Friday, September 23, 2016

NXT - January Week 2, Year 2

Match 1. Sami Zayn vs. Austin Aries
Aries climbs up the ladder.

Match 2. Curtis Axel vs. Fandango

Match 3. Paige vs. Emma
Emma landed a snapmare and a running boot. Paige hit a back breaker and stomped on Emma. She then hit the Paige Turner, but got a near fall. Paige connected with a dive to the outside. Emma locked in the Dil-Emma, but Paige came back with a back suplex and diving splash. Paige won with Ram-Paige.

This was a good women's match. They did not give each other space.

Match 4. Enzo, Cass and Storm vs. Roode, Blake and Murphy
Blake and Murphy beat down Enzo in their half of the ring. Enzo broke away and tagged in Storm and Roode came in. Roode landed a couple of suplexes and a diving elbow. Cass got the hot tag and slammed Blake. B&M hit Storm with an assisted Code Breaker. Roode then hit a spine buster and the Roode Bomb to win.

Blake, Murphy and Roode worked well together. They stayed fresh and kept it effecient.

Match 5. AJ Styles vs. Edge
Edge did not let AJ enter the ring as he attacked him between the ropes. AJ sprung up and made a comeback. He then connected with a Pele kick. Edge hit the spear, but kept the offense going. He hit an Impaler and another spear. AJ somehow kicked out and hit the Styles Clash. Edge connected with a third finisher and put AJ away.

After the match, Edge continued stomping on AJ, sending him a message.

Jesus! Edge did not want AJ to make it to next week. That was hard to watch.

Main Event. Braun Strowman vs. Sting
The Icon returns. Strowman takes him out again.

Recap: This was an interesting week. Edge wanted to murder AJ. Braun put down Sting again. Paige and Emma was a fun match.

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