Tuesday, October 4, 2016

NXT - February Week 2, Year 2

This is the go-home show to TakeOver: Respect.

Match 1. Drew Galloway vs. X-Pac
This is a grudge match from the attack last week. Drew took down Pac and then clotheslined him over the top. Pac landed a superkick, but Drew connected with a running high knee. He then hit the Future Shock DDT to win.

A good debut for Drew, shutting X-Pac up.

Match 2. Shane McMahon vs. Billy Gunn

Match 3. Blake and Murphy vs. The Ascension

Match 4. Asuka vs. Paige vs. Carmella
Carmella was getting double teamed by the other two women. Someone brought it a bat. I didn't see who. Asuka kicked Carmella across the face. Paige back suplexed Carmella. Asuka hit Paige with some kicks. Carmella hit Paige with an STO and won with a head scissors snapmare.

Big win by Carmella. She is no joke.

Match 5. Rusev vs. Curtis Axel

Main Event. AJ Styles vs. Braun Strowman
The champ vs. the monster. Braun tossed around AJ in the beginning. AJ came back and somehow hit a reverse DDT. Braun placed AJ on the top, but Styles countered and hit a missile dropkick. The match spills to the outside where AJ drives Strowman through the railing and wins by countout.

Well, that's one way to take out the big man. I look forward to the eventual rematch.

Recap: A good week with some surprising results. Carmella climbs up the ranks, Galloway makes his debut and the champ takes down a giant.

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