Wednesday, October 12, 2016


Match 1. The New Day vs. The Shield - WWE Tag Team Championship
Ambrose and Big E traded spine busters. E hit Reigns with a back suplex and clothesline before tagging in Kofi. Reigns took him out with two clotheslines. Ambrose landed a diving elbow and dragon sleeper. After a snap DDT, he hit Dirty Deeds and won.

That was a fast-paced opening match. The Shield are the title holders again. What a 3 months this feud was.

Match 2. Steel Cage - Ryback vs. Mark Henry
Can these two be contained? Henry tried making a quick escape, but Ryback pulled him down. He then locked in a camel clutch. Moments later, he hit three powerbombs and a diving forearm smash. Ryback then climbed out of the cage and won.

Either Ryback wanted no part of Henry or the powerbombs were that effective.

Match 3. Charlotte vs. Brie Bella - WWE Divas Championship
Charlotte landed a back body drop. Brie connected with a basement dropkick and jaw breaker. Brie went to the second rope, but missed a dropkick. Charlotte later hit the spear, but Brie kicked out. Brie landed a bulldog from the second rope before hitting the Bella Buster. Brie countered the spear. Charlotte connected with a second spear to win.

A good women's match. Charlotte looked poised and ready to take out Brie.

Match 4. Enzo Amore and Big Cass vs. Luke Gallows and Karl Anderson
The two big men started the match. After some back and forth, Gallows was done and tagged in Anderson. Gallows locked Enzo in a camel clutch and then wore him down on the outside. Enzo and Cass hit the Rocket Launcher, but Gallows broke up the pin. Cass hit two powerslams and a second Rocket Launcher, but got another near fall. Gallows hit Cass with a two-handed chokeslam and won.

If I didn't mention it, I apologize, but Cass and Enzo are now on SmackDown. Gallows and Anderson got a big win over the new tag team.

Match 5. The Rock vs. Brock Lesnar
Rock hit a shoulder breaker. Lesnar quickly got up and began to overpower Rock. He hit a back breaker and back suplex. Rock landed an overhead belly-to-belly. Lesnar hit a deadlift powerbomb. Rock locked in the Sharpshooter, but Lesnar escaped. He got a near fall after an F5. Rock landed a superplex. Rock hit another belly-to-belly slam before getting the win.

Hmm. Another questionable finish. Not the winner, but how he won. Rock was a former champion, though.

Match 6. Cody Rhodes vs. CM Punk - WWE Intercontinental Championship
This should be fun. They took each other down early. Cody hit a slingshot suplex. He then connected with a Muscle Buster, but Punk got right up. He connected with a roundhouse kick. Punk hit the running knee/bulldog combo. Cody hit the Alabama Slam, but Punk kicked out. Cody then stole Punk's finisher and won with the GTS.

Damn. The balls on Cody to use Punk's finisher on him. He's been impressive since turning on his brother.

Main Event. Kevin Owens vs. Alberto Del Rio - WWE World Championship
The winner will face Rollins at 'Mania. Owens threw Del Rio into the steel steps. Del Rio landed a double leg take down and spine buster. Owens tried fighting back, but Del Rio kept countering him. He landed a diving splash to the outside. Owens hit a package powerbomb and double chicken win suplex. Owens broke out of the arm bar and hit the pop-up powerbomb, but Del Rio kicked out. Owens got a couple of more near falls before winning with a twisting side slam.

Alberto Del Rio almost won the world title. Owens wanted to enter 'Mania as champ. Can he leave with the title, too?

Recap: What an event! Owens/Del Rio was a great match. Cody/Punk was almost as good. Gallows and Anderson looked impressive.

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