena came back with the 5 Knuckle Shuffle. He continued his offense by tossing Triple H up in the air and caught him with the AA on the way down, but H kicked out. Cena busted H open with the chair. Cena seems desperate in this match. He landed a sit-out powerbomb and gutwrench slam. He hit a superplex and a second 5 Knuckle Shuffle. He then landed a second and third AA a little later and got a 2 count. A bloody Triple H hit a spine buster and Pedigree, but Cena kicked out this time. H then had his turn with the chair. Cena connected with a fourth 5 Knuckle Shuffle and won.

Wow. Cena showed another side of himself in this match. He was aggressive early and often.

Recap: This was a great show. There were 4 title changes here. Things are heating up in the second half of Year 1.

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