Thursday, September 14, 2017

NXT TakeOver: Japan, Year 4

I will not be editing any matches for this year. Just rolling with the punches.

Match 1. Table - British Bulldog vs. Booker T - NXT European Championship
Has either man been in a table match? Bulldog hit a power slam and ax smash. He then brought in a table. They fought on the outside for a bit. Booker hit the Scissors Kick and set up the table in the corner. Bulldog came back and hit the running slam. He then speared Booker through the table.

Bulldog becomes the first European champion. A good first title match. Everyone take notice.

Match 2. Becky Lynch vs. Summer Rae
Summer was using her long legs early. Becky dodged a diving splash. Summer hit a full nelson bomb and locked in a body scissors. She then hit Summer Crush to win.

Not the most exciting women's match. Summer does upset Becky.

Match 3. Dana Brooke vs. Nia Jax - NXT Women's Championship
Can this women's match be better? This was going at a much faster pace. Dana lifted Nia and then slammed her down for a near fall. After a front slam, Nia hit 10 elbow drops. She then landed a super kick and super back suplex. She grew frustrated. Dana landed her second Samoan Driver to win.,

A much better match. They both had their chances. Dana impressed me.

Match 4. Ricky Steamboat vs. Curtis Axel
Can Axel get a win here? He hit a release belly-to-back. Steamboat hit a nice running slam and butterfly slam. After a back suplex, he connected with a diving cross body and got the win.

Axel refused the handshake after the match. You would think the son of Mr. Perfect would show respect.

Match 5. Enzo and Cass vs. The Good Brothers - NXT Tag Team Championship
Enzo hit Gallows with a flipping neck breaker. Cass caught Anderson with a big boot. He then hit the East River Crossing. Anderson pulled out a cutter for a near fall. After a super side slam to Gallows, Cass pinned him win a big boot.

Cass and Enzo are the first NXT tag champs. They looked great.

Match 6. Last Man Standing - John Cena vs. Mankind
This should be fun. Winner gets the champ next? Mankind bit the forehead of Cena. After a throwback, Cena hit the 5 Knuckle Shuffle and AA. Mankind got up at 7. Mankind kept the pressure on Cena, keeping him down for a while. He then hit a double-arm DDT. Cena could not get up.

No weapons, no ringside fighting. Just a standard wrestling match. I can't believe the finish.

Main Event. Seth Rollins vs. Triple H - NXT Championship
What?! Where did Triple H come from? He hasn't even had a match. Rollins hit two full nelson suplexes. He got a near fall after a rolling heel kick. H landed the running high knee and spine buster for a two count. Rollins went for the frog splash but Triple H popped up and hit the Pedigree but Rollins kicked out. Trips landed some chair shots. Rollins came back with his Pedigree but to no avail. Rollins hit a Falcon Arrow and won with a rolling super kick.

What a match! Triple H, in his first appearance, almost walked out with the title.

Recap: That was a great first PPV. We crowned all of the champions and had a couple of good grudge matches.

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