Thursday, September 28, 2017

Impact Hard Justice, Year 4

Match 1. R-Truth vs. Goldust
This was random. They're a tag team! Truth hit a sit-out face buster and snapmare. Goldust hit the Bubba Bomb. Truth hit a high-angle DDT and twisting forearm smash. He then superplexed Goldy to the outside. Goldust tossed him against the railing. Truth came back with the Lie Detector to win.

Well, maybe they can get back to being a team...

Match 2. Baron Corbin vs. Tyson Kidd - X-Division Championship
This started as a David/Goliath match. Corbin hit a huge full nelson slam. Kidd took down the big man and DDT'd him on the apron. Corbin shook it off and hit a superplex. He then hit a front slam and retained his title.

Not the best match. They didn't seem to mesh well.

Match 3. Asuka vs. Alicia Fox - Women's Championship
Asuka landed three different kicks at the start. Fox choked Asuka over the middle rope. She then countered a German suplex and they traded near falls. After some more kicks, Asuka won with a superkick.

Fox was no competition for the champion.

Match 4. Roderick Strong vs. Jack Gallagher
They wrestled around on the mat for a bit. Gallagher countered a couple of backbreakers. Strong hit a double underhook powerbomb and a back stabber. He later hit the suplex back breaker and got the win.

Gallagher didn't get much offense in. Strong was ready to shut him up.

Match 5. Hype Bros vs. Authors of Pain - Impact Tag Team Championship
The match was pretty even to start. Rezar dodged a diving clothesline and Mojo accidentally hit the ref. Ryder hit Akam with a frankensteiner and reverse DDT. He hit the Rough Ryder but Rezar broke up the pin. Ryder connected with a dive from the top. Rezar almost took Ryder's head up with a clothesline and won.

A good tag match. Mojo didn't do much so he let Ryder down here.

Match 6. Daniel Bryan vs. Kurt Angle - Impact Championship
Dream match! Angle made an early attempt at the Angle Lock. He landed three German suplexes. Bryan needs to get something going or he'll lose his title. Bryan hit a heel kick on the outside. Angle got a near fall with the Olympic Slam. Bryan dodged a top-rope attack and locked in a cross face. Angle hit four more suplexes. Bryan kicked out of a second slam. He hit the Yes Kicks and locked in the Yes Lock. Angle escaped and won with a diving moonsault.

What a match. Bryan was behind the 8-ball early. Angle is once again champion.

Main Event. Feast or Fired - Ambrose vs. Sheamus vs. Flair vs. Nakamura vs. Lesnar vs. Luger
This takes place in Hell in a Cell. The superstar that takes the pin will be fired from Impact. The winner gets a guaranteed title shot. Ambrose hit Flair with the steps. Nakamura had to fight for his life against Lesnar. He almost made Luger tap with a cross arm breaker. Sheamus hit Ambrose with White Noise. Lesnar got a couple of near falls. Nakamura hit Luger with a reverse exploder onto the steps and got the win.

Whoa! What a shake-up in just one match. Nakamura gets a title shot but Luger's career is over.

Recap: Will one of the other brands sign Luger? Will Impact sign someone else? A great show with two major title changes.

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