Thursday, December 24, 2015

September Week 4, Year 1

This is the go-home show to Night of Champions. We already know Sheamus vs. Neville for the IC title.

Match 1. Brock Lesnar vs. Billy Gunn
Typical squash match for the champion.

Match 2. Dolph Ziggler vs. Rusev vs. Bo Dallas
Ziggler hit Rusev with a jumping arm breaker and then hit Bo with a tornado DDT. The heels then teamed up and wore down Ziggler. Bo got a near fall after Ziggler took out Rusev with a super kick. Rusev landed a huge spine buster. Bo DDT'd both Ziggler and Rusev and got two near falls. Rusev pulled out a bat and hit both Ziggler and Bo. Rusev put Bo in the Accolade. Ziggler threw Rusev to the outside and pinned Bo.

Very opportunistic for Dolph. He picked up a big win against two quality opponents.

Match 3. Paige vs. Tamina
There was a collar-and-elbow tie up that Paige won. Tamina came back with a hard Irish whip in the corner and a back suplex. The two went back and forth for a bit before Paige hit the Paige Turner, but got a near fall. Paige then DDT'd Tamina head-first onto the apron and fought on the outside. Back in the ring, Paige hit Ram-Paige to win.

Surprisingly, this was all Paige. Tamina landed some moves, but nothing significant.

Match 4. Lucha Dragons vs. Tyson Kidd and Cesaro
Lucha Dragons finally reached a boiling point and unleashed on Kidd and Cesaro.

Match 5. Finn Balor vs. Bray Wyatt
Balor hit a modified GTS. He went to the top, but Bray stopped him and landed a super fall away slam. He continued with stomps in the corner and a senton splash. Balor came back with a shotgun dropkick and kneeling DDT. Bray countered Balor and hit Sister Abigail, but Balor kicked out. Balor fought back and hit two clotheslines and the Slingblade. Bray ducked and landed a one-arm slam. Bray landed a second Sister Abigail, but Balor was able to reach for the ropes. Balor hit a brain buster and Coup de Grace to win.

I believe this is 5 straight victories over Bray. What more does he need to do?

Match 6. Kevin Owens vs. Cactus Jack

Match 1. Elimination - Prime Time Players vs. The Usos

Match 2. Bam Bam Bigelow vs. Roman Reigns

Match 3. Big Show vs. Mark Henry vs. Ryback vs. Warrior
This is Vince's wet dream come to life. Ryback hit Warrior with a running splash and a Lou Thesz Press. Henry pulled out a chair, but Show blocked it. Warrior then left the ring and tossed the steel steps into the ring. Ryback took them away and hit Warrior in the face. Show got a near fall on Henry after a spear. Ryback hit Henry with Shell Shock. Warrior won after hitting Show with a press slam.

This was four giants trying to take each other out. Warrior was able to come out top.

Match 4. Stephanie McMahon vs. Nikki Bella
Steph attacked Nikki before the match.

Match 5. Shawn Michaels vs. Kurt Angle
Kurt had the advantage over Michaels early. He took him down with an arm wrench. Michaels rolled to the outside. Angle threw him into the steel post. Michaels came back and threw Angle into the steps and then hit him in the gut with a chair for the DQ.

I think Angle frustrated Michaels in the early bout, and HBK just wanted to get revenge.

Match 6. John Cena vs. Triple H
Cena came out more aggressive than usual. Trips created some separation and pulled out a baseball bat. H swung the bat and hit Cena in the back a couple of times. Cena countered the spine buster. After a belly-to-belly, he connected with the AA and got a near fall. He later hit two shoulder tackles and a back suplex. Triple H hit the spine buster and Pedigree, but Cena kicked out. Trips had the bat, but Cena popped up and hit a second AA to win.

Cena pins the champ just days before their rematch at NoC. A sign of things to come?

Match 1. R-Truth vs. Adam Rose

Match 2. Stardust vs. Jimmy Uso vs. Darren Young

Match 3. Neville vs. Kurt Angle

Recap: SmackDown is picking up steam with the addition of Kurt Angle. NXT's rivalries are really exciting, too. We're headed to Night of Champions.

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