Sunday, October 23, 2016


Here we are. The end of an era.

Pre-Show. 6-Man Legends Battle Royal
The participants are Dusty, Warrior, Rude, Mr. Perfect, Piper and Boss Man. There were a lot of close calls early. Dusty scored the first elimination by kicking Warrior off the apron. He then eliminated Hennig. Piper eliminated Boss Man. Rude shook off a piledriver and eliminated Dusty. They went back and forth before Piper eliminated Rude.

Cool showcase for the legends. Now, it's time for the real show.

Match 1. WWE vs. NXT - Kurt Angle vs. Daniel Bryan
What a way to kick off the show. Neither man was able to get the upper hand. Both superstars have excellent mat skills. Angle scored the first point with a belly-to-back take down. Bryan came back with a kick to the chest and an arm bar. Things slowed down for a bit. Angle landed two German suplexes before Bryan countered the third into the Yes Lock and made Angle tap out.

A great WRESTLING match to start the show. I expect these two to meet again.

Match 2. Rhodes vs. Booker vs. Ryback vs. Jericho vs. Miz vs. Show - WWE IC Championship
Yes, it's another battle royal. Show punched Ryback off the apron. Cody and Jericho worked together to try to eliminate Show, but it wasn't enough. Cody eliminated Booker. One in four chance now. Jericho hit Show with a moonsault. He then eliminated Cody. We will have a new IC champion. Show chokeslammed Jericho over the top. Miz dodged Show's power and was able to eliminate him.

This was quicker than the legends' one, but just as fun. Miz is the new champion.

Match 3. Asuka vs. Alexa Bliss - NXT Women's Championship
Asuka won the exchange early and connected three kicks to the head. Alexa hit a northern lights suplex and snap mare. Asuka hit the hip attack and a striking combination. Asuka sent Alexa to the outside and then hit a huge diving splash. Alexa caught Asuka with a huge roundhouse kick. Asuka locked in the Asuka Lock to win.

Alexa more than held her own against Asuka. Yet, the champ was just too much. She has been champion for 49 weeks. Wow.

Match 4. John Cena vs. CM Punk
Cena accidentally knocked out the ref when going after Punk. Cena stomped on Punk for a bit. Punk tossed Cena to the outside. Cena made a comeback and hit a suplex and 5 Knuckle Shuffle. Punk kicked out of the AA. Cena continued with his offense until he was able to win with a belly-to-belly slam.

It was good at the beginning, but Cena went into Superman mode and dominated.

Match 5. Kevin Owens vs. Seth Rollins - WWE World Championship
Owens hit a back suplex and spinning sidewalk slam. Rollins hit a reverse DDT and STO. He then hit a full nelson suplex. Rollins landed the Falcon Arrow and got a near fall. He hit the roll through super kick. Rollins was on fire. Owens was able to kick out of the Pedigree. He then hit the package powerbomb. Rollins countered a superplex and busted him open. He hit one final Pedigree to win.

That was an amazing match. Rollins is once again WWE champion. The Shield have all the belts again.

Match 6. WWE vs. NXT - Brock Lesnar vs. Shane McMahon
I don't like Shane's odds. Shane came out firing, throwing everything he had at Brock. Lesnar just stood there for a bit before he blocked a punch and suplexed Shane. He then hit a few more suplexes. Shane went for a chair to even things up, but Lesnar stepped on it. As the ref took care of the chair, Shane hit Lesnar below the belt and got a near fall. Shane hit a diving elbow, but Lesnar kicked out. He then hit what looked like 10 German suplexes before winning with an F5.

That was not a fair fight at all. I wish the ref allowed Shane to use the chair. Lesnar is a beast.

Match 7. Cesaro vs. Triple H - NXT United States Championship
Is Trips looking to win the title or punish Cesaro? After some transitions, Cesaro landed an uppercut. The match quickly spilled to the outside, but made it back into the ring. Cesaro hit a straight jacket suplex for a near fall. Cesaro got a couple of near falls with some amazing suplexes. Triple H landed the spine buster and Pedigree, but Cesaro kicked out. Cesaro landed another suplex, but Trips cut him off and won with a second Pedigree.

Triple H not only took Cesaro's title, but he took his dignity with him. That sucks for Cesaro.

Match 8. Loser Leaves WWE - The Undertaker vs. Shawn Michaels
Two legends enter. One leaves...for good. Taker overpowered Michaels early. Michaels went for the Sharpshooter, but Taker countered and hit a chokeslam. Michaels landed a flying forearm and went to the top for a diving elbow, but Taker caught him for the Tombstone, yet Michaels kicked out. Taker kicked out of the Sweet Chin Music.

Taker hit snake eyes, a big boot and leg drop. Michaels came right back with an atomic drop, scoop slam and diving elbow. They left the ring again and fought up the ramp. Michaels connected with another super kick, but neither man could make it back to the ring in time.

What?! That's not how it ends, right? What happens now? Nobody lost, but nobody won either.

Main Event. AJ Styles vs. Samoa Joe - NXT Championship
It's time! Who will walk out as NXT champion? The two traded counters in the early going. They have a long history. Joe suplexed AJ on the ramp. AJ countered a suplex and hit a standing moonsault. AJ took out Joe on the outside and almost won by count out. Joe hit a senton splash and his three German suplexes. Joe then connected with the Muscle Buster, but got a two count. AJ landed the Pele kick. Joe kicked out of the Styles Clash at the last possible moment. AJ landed a back suplex and almost won. Joe hit three more suplexes and another Muscle Buster to win.

Oh. My. God. That was a WrestleMania main event. These two left it all in the ring. What a match.

Recap: What a night. What a WrestleMania! Four title changes and (possibly) two first-ballot Hall of Famers calling it a career. How can the following year top this?

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