Wednesday, September 14, 2016

WWE TLC, Year 2

Let's hope for a good PPV tonight.

Match 1. TLC - Ryback vs. Booker vs. CM Punk - WWE Intercontinental Championship
Punk held Ryback as Booker landed a heel kick. Booker brought in a ladder as Punk landed a second rope splash. Punk hit Ryback with a ladder and Booker with the GTS before making the climb. Booker shoved him off. He and Ryback began double teaming Punk. Booker sent Ryback to the outside and he followed. Punk recovered and pulled the title down.

Punk wins his first title since joining the Universe. He picked his spots to climb.

Match 2. Cody Rhodes vs. Goldust
The two brothers finally go at it. Goldust was aggressive early, but Cody took control. Goldust hit a sit-out powerbomb and Curtain Call, but Cody kicked out. Cody landed a moonsault from the top. He later got a near fall after an Alabama Slam. After a diving leg drop, he hit Cross Rhodes, but Goldust kicked out. Goldust pinned Cody after another Curtain Call.

During the final pin, Cody did grab the ropes, but the ref apparently didn't see it.

Match 3. TLC - John Cena vs. Kurt Angle
Cena hit a back suplex. Angle hit a snap DDT and pulled out a ladder. Cena hit Angle multiple times with the ladder. Cena tossed Angle up and caught him with the AA. Angle shook it off and landed 3 German suplexes. Cena landed the 5 Knuckle Shuffle and another AA. He then climbed up the ladder, but Angle pulled him down. Cena threw Angle out of the ring and pulled the briefcase down.

With this win, Cena is now in line for a championship match.

Match 4. The New Day vs. The Sheild - WWE Tag Team Championship
Ambrose took it to Big E and sent him to the outside. E blocked a Superman punch, but Roman connected with it the second time. He then hit a spear, but Big E kicked out. Things then broke down as all four men fought in the ring. Dean hit Kofi with Dirty Deeds. The Shield hit Kofi with a supercanrana into a powerbomb. Reigns continued the beat down on Kofi before hitting E with a spear to win.

Damn. The Shield came out strong and held nothing back. Big E and Kofi left a bloody mess.

Match 5. Seth Rollins vs. Triple H
Triple H spiked Rollins with a piledriver. He then connected with the spine buster and Pedigree and won.

Triple H was not getting paid by the hour. Three moves and he's out. Damn.

Match 6. TLC - Brie Bella vs. Charlotte - WWE Divas Championship
A women's TLC match? Sure! Charlotte deadlifted Brie and hit a powerbomb. After wearing down the legs, Brie grabbed a ladder. Charlotte landed a power slam. She later hit a super back suplex. Brie and Charlotte made small attempts at the title. Brie powerbombed Charlotte off the title. Charlotte tossed Brie to the outside and pulled down the title.

Good TLC match. They didn't get too violent, but there was a lot of back and forth.

Main Event. TLC - The Rock vs. Kevin Owens - WWE World Championship
There were already three title changes, will we see a fourth? Owens immediately left the ring and brought in a ladder. They went back and forth with the ladder. He made an attempt for the belt, but Rock pushed him off. Rock knocked Owens around with the ladder. Owens brought in a table and hit Rock with it. Rock sent Owens to the outside after a Samoan drop onto the table and won.

Wow. Owens was in his element and still lost. The Rock is still on top.

Recap: What a show. Three title changes and a great main event. I'm still surprised at the Rollins/HHH match. 

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