Thursday, September 29, 2016

WWE - January Week 4, Year 2

The final show before the Royal Rumble.

Match 1. Ric Flair vs. Chris Jericho
Jericho focused on the legs of Flair, but it didn't last long. Flair took him down with a headlock and later hit a butterfly suplex. After a back breaker, Jericho locked in the Walls. He then DDT'd Flair on the apron. Flair locked in the Figure Four, but Jericho reached the ropes. Flair kicked out of the Codebreaker, but was pinned after a diving elbow.

Flair didn't look as good as he used to. Could this be it?

Match 2. Prime Time Players vs. The Pretty Express

Match 3. Seth Rollins vs. Mark Henry

Match 4. Roman Reigns vs. Kofi Kingston
Kofi blocked the Superman punch and hit the Falcon Arrow. He then hit the Boom Drop. Reigns slammed Kofi down and pinned him, but Kofi grabbed the ropes. Kofi countered the spear into a DDT and hit Trouble in Paradise, but Reigns kicked out. Reigns won with the Superman punch.

Kofi went after Reigns, but he ducked and sent him packing.

The Shield are good in singles competition, but better as a unit.

Match 5. Dolph Ziggler vs. The Miz vs. Christian

Main Event. 6-man Battle Royal - Cena vs. Angle vs. Ryback vs. Rhodes vs. Punk vs. Sheamus
WWE's preview of the Rumble. Punk blocked Angle's elimination attempt. Cena kicked Cody off the apron moments into the match. Ryback hit Cena with a back breaker. Sheamus hit Angle with a rolling senton. He then hit Cena with White Noise. Sheamus eliminated Angle. Ryback tossed out Punk. Sheamus lifted Ryback up and tossed him over the top. Cena then clotheslined Sheamus over the ropes.

Cena is the top guy on SmackDown. He could win it all and get another title shot.

Match 1. The Usos vs. Blake and Murphy

Match 2. Apollo Crews vs. Wade Barrett

Match 3. Ric Flair vs. Bo Dallas vs. Fandango

Recap: What a show. Cena proves that he is a favorite to win the Rumble. Reigns handles Kofi on his own and Jericho takes down a legend.

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