Friday, September 9, 2016

NXT - December Week 3, Year 2

Match 1. James Storm vs. Tye Dillinger
Dillinger had the surprising advantage early. He backdropped Storm onto the apron. Storm fought back and hit a Codebreaker. Tye landed a front suplex and frog splash, but Storm kicked out. He then won with the Tye Breaker.

I was not expecting that. Tye went out to prove something and he did. Impressive.

Match 2. Becky Lynch vs. Emma
Two generations of NXT women stars. Becky targeted Emma's limbs. Becky landed a German suplex and modified crossbow lock. She then suplexed Emma through the announce table. Damn. She later locked in the Disarmer, but Emma broke out. Becky broke out of the Dil-Emma and won with a back suplex.

A great back-and-forth women's match. So many submission attempts.

Match 3. Hype Bros vs. The Vaudevillains

Match 4. Billy Gunn vs. Jack Swagger vs. Elias Samson vs. Shane McMahon

Match 5. Sami Zayn vs. Austin Aries

Main Event. AJ Styles vs. Braun Strowman
What a first opponent for the new champion. After fending off AJ, Braun tossed him up in the air with ease. AJ landed a roundhouse kick, but Braun got right up. AJ locked in a reverse STF and connected with the Pele kick. Braun hit a half nelson back breaker. Styles superplexed Braun to the outside. AJ ducked a clothesline and hit a second Pele kick to get the win.

Braun had the champ on his heels. But, AJ is the champ for a reason. Good main event.

Recap: Good show. Braun more than held his own against the champ. Emma and Becky had a good match, too.

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