Tuesday, September 13, 2016

WWE - December Week 4, Year 2

This is the go-home show to TLC. Then, it's off to the Royal Rumble.

Match 1. New Day vs. The Shield
Big E hit a clothesline and face buster for a near fall on Dean. Kofi hit Reigns with a Boom Drop. Reigns came back with a Samoan drop. After a double DDT, Reigns connected with the Superman punch. Kofi kicked out of the spear. Big E kicked out of the Superman punch. Ambrose kicked out of the Super Big Ending. Kofi won with a diving elbow on Reigns.

Great tag match. Can The Shield regroup and win at the PPV?

Match 2. Sasha Banks vs. Nikki Bella
Nikki targeted the neck with a snapmare and neck breaker., She then hit the Bella Buster and Rack Attack, but got a near fall. Sasha came back with a backstabber, but Nikki kicked out. Nikki landed the Alabama Slam. Sasha landed the 3 Amigos and locked in the Bank Statement. Nikki hit a second Bella Buster to win.

Will Nikki face her sister for the Divas title?

Match 3. Chris Jericho and Christian vs. The Dudleyz

Match 4. Ryback vs. Dolph Ziggler

Match 5. Big Show vs. JBL vs. Sheamus vs. John Cena

Main Event. The Rock vs. Kevin Owens
Will this happen just days before the pay-per-view? Owens left the ring and took down Rock on the ramp. Owens threw Rock into the steps and steel post. Rock fired back with an Irish whip of his own. Owens hit the package side slam. Rock hit the Rock Bottom and won.

This was more of a fight than a match. TLC is going to be intense.

Match 1. X-Pac vs. Simon Gotch

Match 2. R-Truth vs. Wade Barrett

Match 3. Braun Strowman vs. Fandango

Recap: New Day shut down The Shield. Rock and Owens are going to destroy each other. Will we see a Bella brawl?

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