Sunday, September 11, 2016

NXT - December Week 4, Year 2

NXT is starting to weed out the older stars. As a result, Stone Cold and William Regal are no longer on the roster.

Match 1. Cesaro vs. Wade Barrett
Barrett landed a big boot and tilt-a-whirl back breaker. Cesaro came back with a gutwrench slam. Barrett hit a second-rope diving elbow and the Winds of Change. After a scuffle on the outside, Cesaro hit the Very European uppercut, but Barrett kicked out. Barrett threw Cesaro into the post and won via countout.

Damn. The US champ just lost by countout. Barrett has a new side to him.

Match 2. Hype Bros vs. The Ascension

Match 3. Paige vs. Alicia Fox vs. Asuka

Match 4. Hideo Itami vs. Tyson Kidd
Kidd landed an overhead belly-to-belly. Itami countered with a sit-out powerbomb. Kidd blocked an underhook slam and hit an STO into the corner. He then locked in Code Blue, but Itami escaped. Kidd connected with a dive through the ropes. After a German suplex, Itami won with the GTS.

Great match. Kidd had a couple of spots to win. Hideo is just too good.

Match 5. Braun Strowman vs. Shane McMahon

Main Event. Sami Zayn vs. Austin Aries
Zayn hit a half-and-half suplex and a Blue Thunder Bomb. Zayn blocked the discus elbow and hit a front suplex. Zayn then left the ring and took apart the announce table. He then landed a diving elbow from the top! Aries kicked out of a second powerbomb. He hit the brain buster. Zayn followed up with the Super Buster and won with a diving splash.

These two did everything they could. Aries almost won with the brain buster. Zayn took it one step further.

Recap: What a week. Strowman continues his push. Hideo and Zayn pick up big wins.

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