Sunday, October 16, 2016

WWE - March Week 2, Year 2

Match 1. Big Cass w/ Enzo vs. Bubba Ray w/ D-Von

Match 2. The Pretty Express vs. Gallows and Anderson
Anderson hit Rose with a deadlift powerbomb. Gallows hit Breeze with a huge suplex. Anderson got the hot tag to Gallows after a back breaker from Rose. Gallows and Anderson hit a double team move before Gallows won with a Baldo Bomb.

These two are vicious pitbulls. They will attack you at your weakest point. Watch out.

Match 3. Dallas Page vs. Dolph Ziggler

Match 4. Shawn Michaels vs. Ryback
The Undertaker made a special appearance for this match. Ryback overpowered HBK early. Ryback powerbombed Michaels on the outside mat. Michaels recovered and hit a piledriver and the Sweet Chin Music and won.

Taker didn't get involved. Good for him. How did Michaels win that match?

Match 5. John Cena vs. Kane
Punk caused a distraction.

Main Event. Kevin Owens vs. Seth Rollins
Owens countered Rollins and hit a one-arm slam off the ropes. He then hit a release German suplex. Rollins landed a full nelson suplex. He then hit a roll through super kick. Owens hit a Samoan drop. Rollins hit a dive through the ropes and a huge diving elbow to Owens' back. Owens got a near fall after a package side slam. Rollins hit the Buckle Bomb. Rollins hit the Pedigree and put hit feet on the ropes to secure the win.

After the match, Rollins grabbed a chair and hit Owens multiple times.

Rollins is doing everything he can to weaken Owens before 'Mania.

Match 1. Alicia Fox vs. Alexa Bliss

Match 2. Dolph Ziggler vs. The Miz vs. Fandango

Match 3. Wade Barrett vs. Shelton Benjamin

Recap: Michaels pulls out a big win. Seth Rollins is on a war path. I'm excited for this WrestleMania.

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