Wednesday, September 20, 2017

Raw's Over The Edge, Year 4

Match 1. Big Show vs. Mr. Perfect - WWF Intercontinental Championship
Technical against power. After a stint on the outside, Hennig hit a snapmare. Show tossed Perfect up and hit the knockout punch on the way down but got a two count. Hennig grabbed the ropes after a spear. Show then pinned a bloody Hennig after a second spear.

A good opening match. Show was just too powerful for the Perfect One.

Match 2. Charlotte vs. Alexa Bliss - WWF Women's Championship
Alexa dodged a big boot and hit a reverse leg sweep. Charlotte tossed Bliss into the turnpost. They traded near falls after a Charlotte submission attempt. Bliss won after hitting Twisted Bliss from the top.

A fun women's match that we will probably see a few more times.

Match 3. Breezango vs. Natural Disasters
Breezango hit a double back breaker on Earthquake. The big boys wore down Breeze. After a powerslam, Earthquake hit a second-rope splash. Fandango hit a forward leg sweep and a diving leg drop on Typhoon to get the win.

Whoa. The big guys were off their feet and Breezango took advantage.

Match 4. Stone Cold vs. Edge
Two legends vying for a title shot next month. Edge hit a cheap shot after a lock up. No surprise. After some back and forth, Edge hit the Edge-O-Matic, but Austin kicked out. Austin hit the Lou Thesz Press. Edge busted Austin open with a second DDT. Austin got a two count after the Stunner. Edge won with the spear.

Austin fired up after getting busted open but Edge was able to hit the spear.

Match 5. New Day vs. The Revival - WWF Tag Team Championship
Clearly the top two teams on Raw fighting for the titles. Kofi slammed Dawson down a couple of times. Wilder and Woods went back and forth. Kofi countered a suplex into a DDT. Woods was on fire with a discus forearm, fisherman neck breaker and won with the Honor Roll.

New Day are back as champs. Revival and Breezango are challenging for the next shot.

Match 6. Batista vs. Bobby Roode
Batista hit a half-and-half suplex. Roode grabbed a chair and cracked Batista over the head. Batista came back with a powerbomb on the outside. Roode hit a suplex and Death Valley Driver to win.

Not the best match. Roode pins a big name, which is a plus.

Main Event. Shawn Michaels vs. Cesaro - WWF Championship
This could be the best wrestled match so far. Michaels was in control early. Cesaro hit a gutwrench suplex and locked in a couple of holds. Cesaro caught Michaels with the European uppercut but got a near fall. He followed it up with the Neutralizer but again got a two count. Michaels landed the Sweet Chin Music and diving elbow but Cesaro kicked out. Michaels shook off a German suplex on the outside and won with a second super kick.

What a match. Cesaro had Michaels down a couple of times. HBK is just too damn good.

Recap: A great PPV with an excellent main event. Two months down already. I could finish the year before 2K18 comes out.

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