Sunday, December 27, 2015

October Week 1, Year 1

There are 2 weeks before the next TakeOver special.

Match 1. 6-Man Tag - The Wyatt Family vs. Enzo Amore, Colin Cassady and ?????
Who did Enzo and Cass find as their partner? It's Daniel Bryan! Harper took Enzo's head off with a clothesline. Strowman sent Cass to the outside and threw him into the announce table. Cass tossed Bryan from the top rope onto Harper. He then got a near fall after a diving elbow. Bryan locked Rowan in the Yes Lock, but Strowman broke it up. Later, Bryan landed his kicks, but Strowman kicked out. Cass connected with a big boot on Rowan and got the win.

Great six-man tag. Can the Wyatts shake off this loss?

Match 2. Sami Zayn vs. Damien Sandow

Match 3. Paige vs. Brie Bella

Match 4. The Dudleyz vs. Tyson Kidd and Cesaro
Kidd countered Bubba's suplex into a northern lights suplex and then tagged in Cesaro. D-Von landed a modified back suplex on Cesaro. Tyson hit D-Von with a modified STO. He then put him in the tree of woe and landed a double foot stomp. He continued by slamming D-Von head-first into the corner and then hit a huge moonsault. D-Von finally broke free and tagged in Bubba. Kidd and Cesaro landed a running clothesline/spine buster combo. He then locked in the Dungeon Lock. Bubba hit the Bubba Bomb and Cutter to get the win.

The tag champs keep the momentum going against a great team. We'll see a rematch down the road.

Match 5. Hideo Itami vs. Baron Corbin
With Orton out of the way, Lesnar needs a new challenger. Corbin had the upper hand early. Itami came back with a kick to the head. After a snapmare, he hit a double foot stomp. He landed a hurricanrana and a diving elbow drop. Corbin beat down Itami on the outside and wanted to win by countout, but Hideo made it back in time. Corbin was waiting and landed a sidewalk slam. Hideo created some space by kicking the knee of Corbin. He then landed a flurry of strikes and kicks. Itami went for the GTS, but Corbin countered. A little later, he hit the running single dropkick and won.

Great match between two rising stars. Hideo vs. Lesnar? It could happen.

Match 6. The Rock vs. Edge

Match 1. Elimination - Prime Time Players vs. The New Day

Match 2. Nikki Bella vs. Stephanie McMahon

Match 3. Chris Jericho vs. Seth Rollins
The two locked up at the start. Rollins took Jericho down with a shoulder block. They locked up again, and this time Jericho took Seth down and then slapped him across his face, Seth hit a front slam and a frog splash. He then hit a super kick and enziguiri, but Jericho kept kicking out. After busting Jericho open on the outside with an STO, Rollins hit a buckle bomb and curb stomp to win.

Rollins brought it to Jericho. That curb stomp is dangerous.

Match 4. Undertaker vs. Ryback vs. Mark Henry
Interesting trio. As Taker and Ryback fought, Henry brought in a chair. This felt like a 2-on-1 match as Henry and Ryback were targeting Taker. A little later, he tossed Taker up in the air and hit Shell Shock, but Henry broke up the pin. Ryback broke up Taker's pin after he hit Henry with the Tombstone. Taker and Ryback hit each other with their finishers. Ryback went to the top, but Henry caught him with the World's Strongest Slam. He then hit Taker with his finisher and won.

Mark Henry picks up a big win over a legend and rising star.

Match 5. Shawn Michaels vs. Kurt Angle
Will this match actually happen? Angle wrestled circles around Michaels. He then hit 3 German suplexes and the Angle Slam, but Michaels kicked out. Michaels hit a DDT and his signature diving elbow. Angle hit a super belly-to-back suplex and 3 more German suplexes, but it wasn't enough. Michaels got to his feet and hit the Sweet Chin Music. He made a comeback and busted Angle open with punches before hitting a second super kick, but Angle kicked out. Angle hit another Angle Slam and 3 more Germans, but HBK still kicked out. He hit his third Angle Slam to win.

After the match, Angle continued attacking Michaels.

Wow. Angle was dominant, but Michaels would not give up. This is going to be good.

Match 6. Triple H vs. John Cena

Match 1. Jimmy Uso vs. Jey Uso

Match 2. Neville vs. R-Truth vs. Adam Rose

Match 3. Kurt Angle vs. Stardust

Recap: Kurt Angle is a machine. Mark Henry and Seth Rollins picked up some nice wins, Hideo Itami is making moves up the NXT title ranks.

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