Tuesday, September 12, 2017


Match 1. Owens vs. Zayn vs. Rollins vs. Breeze vs. Wyatt vs. Ziggler - IC Championship
This is a ladder match. Bell rang and the faces hit three suplexes. Zayn hit Breeze with a fisherman piledriver and a Blue Thunder Bomb. He then brought in a ladder. Owens hit Bray with a cannonball splash. Zayn took out Breeze and made the first attempt at the belt. Dolph tossed Zayn down and he landed on the steps. Rollins then super kicked Breeze and pulled down the title.

That was a fun opening match. Rollins was interjected into the Zayn/Owens feud and this is his revenge.

Match 2. Sheamus vs. Wade Barrett - WWE World Championship
Sheamus landed a few strikes early. Barrett threw Sheamus into the ref and hit a tilt-a-whirl back breaker. He then hit a German suplex on the outside. Sheamus got a near fall after White Noise. Barrett pulled off the Winds of Change. Sheamus DDT'd Wade on the apron. After a second White Noise, Sheamus retained with the Irish Curse.

Barrett didn't put up the biggest fight after a good showing on SmackDown. Sheamus retains.

Match 3. Tye Dillinger vs. Baron Corbin - United States Championship
Tye ducked a clothesline and hit an STO and jump kick. After a neck breaker, Tye connected with a diving leg drop. He then slammed Corbin through the announce table. He's fighting for his life here. Corbin landed some offense. Tye hit a superplex and looked confident. He then busted Corbin open with the Tye Breaker. Instead of a pin, he went for a springboard elbow but missed. Corbin took advantage and won with the End of Days.

Oh my. Dillinger was doing so well. He just took it one step too far and it cost him.

Match 4. Hype Bros vs. The Usos - SD Tag Team Championship
Ryder countered a slam into a German suplex. Jimmy and Mojo traded moves. Jey then hit a diving splash. He hit Ryder with two kicks to the gut. The Usos hit Mojo with two superkicks and the slam/splash combo to win the titles.

Not the best tag match but the Usos were firing on all cylinders.

Match 5. Paige vs. Brie Bella - SD Women's Championship
Brie getting one last shot before she walks away. Paige worked Brie over on the outside. Brie came back with a big clothesline. They then went back and forth for a little. Brie hit a super back suplex. Paige hit some headbutts and the Paige Turner but Brie kicked out. Paige landed a dive through the ropes. Brie recovered and won with the Bella Buster.

A great women's match. Brie shook off everything Paige gave her to win.

Match 6. Brock Lesnar vs. Braun Strowman
The two big men going at it. They traded strikes before Braun pulled out a ladder. Braun knocked Lesnar around with the ladder. He then tossed her into the steel post. Lesnar dodged a splash and hit a gut wrench slam. He then cracked Braun over the head with a chair and threw him into the steps. Braun hit a half nelson back breaker. Lesnar no-sold ladder shots and won with an F5 onto the ladder.

Just the brawl I thought it would be. These two beasts fought all over.

Main Event. Roman Reigns vs. Finn Balor - Universal Championship
Here it is, the main event. Reigns hit a headbutt and Samoan drop. Balor tried cutting the legs out from Roman. Reigns hit a superplex. Balor hit a falling gut buster and diving elbow drop. Reigns came back with another Samoan drop and Superman punch but Finn kicked out. Roman followed up with the spear but Balor kicked out again! A bloody Balor landed the shotgun dropkick. Balor dodged a second Superman punch and rolled Roman up to win the title.

What a match! Roman dominated Balor, bloodying him up but The Demon found a way to win.

Recap: Wow. Balor ends 'Mania on a good note. Braun/Brock was a fun fight. The ladder match started things off great.

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