Monday, December 7, 2015

August Week 1, Year 1

This is the first week of Saturday Night Heat, a minor show for both brands. I also changed Superstars to 2002-2004 era SmackDown.

Match 1. The Wyatt Family vs. The Dudleyz

Match 2. Paige vs. Emma

Match 3. Lucha Dragons vs. Kidd and Cesaro
Kalisto hit Cesaro with a fancy head scissors takedown. He then landed a rolling heel kick and got a near fall. The Dragons then hit a one-arm powerbomb and diving clothesline combo. Cesaro came back with the Neutralizer and a German suplex. Kidd came in and wore down Kalisto with many submissions. He then made him tap with the Dungeon Lock.

Good match. I like the arsenal of moves Kidd and Cesaro have.

Match 4. Dolph Ziggler vs. Damien Sandow

Match 5. Cactus Jack vs. Kevin Owens
Owens landed multiple forearm smashes at the start of the match. He later hit a spinning sidewalk slam. Cactus hit his running knee in the corner and got a near fall. He then hit a spike piledriver, then somehow busted Owens open. Owens came back with the cannonball splash in the corner. Cactus kicked out of the pop-up powerbomb. Cactus came back and won with a second running knee in the corner.

Wow. I was not expecting that finish. Not that Cactus won, but how he won.

Match 6. Finn Balor vs. Bray Wyatt
After a little back-and-forth, Bray landed a clothesline and a huge pump handle slam. Balor hit a running sit-out powerbomb, but couldn't capitalize. He hit a diving splash and shotgun dropkick. He then hit another dropkick and got a near fall. Bray hit a one-arm slam and went for the pin, but Balor grabbed the rope. Bray did his creepy walk and hit Sister Abigail, but Balor kicked out again. Balor landed a superplex and got a long two count. Bray hit a second finisher to win.

After the match, Bray continued his attack on Balor, sending a message to the rest of the roster.

Balor had a couple of hope spots, but this was Bray Wyatt all the way.

Match 1. Mikey Whipwreck vs. Bam Bam Bigelow

Match 2. DDP vs. Rick Rude vs. Savio Vega vs. Vader
A legends 4-way.

Match 3. Nikki Bella vs. Stephanie McMahon
These matches have been entertaining, so why not? Steph took Nikki down with a snapmare and slapped her across the face. She hit a spine buster, but Nikki kicked out and hit the Bella Buster. After a two count, Nikki landed the Rack Attack, but Steph kicked out again. Steph hit the Pedigree, but got a near fall. Steph landed a nice hurricanrana and a second Pedigree to win.

Told you! Steph gets a nice win against the champ.

Match 4. The New Day vs. The Usos
Jey hit Big E with a Samoan drop and followed it up with a suplex and flying splash to Kofi. Big E hit Jimmy with a belly-to-belly and locked in a camel clutch. New Day then hit a Big Ending/diving elbow combo and Kofi got the three count.

What?! Nice finisher, but that match was short. New Day want those tag titles.

Match 5. Sheamus vs. Ric Flair vs. Christian
This is non-title.

Match 6. Triple H vs. John Cena
Cena busted out a hurricanrana. H landed a gut buster and immediately followed it up with a suplex. Triple H focused on the head and neck area of Cena. He landed a diving elbow drop. Cena made a comeback and countered the spine buster into a DDT. He then hit the AA, but H kicked out. H did connect with the spine buster and Pedigree, but could not follow it up with a pin. Cena hit the 5 Knuckle Shuffle and a second AA to win.

Another good match between these two. Not the best, but good enough. Triple H may need more help.

Match 1. Santino Marella vs. R-Truth

Match 2. Curtis Axel vs. Damien Sandow

Match 3. Braun Strowman vs. Fandango

Recap: Heat was whatever. Not the best first week. However, this was a great week of matches. Some great rivalries are building here.

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