Wednesday, September 7, 2016

NXT TakeOver: R Evolution, Year 2

The second-to-last NXT TakeOver show. It's going to be a good one.

Match 1. Last Woman Standing - Asuka vs. Alicia Fox - NXT Women's Championship
A big opportunity for Foxy. She hit a tilt-a-whirl back breaker. She connected with a spin kick to the gut. Fox continued with a couple of leg drops and a snap DDT, but Asuka kept getting up. Asuka connected with her kicks. She then tossed Fox up and caught her with a super kick. A little later, Asuka took her out with a German suplex and retained her title.

I did not see the Last Woman Standing stip coming. Fox looked real good in defeat.

Match 2. Enzo Amore and Big Cass vs. The Wyatt Family - NXT Tag Team Championship
Enzo wanted to end this quick. He hit Rowan with a DDT and diving elbow. It didn't last long as both Rowan and Harper destroyed Enzo. Cass got the tag and threw Rowan into the steps. Enzo and Cass then hit Boom Shakalaka to win.

There was a funny glitch that affected Enzo's right leg. It didn't mess up the match. The Wyatts lose again.

Match 3. Sami Zayn vs. Austin Aries
After a little back-and-forth, Aries took control with a gator roll and crossface. He then hit a diving elbow. Aries tossed Zayn out and landed a suicide dive. Zayn came back with the Blue Thunder Bomb and got a near fall. He then locked in the Koji clutch. Zayn countered a hurricanrana and hung Aries over the ropes. Aries caught Zayn with the discus elbow and got the win.

I was not expecting that finish. Either man could have won, but Aries is dangerous with that elbow.

Match 4. Cesaro vs. James Storm vs. Tyson Kidd vs. Baron Corbin - NXT US Championship
This should be fun. Storm sent Kidd to the outside. Cesaro hit Corbin with a straightjacket powerbomb. Corbin landed a German suplex. Kidd found his way to Cesaro and they went at it. Kidd landed a diving elbow. Cesaro hit the Very European Uppercut. Cesaro hit Storm with a super double underhook suplex. Corbin hit Kidd with the End of Days. Cesaro cauight Kidd with another uppercut and won.

Damn. Cesaro got lucky here. He could have easily lost his title.

Match 5. Finn Balor vs. Hideo Itami vs. Rusev
A win here will put Rusev back in the title picture. Balor went after both Rusev and Itami. Hideo brought in a bat and hit Balor in the back. Balor hit Rusev with the shotgun dropkick. Rusev kicked Hideo in the head. Balor then caught Rusev with a chickenwing suplex and got the win.

Wow. I was hoping for a more intense match. Balor is the best on the roster.

Match 6. Daniel Bryan vs. Samoa Joe
Joe smacked Bryan around a bit. Bryan made a comeback and kicked Joe in the head. Joe threw Bryan into the corner and hit a German suplex. Bryan DDT'd Joe on the apron. After a heel kick, Joe connected with the Muscle Buster, but Bryan kicked out. Bryan made his comeback and finished with his kicks to the head before getting the win.

Main Event. AJ Styles vs. Edge - NXT Championship
Damn. One match and AJ gets a title shot. Styles wrestled around Edge. Edge countered with a German suplex. AJ landed a heel kick and a dive over the top to the outside. He continued with another heel kick and suplex. Edge kicked out of the Pele kick and Styles Clash. Edge made his comeback and capped with the Impaler DDT. Styles busted Edge open with a second Pele kick and won with a second Styles Clash.

Oh my God! AJ Styles is the new NXT Champion. What a debut!

Recap: Wow. Things are about to change in NXT. Styles is on top. The Wyatts lose again. Alicia Fox held her own against Asuka.

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