Saturday, September 9, 2017


Six titles on the line to end year three for these two shows.

Match 1. Rich Swann vs. Neville vs. Austin Aries - Cruiserweight Championship
What an opening match. Aries and Swann worked over Neville early. Neville came back and took out the other two. He hit Aries with a reverse Frankensteiner. Neville went to the top but Aries hit a superplex to Neville, he hit Swann with a neck breaker between the ropes. Neville hit the Red Arrow but Aries broke it up. Aries knocked Swann out with an elbow. Neville then rolled Aries up and got the win.

Wow. These guys were flying all over. Neville stole the title from Aries.

Match 2. TM61 vs. Authors of Pain - NXT Tag Team Championship
Wait...that's Paul Heyman with the AoP. Miller took out Akam with a spin kick at the start. He kept the pressure and got a near fall. Akam got a reprieve with Rezar tagging in. Heyman then caused a distraction. Rezar hit two back suplexes. AoP then took over. Thorne landed a sit-out powerbomb but Heyman distracted the ref. Things then broke down. Heyman was knocked down and Miller won with a spinning powerbomb.

TM61 didn't let Heyman or the size of the AoP distract them from their goal. This isn't over.

Match 3. nWo vs. Impact Players - WCW Tag Team Championship
These two teams have been going at it for weeks. Nash beat down Credible on the outside. The nWo then took control over Storm with a back breaker/diving elbow combo. Hall hit a super fall away slam. Storm kicked out of the Outsider's Edge. Storm then got a near fall after a super kick. Justin then hit a flapjack and Tombstone to win the titles.

Wow. The tag titles are gone from the nWo. Will the world title be next?

Match 4. Rob Van Dam vs. Rey Mysterio - ECW Television Championship
Rey focused on the legs of Van Dam, keeping him grounded. He then hit a huge flying head scissors and seated bulldog. Rey continued with a dive over the top. RVD landed a wheel kick but couldn't capitalize immediately. He then pulled out the fisherman piledriver and 5-Star Frog Splash to win.

Rey was in control for most of the match but RVD hit three big impact moves to retain.

Match 5. Shinsuke Nakamura vs. Bobby Roode
Roode caught Shinsuke off the ropes with a tilt-a-whirl back breaker. They then traded dragon sleeper attempts. Nakamura hit a running knee in the corner. Roode came back with a side slam and spine buster. Nakamura landed a Samoan driver and DDT on the apron. Roode locked in a cross face. Nakamura won with a second Samoan driver.

It was aggressive early. Nakamura kept the pressure and was able to put Roode away.

Match 6. Samoa Joe vs. AJ Styles - NXT Championship
AJ quickly sent the match to the outside. He then locked in the Calf Killer. Joe hit a back suplex and Samoan drop. He then hit a running back elbow and jump kick. Styles kicked out of the Muscle Buster. Joe busted AJ open with elbows and hit the Chimera-plex to retain the title.

A decent world title match but it could have been a lot better. Joe was just too strong.

Main Event. Hollywood Hogan vs. Goldberg - WCW Championship
Goldberg hit two clotheslines. Hogan then tossed Goldberg to the outside. They tossed each other into the steps. After a third clothesline, he hit a press slam spine buster. Hogan kicked out of the spear. Goldberg continued with a chokeslam and the Jackhammer to win the title.

This was a one-way fight. Goldberg kept at Hogan before ending his title run.

Recap: What a night. Heyman made his return, Neville steals the Cruiserweight titles and Goldberg takes down Hogan and the nWo.

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