Friday, September 8, 2017


Three title matches and four showcase matches.

Match 1. Black vs. Drago vs. Pentagon vs. Rhodes vs. Fenix vs. Lethal - X-Division Championship
What a test for the champ. All of the stars he's defeated. This is a battle royal. There was a lot of action to keep track of. Drago almost eliminated Black early. Cody hit Pentagon with an Alabama Slam. Pentagon and Cody were eliminated shortly after. Lethal dumped Fenix over the top. Lethal kicked Black off the apron. Drago caught Lethal with a super kick. Lethal hit a half-and-half and full nelson suplex. Lethal eventually eliminated Drago to win the title.

A fun opening match. PJ Black had a great run as champ but it was bound to catch up to him.

Match 2. Damien Sandow vs. Ethan Carter III
ECIII sent Sandow to the outside and slapped him across the face. He then threw him into the steps. Sandow came back with a front headlock driver. Carter poked the eye and hit a shot below the belt right in front of the ref. Interesting tactic. Sandow hit a DDT onto the apron. Carter then hit Sandow in the face with the steps. After a swinging neck breaker, Sandow won with the Skull Crushing Finale.

In what was expected to be a cool down match, this was a great brawl.

Match 3. Bad Influence vs. WGTT - ROH Tag Team Championship
Both teams got some offense in early. Pretty evenly matched. Haas hit a German suplex. Kaz hit a gut buster. Shelton hit Kaz with a t-bone slam and got the win.

I was not expecting that short of a match. Haas and Benjamin end Kaz and Daniels' long title reign.

Match 4. The Hardyz vs. The Briscoes
Matt hit a hurricanrana right out of the gate. The Briscoes then worked him over in their corner. Mark missed a moonsault. Jeff landed a flipping sunset bomb. Matt then hit Jay with the Side Effect for a near fall. Jeff connected with the Whisper in the Wind and Swanton Bomb. He then won with his own Side Effect.

A nice comeback win for the Hardyz. They're not yet.

Match 5. Ladder - Drew Galloway vs. Matt Morgan vs. Johnny Mundo vs. Adam Cole
Ooooh, this should be good. Cole caught Drew with the back stabber. Mundo hit Morgan with a roundhouse kick. Morgan hit Mundo and McIntyre with a ladder. Morgan then suplexed Drew onto the ladder. Cole hit Mundo with the knee drop brain buster. Morgan speared Drew through the barricade. Morgan took out Drew and Mundo on the outside, allowing Cole to climb up and win.

What a ladder match. Cole sneaks up and steals another big victory.

Match 6. Kassius Ohno vs. Bobby Lashley
Lashley hit a butterfly suplex. Ohno had him in the electric chair and then hit a spinning elbow. They fought a bit on the outside. Ohno hit another elbow to the back of the head and won.

Wow. Ohno made quick work of Lashley.

Main Event. James Storm vs. Kurt Angle - Impact Championship
Storm locked him in a bow and arrow and landed some kicks. Angle couldn't get anything going. He then pulled out three German suplexes. After a near fall, he hit the Angle Slam for another two count. Angle busted Storm open with punches. Storm pulled out the Codebreaker and Eye of the Storm for a near fall. Angle hit three more German suplexes and won the title.

Holy crap! What a main event. They had a fight but kept it legal. Angle is back on top.

Recap: What a show. Impact of Honor had a great final months with their stories. What's going to happen to them in Year 4?

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