Saturday, December 19, 2015


The biggest party of the summer. This is a star-studded lineup. Only two title matches, but it won't matter.

Match 1. Kevin Owens vs. Cactus Jack
What a way to kick off the show. Owens accidentally clotheslined the ref after he rang the bell. They fought on the outside for a bit. Cactus got a near fall after a back breaker. Owens came back with the cannonball splash. Later, Cactus connected with his running knee. He hit the double-arm DDT and rolled Owens over, but he kicked out. He then finished Owens off with a sidewalk slam.

Decent opener. Not their best match. This feud isn't over yet.

Match 2. Nikki Bella vs. Stephanie McMahon
Who do you cheer for in this match? Nikki got a near fall after a kick to the face. Steph knocked Nikki off the apron and fought outside. She threw Nikki into the steel post and landed a monkey flip. She later hit a forearm smash and roundhouse kick. She then hit a spine buster and Pedigree, but didn't go for the pin. Nikki got up and landed a spinning forearm smash to win.

Wow. I was not expecting that ending. Steph was dominant for most of the match, too.

Match 3. Paige, Natalya and ????? vs. Tamina, Emma and Summer Rae
Who is the mystery partner? It's Asuka! Emma had control of Asuka and tagged Summer back in. Asuka sprung up and landed a huge spin kick. Tamina placed Natty on the top rope and slammed her down. Natty and Paige wore down Tamina. Paige locked in a modified cloverleaf. The match broke down a bit. Summer hit Natty with Summer Crush, but Asuka broke up the pin. Paige and Tamina were taken out of this match. Asuka broke out of the Emma Lock and landed multiple kicks. Emma landed a neck breaker and won with a huge diving cross body.

Despite losing, it was a nice debut for Asuka. She's an excellent wrestler and it's just the beginning.

Match 4. Lucha Dragons vs. Tyson Kidd and Cesaro
The Dragons landed some big moves early. Kidd and Cesaro wore down Kalisto. Kidd then hit a huge diving elbow. Sin Cara came in and hit a Death Valley Driver. Kidd and Cesaro hit Sin Cara with a running clothesline/spine buster combo. The Dragons came back with a diving clothesline/powerbomb combo. Kalisto then hit Cesaro with a rolling heel kick to win.

Cesaro looked knocked out after the kick. Fast-paced tag match.

Match 5. Finn Balor vs. Bray Wyatt
Balor landed a snapmare and two DDTs. Each man got a near fall early. Bray hit a suplex and running senton. Balor sent Bray into the corner with a shotgun dropkick and followed it up with a sit-out powerbomb. He continued with a plancha. Bray blocked a punch and took over on offense. Back in the ring, Bray recovered from a corner dropkick and hit Sister Abigail, but Balor kicked out. Balor hung Bray over the top rope and hit the Coup de Grace to win.

Good match. Not as long as it could have went, but it was fun to watch.

Match 6. Last Man Standing - John Cena vs. Triple H - WWF World Championsip
This might be Triple H's final shot at the title. After a collar-and-elbow tie up, H sent Cena to the outside and hit him multiple times with a chair. He landed about 10 shots to the back and head. Cena got up at the count of 8 and unloaded on H. Back in the ring, Trips hit the spine buster and Pedigree. Cena began his comeback and hit a sit-out powerbomb. Cena then hit the AA, but H got up at 6. Triple H pulled out a sledgehammer and connected with shots to the ribs. Cena rolled H back into the ring. Trips blocked a punch and hit a second Pedigree and won the title.

That was a war. The weapons, the blood, the carnage. The Industry is on top of The Game.

Main Event. Randy Orton vs. Brock Lesnar - NXT Championship
Lesnar immediately locked in an arm bar. He locked in a second one moments later. Orton came back with stomps all over, but Lesnar countered the RKO. Orton hit the second rope DDT and connected with the RKO, but Lesnar kicked out again. Lesnar tried mounting a comeback, but Orton stayed on top of him. Lesnar popped up and hit the F5, but Orton kicked out. Orton busted Lesnar open with another second-rope DDT. Orton kicked out of a second F5. WOW! Later, Lesnar hit 3 powerbombs, but Orton kicked out. Lesnar hit a third F5, but Orton kicked out again. He then hit a super belly-to-back suplex. Three German suplexes later and Lesnar walked out as the NXT champion.

Oh. My. God. Match of the year bar none. So many f@&#*@& near falls. The beast reigns.

Recap: What a show. Maybe the best PPV since I began Universe Mode. Two new World champs.

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