Friday, December 11, 2015

August Week 3, Year 1

Match 1. The Wyatt Family vs. The Ascension

Match 2. Braun Strowman vs. Dolph Zigger

Match 3. Lucha Dragons vs. Tyson Kidd and Cesaro
These guys are on a roll.

Match 4. Cactus Jack vs. Daniel Bryan
Will Kevin Owens get involved? We got the answer very quickly as he walked down and sat at ringside. During the match, Owens left his chair and Cactus got distracted. Bryan took advantage and attacked Cactus. He connected with his signature kicks and locked in the Yes Lock, but Cactus reached the ropes. After a diving elbow, he landed five or six more kicks and won.

Owens' distraction easily cost Cactus this match.

Match 5. Brock Lesnar vs. Randy Orton
Lesnar came out fighting at the bell. He landed some forearm smashes and suplexes. Orton threw Lesnar out of the ring and threw him into the barricade. He later took down Lesnar with a Lou Thesz Press. Orton hit a suplex, but Lesnar kicked out and hit 3 German suplexes. Orton kicked out of an F5. Lesnar grew frustrated and cracked Orton over the head with a chair. Orton kicked out of 3 more German suplexes and a second F5. WOW! Lesnar landed four more chair shots and won.

Lesnar dominated the champ. He was a man on a mission and wasn't going to stop. He's scary.

Match 6. Finn Balor vs. Bray Wyatt
Balor suplexed Bray onto the top rope and then kicked him in the face. Bray came back with a back suplex and pin attempt. After a Pele kick, Balor hit the shotgun dropkick and sit-out powerbomb. Bray tossed Balor and landed a running senton. Bray kicked out of a reverse Bloody Sunday. Balor connected with a Codebreaker and Coup de Grace, but Bray kicked out again. Balor continued with a Bloody Sunday to win.

Finn busted out of moves we haven't seen before. Bray didn't get much offense in.

Match 1. Christian vs. Neville vs. The Miz vs. Tyler Breeze
Neville beat down Breeze on the outside. Miz sent Christan to the outside moments later. Miz went after Neville's leg, keeping him grounded. He then hit a diving elbow drop. Christian then hit Neville with one of his own. Miz caught Breeze with a big boot and hit the Skull Crushing Finale to win.

Decent 4 way, but a little short to my liking.

Match 2. Nikki Bella vs. Stephanie McMahon

Match 3. Rick Rude vs. Dallas Page

Match 4. Prime Time Player vs. The Nation
I guess R-Truth was the difference maker.

Match 5. Elimination - The Industry vs. The New Day
Rollins then hit Kofi with two full nelson suplexes. Kofi went for a hurricanrana, but Ryback countered it into a sit-out powerbomb. Big E hit Rollins with a super fall away slam. Ryback broke up Big E's pin attempt after the Big Ending. Ryback landed the meat hook clothesline and powerbomb on Kofi. Big E eliminated Rollins after a second Big Ending. Whoa! Ryback hit two Shell Shocks, but Kofi broke up the pin attempts. New Day hit the Big Ending/diving elbow to win.

Wow. The New Day dominated The Industry. Power of Positivity

Match 6. John Cena vs. Triple H and Kevin Nash
Cena Cena overcome the odds again? Cena caught Nash with a second-rope tornado DDT.Cena took Nash down with a shoulder tackle. He went for the AA, but Nash countered it and hit the knockout punch. Cena countered the Jackknife and hit the AA, but Triple H broke up the pin. Cena made his comeback and hit Triple H with the AA, but Nash broke it up. The match spilled to the outside. Triple H landed a spine buster, but Cena kicked out. Nash landed a leg drop and Triple H hit the Pedigree and busted Cena open, but Cena kicked out again! Triple H pinned Cena after a superplex.

Cena did everything he could. Multiple finishers and many kick outs, but the numbers were too much.

Match 1. Santino Marella vs. Damien Sandow

Match 2. Fandango vs. Zack Ryder vs. Bo Dallas

Match 3. Curtis Axel vs. Neville

Recap: NXT has a lot going on right now. The title picture is very crowded and Kevin Owens is getting in the head of Cactus Jack. The Industry went 1-1, but the win was a big one.

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