Wednesday, December 16, 2015

August Week 4, Year 1

This is the go-home show for SummerSlam. There are some interesting matches this week.

Match 1. Paige w/ Natalya vs. Tamina w/ Summer Rae
After the match, Summer Rae challanged Paige and Natalya to find a partner to take on her, Tamina and Emma.

Match 2. Kevin Owens vs. Cactus Jack
Cactus ran down the ramp and speared Owens before the match began. He then hit his running knee in the corner. Owens kicked out of the spike piledriver. Cactus locked in the Mandible Claw, but Owens escaped. After another running knee, Cactus got the win, but the ref didn't see Owens grab the ropes.

Cactus was a wrecking ball in this match. Owens has a right to feel cheated after this.

Match 3. Kalisto vs. Tyson Kidd
This should be fun.

After the match, Kidd continued the attack on Kalisto

Match 4. Brock Lesnar vs. Zack Ryder
Oh Jesus. Ryder left the ring. He threw Lesnar into two chairs. That lit a fire under Lesnar's ass. He struck Ryder multiple times with a chair before hitting 3 German suplexes and an F5 to win.

Let's see if Ryder walks out of the hospital tonight.

Match 5. Bray Wyatt vs. Finn Balor
Balor later landed the shotgun dropkick. He connected with a springboard dropkick and Balor continued the fight on the outside. Balor hit another gut buster and hit the Coupe de Grace, but Wyatt kicked out. He continued with a Slingblade and reverse Bloody Sunday, but Wyatt kicked out again. Bray landed a t-bone suplex and Sister Abigail, but got a 2 count. What a match! Balor landed a GTS and a second Coup de Grace to win.

Oh my God! Balor pulled out a GTS to put Wyatt away. That was intense.

Match 6. Sami Zayn and Daniel Bryan vs. Baron Corbin and Bad News Barrett
Zayn hit Barrett with a heel kick. Bryan landed a powerbomb and immediately locked in an armbar. He later hit a diving elbow drop. After a northern lights suplex, he landed his kicks to the chest and head. Bryan locked in the Yes Lock, but Barrett reached the ropes. Corbin and Zayn came back in. Bryan hit Corbin with his kicks, but got a 2 count. Zayn landed a suplex and a senton splash, but Corbin kicked out. He then hit the Blue Thunder Bomb and won.

Great tag team match with many near falls. Zayn and Bryan are climbing the ranks.

Match 1. Layla vs. Alicia Fox

Match 2. Neville and British Bulldog vs. Rikishi and Haku
What a weird pairing. Rikishi hit Bulldog with the Rikishi Driver, but got a two count. He then hit a second one and Bulldog kicked out again! Bulldog and Neville wore down Haku with a running power slam and diving elbow, respectively. Rikishi kicked out of the Red Arrow. Haku hit Bulldog with a super kick and got the win.

It was obvious Bulldog and Neville didn't have great chemistry.

Match 3. Sheamus vs. Tyler Breeze
Sheamus slammed Breeze on the outside and then landed multiple strikes. He later landed a chicken wing suplex. He continued with White Noise, but Breeze kicked out. After a leg sweep, Breeze connected with the Supermodel kick. Sheamus hit a belly-to-belly, but Breeze ducked the Brogue Kick. He then hit the Beauty Shot, but got a 2 count. Sheamus got the win with a second White Noise.

Breeze landed a couple of nice moves, but it wasn't enough to keep the Celtic Warrior down.

Match 4. Nikki Bella vs. Stephanie McMahon

Match 5. Elimination - The Industry vs. Prime Time Players

Match 6. Undertaker vs. Kevin Nash w/ Triple H
Nash landed his own chokeslam as Triple H threw in a chair. Trips distracted the ref and Nash hit Taker with that chair. Taker hit a chokeslam and got a near fall. He then hit the Tombstone, but H distracted the ref again. Nash hit the Jackknife, but Taker kicked out. Taker landed a second Tombstone, but H put Nash's foot on the rope. Nash kicked out of a chokeslam onto a chair. Taker landed a THIRD tombstone, but H got involved again. Taker put Nash away after a DDT.

Simple, yet effective. Wow. I can't believe he hit 3 Tombstones and Nash still kicked out. I thought he was going to win at that point.

Match 1. Santino Marella vs. Heath Slater

Match 2. Fandango vs. Wade Barrett

Match 3. Curtis Axel vs. Braun Strowman

Recap: Who will Paige and Natalya find? I still can't believe that Taker/Nash match. I wouldn't be surprised if we don't see Zack Ryder for a while.

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