Saturday, October 1, 2016

NXT - February Week 1, Year 2

Before the first match began, X-Pac and Billy Gunn were in the ring. Pac was complaining that they didn't get a spot in the Rumble, but 6 free agents did.

Drew Galloway walked out. He said that if Pac has a problem, then do something about it. Pac and Gunn then attacked Galloway before leaving.

Match 1. X-Pac and Billy Gunn vs. American Alpha
Big win for Gunn and Pac.

Match 2. Becky Lynch vs. Alexa Bliss
Becky landed a headlock takedown and dropkick. Alexa countered with a belly-to-back slam. Lynch landed a second-rope splash. She then locked in a calf crusher and the Disarmer, but Alexa broke out. Alexa connected with a snap DDT and won with a 450 splash.

Match 3. James Storm vs. Tye Dillinger
Dillinger caught Storm with an enziguiri and elbow to the head. He later hit a German suplex. Storm tried getting some moves in, but Dillinger kept him grounded. Storm hit a straightjacket neck breaker. Dillinger placed Storm on the announce table and put him through with an elbow drop. Storm came back with the Eye of the Storm and won.

How? How did James Storm win that match? He was out cold. Gotta give him credit.

Match 4. Randy Orton vs. Tyson Kidd
This is a big challenge for Kidd. Orton landed some strikes and sent Kidd to the outside to continue the attack. Kidd came back by throwing Orton into the steps and a supercanrana. Orton stomped all over Kidd and connected with the RKO to win.

Kidd had his chance, but this was Orton's match. After being absent from the Rumble, this was revenge.

Match 5. AJ Styles vs. Edge

Main Event. Sting vs. Braun Strowman

Recap: A good rebound week after the Rumble. The top feuds seem to be over, but new ones are just beginning.

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