Sunday, September 17, 2017

Impact Slammiversary, Year 4

This is an intense show.

Match 1. Luke Harper vs. Christian
Harper and Christian shook hands before the match. Respect. Harper then took Christian's head off with a clothesline. He then hit a dive to the outside. Christian recovered and hit a hurricanrana and snapmare. Harper came back and hit a discus clothesline to win.

After the match, Christain raised Harper's arm in victory.

Match 2. Askua vs. Trish Stratus - Women's Championship
Dream match! Asuka landed a spin kick and German suplex. She landed another after ducking a clothesline. Trish hit a reverse DDT and Frankensteiner. She then hit the Stratusfaction for a two count. Asuka hit two super German suplexes. Asuka connected with a lot of kicks to the chest and one to the head to win the title.

A great women's match. Trish hit two finishers and still couldn't defeat Asuka.

Match 3. Tyson Kidd vs. Baron Corbin - X-Division Championship
Corbin could be the biggest X-Division champ if he wins. Corbin hit two big clotheslines. Kidd escaped a hold and landed a German suplex. Corbin came back with a back suplex and his own German suplex. Kidd DDT'd Corbin on the apron. After a Samoan drop, Corbin won with the End of Days.

Corbin overpowered Kidd for most of the match. He's got some tough competition.

Match 4. Roderick Strong vs. Jack Gallagher
Gallagher accidentally knocked out the ref to start the match. After some back and forth, they spilled to the outside. Strong had Gallagher in a pin but Jack grabbed the rope. He then hit a double underhook back breaker. Strong then won with a knee drop brain buster.

While Strong gets the win, Gallagher surely isn't over it.

Match 5. American Alpha vs. Hype Bros - Impact Tag Team Championship
Two fan-favorite tag teams. The other two teams are waiting in the shadows. Gable hit Mojo with a t-bone suplex but Rawley quickly recovered. Ryder hit a Playmaker to Jordan. He then hit Gable with an inverted DDT. The ref counted the pin but Gable had his hand on the ropes.

Wow. American Alpha got robbed. That's not how the officiating should be. Can the Hype Bros enjoy this victory?

Match 6. Last Man Standing - Shinsuke Nakamura vs. Ric Flair
Two legends of their time. They traded reversals early. Nakamura was down for a while after a knee to the head. Shinsuke landed a reverse exploder. He later connected with a Codebreaker. Shinsuke continued with a German, reverse exploder and reverse suplexes. Flair somehow shook all of that off and kept on fighting. Nakamura put Flair away with a DDT that busted him open.

What a match. Flair would not give up. Shinsuke hit one fatal shot to the head.

Main Event. Brock Lesnar vs. Kurt Angle vs. Daniel Bryan - Impact Championship
What a main event! Lesnar hit Angle with a suplex. He then hit Bryan with a back suplex. Here we go. He pulled out a bat but Bryan used it on him. Angle hit Bryan and Lesnar with three German suplexes each. Lesnar landed the F5 on Angle. He recovered and hit Bryan with the Angle Slam. Angle countered the second F5. Bryan then hit Angle with a German suplex and bridge to win.

Suplexes galore. Bryan waited and picked the perfect opportunity to win. Great match.

Recap: An excellent PPV. Four new champs and some good grudge matches.

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