Tuesday, December 8, 2015

August Week 2, Year 1

Match 1. Emma vs. Natalya

Match 2. Randy Orton vs. Kevin Owens
Champ vs. Champ. Owens hit a gut buster and running senton splash. Orton landed some stomps and a snap DDT. Owens came back with a short-arm clothesline and super rolling senton. Orton dodged the cannonball splash and hit a twisting back suplex. He later hit the second-rope DDT and punt kick. Owens got up and won with the pop-up powerbomb.

Orton busted out of old-school moves, but the US champ got it done.

Match 3. Sin Cara w/ Kalisto vs. Cesaro w/ Tyson Kidd
At one point, the ref went after Kidd and ejected him from the match. He did absolutely nothing! This is a travesty. After a double underhook slam, he hit the Very European uppercut, but Sin Cara kicked out. Sin Cara then kicked out of the Neutralizer. Cesaro hit three consecutive gut wrench slams. He hit a second Neutralizer and got the win.

I would have prefered Kalisto/Cesaro, but this match was good, too. Sin Cara put up a fight. Cesaro could have a nice singles run.

Match 4. William Regal vs. Ken Shamrock

Match 5. Finn Balor vs. Bray Wyatt
Bray is now 2-0 vs. Finn.

Match 6. The Rock vs. Edge
There were some bg moves early. Edge hit a leg drop and flapjack. Rock made a comeback with some open-palm punches and locked in the Sharpshooter. Edge hit the Edgecution and then tossed Rock up and speared him on the way down, but Rock kicked out. Rock hit a clothesline and the Rock Bottom, but Edge kicked out. Edge got a near fall with a German suplex and bridge. There was some back-and-forth action late, but Rock came out with a second Rock Bottom to win.

Great match. Rock and Edge have a contrast in styles. The reversal of finishers was cool.

Match 1. The Nation vs. Prime Time Players and R-Truth
Is this the first time booking The Nation? Faarooq hit Titus with a huge powerbomb. Kama hit Darren with a shoulder breaker. Truth got control for his team with a snap slam and leg drop. Truth caught Faarooq with the Lie Detector. Faarooq came back with the Dominator, but Truth kicked out. Titus and Truth landed a back breaker/elbow drop combo and D'Lo broke it up at the last moment. When everything broke down, Truth connected with the What's Up to win.

Decent 6-man tag. I wish I could do something with The Nation. Maybe later.

Match 2. Neville vs. Tyler Breeze
I felt bad simming this match.

Match 3. Cameron vs. Naomi

Match 4. Nikki Bella vs. Stephanie McMahon

Match 5. Elimination - Ryback and Seth Rollins vs. The Usos
Ryback threw Jimmy into the steel post and slammed him on the mat. Seth missed the Phoenix Splash. Ryback and Seth landed a snapmare/running boot combo. The Usos hit Rollins with the Alley Uce. Jimmy missed a 450 splash and Seth followed it up with a springboard 450 of his own. Jimmy kicked out of a Pedigree. The Industry was in control for a long time. Ryback finally eliminated Jimmy after a Shell Shock. Jey was distracted by Ryback, which allowed Rollins to hit the Pedigree and win.

Wow. That match took forever. The Usos unloaded a lot, but The Industry pulled out the win.

Match 6. John Cena vs. Kevin Nash
Is this the help Triple H called for? Cena hit a hip toss and gut wrench at the bell. Nash came back with a running knee and clothesline. Cena hit a shoulder tackle, but Nash came out of nowhere with a knockout punch and the Jackknife. Cena kicked out, but Nash was back on offense again. Nash hit a second punch. Cena busted out the AA, but Nash kicked out at the last second. Cena went for a shoulder tackle, but Nash countered and hit a second Jackknife to win.

Nash took Cena down a peg. Now, can The Industry capitalize? Is Nash aligned with HHH?

Match 1. Santino Marella vs. Jack Swagger

Match 2. Curtis Axel vs. Damien Sandow vs. Zack Ryder

Match 3. Fandango vs. Adam Rose

Recap: What a week. NXT had three great matches. The elimination tag on SmackDown was amazing, and Nash destroyed Cena.

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