Saturday, September 3, 2016

NXT - December Week 2, Year 2

This is the go-home show to TakeOver: REvolution

Match 1. Shane McMahon vs. Jack Swagger vs. Zack Ryder

Match 2. The Ascension vs. Blake and Murphy

Match 3. Paige vs. Cameron

Match 4. American Alpha vs. Wyatt Family
Harper and Rowan wore down Gable. Jordan came in, but Harper halted his momentum. Rowan caught Gable with a spin kick. Alpha landed a double super back suplex and pinned Rowan.

Great teamwork by American Alpha. The former tag champs lose another match.

Match 5. Braun Strowman vs. Cesaro
Cesaro has a big challenge in front of him. Strowman countered a suplex and tossed Cesaro up in the air. He continued with a gutwrench slam and pump handle piledriver, but Cesaro kicked out. Cesaro tried fighting back, but Strowman landed a super back suplex and another piledriver to win.

Wow. I've never seen Cesaro manhandled like that. Strowman is a force.

Main Event. Sami Zayn vs. Austin Aries
Aries connected with an STO. Zayn landed an enziguiri. He got a near fall after the Blue Thunder Bomb. Aries went to the top and hit Zayn with a missile dropkick to the outside. Aries locked in Last Chancery, but Zayn broke out. Zayn hit the Exploder suplex. Aries hit the brain buster, but got a near fall. After a lot of back and forth, Aries landed a hurricanran into a roll up and won.

After the match, Aries continued stomping on Zayn.

An awesome match. These two are at the top of their game. 

Recap: A great go-home show. Cesaro may have a new challenger. The tag division is the best.

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