Sunday, September 25, 2016

WWE - January Week 2, Year 2

Match 1. R-Truth vs. Cody Rhodes

Match 2. Chris Jericho vs. Shelton Benjamin
Whoa! The Gold Standard returns! Shelton dominated Jericho early. No ring rust here. Jericho hit a back suplex and reverse DDT. Shelton landed a second-rope senton. Shelton hit a moonsault before winning with a superkick and Paydirt.

Shelton looked fluid in the ring. It's good to have him back in Universe.

Match 3. Prime Time Players vs. The Pretty Express

Match 4. Big Show vs. Christian

Match 5. John Cena and The Rock vs.  Kevin Owens and Batista
This is a big match. None of these men like each other. Cena and Owens went to the outside. Rock locked Batista in the Sharpshooter. Owens got the hot tag and slammed Cena on the top of his head. He then hit the cannonball splash. The match broke down as Owens hit Cena with the package powerbomb to win.

Owens pinned Cena. The Rock is next on his list.

Main Event. The Shield vs. New Day
Reigns landed a back suplex and a spear on Kofi, but got a near fall. Ambrose hit Big E with Dirty Deeds, but Kofi broke it up. E hit the Big Ending, but Reigns broke up the pin. Reigns busted E open. Reigns went to the top, but Kofi caught him with Trouble in Paradise out of the mid-air. Ambrose pinned Big E after a second Dirty Deeds.

Great tag match. All four men got their moves in. The Shield want to retain their titles.

Match 1. The Miz vs. Fandango

Match 2. Wade Barrett vs. Bo Dallas

Match 3. Shane McMahon vs. Shane Thorne

Recap: What a week. The Shield pulled out a win. Kevin Owens pins John Cena and Shelton Benjamin returns after some time away.

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