Saturday, September 17, 2016

NXT - January Week 1, Year 2

Match 1. Sami Zayn vs. Baron Corbin
Austin Aries attacked Zayn from behind. Corbin left the ring and went after Zayn. Sami fought back with a suplex and threw Corbin into the barricade. In the ring, Zayn hit the Blue Thunder Bomb and got a near fall. He later hit the super brain buster. Corbin caught him with the End of Days and won.

Zayn shook off the attack and almost won. Corbin ended his comeback with one move.

Match 2. Enzo Amore and Big Cass vs. The Ascension

Match 3. Paige vs. Summer Rae vs. Asuka vs. Cameron
Big win for Summer.

Match 4. Hideo Itami vs. Curtis Axel

Match 5. AJ Styles vs. Daniel Bryan Edge
Edge attacked Bryan and made his way to the ring. I guess it's Edge and Styles tonight. Edge landed a reverse DDT. AJ hit the Styles Clash, but didn't go for the pin. He locked in the Calf Killer. Edge hit a sit-out powerbomb and busted him open with the Downward Spiral. AJ got another near fall after a Styles Clash. Edge hit the spear and won.

After the match, Edge continued the attack before getting pulled away by the ref.

Edge wants his title back and wearing down the champ is a good way to make it happen.

Main Event. Sting vs. Braun Strowman
Strowman clotheslined and suplexed Sting. Sting fought back and sent Braun to the outside. After some back and forth, Strowman landed a pump handle piledriver. He then hit a lifting cutter to win.

Strowman manhandled Sting. Sting took a while to get up. This doesn't look good.

Recap: This was a brutal week. Two pre-match attacks and a legend struggles. 

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