Saturday, September 23, 2017

NXT TakeOver: Arrival

What a show we have tonight. I scratched the rankings. I wasn't going to change every title match for every PPV. I'll let the game book everything!

Match 1. Enzo and Big Cass vs. Gallows and Anderson - NXT Tag Team Championship
Enzo hit Luke with a sit-out jaw breaker. Cass landed two second-rope side slams. Gallows came back with a superplex. He beat down Enzo up the ramp. After a sitting spine buster on Enzo, Anderson got two near falls. Cass pinned Gallows with the East River Crossing.

A big win for the tag champs.

Match 2. Submission - AJ Styles vs. Scott Hall
Is this our first time seeing Hall in action? Styles focused on the back and neck early. Hall landed a fall away slam and chokeslam. He then kicked AJ's head into the steel post. AJ connected with two Pele kicks. After an Outsider's Edge, Hall locked in the Boston Crab and made Styles tap.

Wow. Hall actually pulled out a submission and won in his first try.

Match 3. Bulldog vs. Neville vs. Booker - European Championship
This could steal the show. Bulldog quickly took down his opponents. All three traded back suplexes and slams. Booker hit Neville with a heel kick and spine buster. Neville came back with a running cutter. Neville took out Bulldog with a German and Booker almost won with the Book End. There were a bunch more near falls. Bulldog hit Booker with a press slam. Neville followed up with a inside out 450 splash to win.

Holy crap. That definitely lived up to expectations. Neville is the new champ.

Match 4. Submission - Kevin Nash vs. Bray Wyatt
This should be interesting. Another interesting matchup. Nash hit a sidewalk slam and locked in a camel clutch. Wyatt landed a clutch slam. Bray connected with his own super fall away slam. Nash hit the Jackknife and locked in a single-leg crab. Nash shook off a Sister Abigail and won with a single-leg crab.

A decent match. Wyatt had the upper hand for a decent part of the match, too.

Match 5. Ricky Steamboat vs. Curtis Axel
This has been building up for the last two months. Can Axel get the big win? Ricky kept Axel grounded for a bit. Axel hit a swinging neck breaker but couldn't capitalize. After a power slam, Steamboat hit a diving cross body to get the win.

Axel raised Steamboat's arm in the end. I guess he's learning about respect.

Match 6. Submission - John Cena vs. Mankind
They quickly went to the outside. Cena hit two reverse DDTs and a running sit-out powerbomb. He then hit the 5 Knuckle Shuffle and AA. But this is a submission match. He attempted an arm bar. Mankind was making a comeback when Cena busted out a second AA. Mankind used Mr. Socko but Cena escaped. Mankind hit a running bulldog and won with Mr. Socko.

This could be the biggest upset in all of Universe. Mankind makes Cena tap.

Main Event. Iron Man - Seth Rollins vs. Triple H - NXT Championship
Whoa. Seth busted out a frog splash early. He's looking for that first point. H almost scored the first fall but Rollins grabbed the rope. He then got a near fall after a Pedigree. Trips got the first point after a back breaker. He went up 2-0 after a Pedigree. Rollins came back with his own Pedigree to cut the deficit in half. He hit a Buckle Bomb and tried to score with his feet on the ropes. Trips goes up 3-1 with a spine buster and then 4-1 with another Pedigree. Rollins made it 4-2 with his second Pedigree. He needs to pick up the pace. 4-3 after a front slam but the bell rang soon after.

Triple H is now the NXT Champion. Are we getting another reign of terror?

Recap: Triple H, Kevin Nash and Scott Hall all won on this show. Interesting. I'm interested to see where the Steamboat/Axel story goes now.

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