Thursday, September 7, 2017

March Week 3, Year 3

Match 1. Emma vs. Nia Jax
Emma pinned the champ.

Match 2. Kane vs. Batista

Match 3. Sasha Banks vs. Naomi

Match 4. Strowman vs. Big E vs. Cesaro vs. Ryback
Four of the toughest guys on the roster. Strowman pulled out a sledgehammer, like he needs a weapon. He then hit Cesaro with a deadlift powerbomb and squatting suplex. E and Ryback fought on the outside. Strowman hit Ryback with a pump handle piledriver. Big E pinned Ryback after a Big Ending as Strowman beat down Cesaro.

E may deserve a rematch for the US title at 'Mania.

Main Event. Finn Balor vs. Roman Reigns
Balor hit a step-up heel kick. Reigns came back with an uppercut. They went back and forth with big move attempts and reversals. Balor landed a double underhook suplex. Reigns hit a gut wrench slam and Superman punch. Balor hit a shotgun dropkick and dive over the top. He then busted Reigns open with a Codebreaker and won with the Coup de Grace.

Is this a sign of things to come with Balor? Can he win the title at 'Mania?

Match 1. Tyler Breeze vs. Kevin Owens
Breeze wins again!

Match 2. Jack Swagger vs. Heath Slater

Match 3. Mark Henry vs. Bray Wyatt

Match 4. Seth Rollins Kevin Owens vs. Sami Zayn
Owens attacked Rollins from behind at walked to the ring. They then fought on the ramp. Zayn hit a German suplex and reverse DDT. Owens came back with a kick to the head and brought the match into the ring. He then hit a package powerbomb. Zayn got a near fall after the Blue Thunder Bomb. He continued with a tope over the top and senton bomb. Zayn finally won after an exploder suplex.

These two will fight forever. Rollins will want revenge and Breeze is in the mix as well.

Main Event. Sheamus vs. Wade Barrett

Match 1. Neville vs. Austin Aries
Aries hit a Slingblade off the ropes. Neville landed a delayed suplex. He kept going with a cutter and northern lights suplex. After a suplex, Aries hit a diving elbow. Neville got a near fall after a second cutter and standing corkscrew splash. Aries landed the Three Amigos and a 450 splash for a near fall. After some back and forth, Aries pinned Neville with a discus elbow.

What a match between two of the best wrestlers. Aries jumps in the rankings.

Match 2. Summer Rae vs. Dana Brooke

Match 3. Elias Samson vs. Andrade 'Cien' Almas

Match 4. Samoa Joe vs. AJ Styles
Joe came out with the Chimera-plex. Moments later, he hit the Muscle Buster but Styles kicked out. Wow. AJ hit some moves on the outside. Joe got another Chimera-plex and locked in the Coquina Clutch. Styles pulled out the Pele kick. He hit a tornado DDT and the Styles Clash to win.

A great match. Can AJ defeat Joe again at the PPV?

Main Event. Shinsuke Nakamura vs. Bobby Roode

Match 1. Vader vs. Ric Flair

Match 2. Cactus Jack vs. Brian Pillman
Pillman landed a couple of neck breakers. Jack kept Brian grounded with a back breaker and leg sweep. He then hit a superplex and his running knee in the corner. They went back and forth for a bit before Jack won with a spike pile piledriver.

A good mid-card match from two stars I haven't paid a lot of attention to. 

Match 3. Rob Van Dam vs. Roddy Piper

Match 4. nWo vs. Impact Player

Main Event. Hollywood Hogan vs. Goldberg
Goldberg finally gets a win and puts Hogan's title reign in jeopardy.

Impact of Honor
Match 1. Drago vs. Fenix
Drago hit a hurricanrana and multiple kicks to the back. He then countered a rana by Fenix into a powerbomb. Fenix hit a head scissors and flipping sunset bomb. Drago hit a tornado DDT and a head scissors into an arm bar. Fenix landed a flipping STO and another rana. He then won with springboard cross body and standing moonsault.

A great high-flying match. Fenix wants another shot at PJ Black.

Match 2. War Machine vs. ReDragon

Match 3. WGTT vs. Bad Influence
WGTT get the win. A title shot next?

Match 4. PJ Black vs. King Cuerno vs. Matt Sydal vs. Mil Muertes
Black is stepping up the competition. Black keeps piling up the wins.

Main Event. Cody Rhodes vs. Prince Puma
Cody took Puma down with a chop block. Puma hit a Samoan driver and standing moonsault. He continued with a butterfly powerbomb. Cody connected with the Disaster Kick but got a two count. He then DDT'd Puma on the apron. Puma hit a jumping face buster and double knees from the top. Cody won with a leg sweep and his feet on the ropes.

Cody was aggressive early and often. He wants his X-Division title back, too.

Recap: Another great week as we come close to the end. Goldberg has momentum. The big title matches should be awesome.

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