Tuesday, August 30, 2016

WWE - December Week 1, Year 2

Match 1. Sasha Banks vs. Naomi
Sasha landed a crucifix. She then locked in a modified crossface. After a snapmare, Naomi hit a kneeling DDT. She continued with a split-legged moonsault. Sasha dodged the Rear End and locked in the Bank Statement. Naomi connected with a suplex and back breaker to get the win.

A good back and forth match. Naomi looked impressive, making a name for herself.

Match 2. Gold and Stardust vs. Feed Us More
After the match, Stardust went to pick up his brother. He then grabbed him and hit Dark Matter before walking away.

WHAT?! Why would Stardust do that? I guess the losing streak got to him.

Match 3. New Day vs. The Usos
Big E slammed Jey multiple times. He then lifted Jimmy up for a press slam. Jey came back with a Samoan drop and 450 senton splash. The Usos hit Big E with a slam and splash combo. Jimmy landed a super Samoan drop. Kofi beat down Jimmy on the outside as Big E hit Jey with the Big Ending to win.

After the match, Dean Ambrose and Roman Reigns walked out.

This was a impactful tag match. Ambrose/Reigns going after the tag titles? Interesting.

Match 4. Sheamus vs. Alberto Del Rio

Match 5. Booker T vs. Rhyno

Main Event. The Rock vs. John Cena Kevin Owens
Kevin Owens tossed Cena out from the back and walked to the ring. Owens landed the package side slam and won. Rock did have his hand on the rope.

Owens continued the attack after the match.

Jesus. Owens wanted Rock to himself. He's determined to get his title back.

Match 1. The Ascension vs. Blake and Murphy

Match 2. The Usos vs. Hype Bros

Match 3. Christian vs. Wade Barrett

Recap: Damn. What a change for WWE. Owens took out Cena to get to Rock. Ambrose/Reigns are gunning for the tag titles.

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