Sunday, October 9, 2016

NXT - February Week 3, Year 2

Next week, there will be a triple threat for the NXT title, AJ/Joe/Orton.

Match 1. Drew Galloway vs. Billy Gunn
X-Pac assisted Gunn behind the ref's back. 

Match 2. TM61 vs. The Ascension

Match 3. Paige vs. Becky Lynch
Becky dropkicked Paige off the apron and threw her into the steel post. She then pulled out a ladder, but Paige cut her off. I guess this is a falls count anywhere match. Becky hit Paige multiple times with the ladder. Paige got a near fall off of the Ram-Paige. Back in the ring, Paige hit a diving splash and rolled Becky up to get the win.

That was a good women's match. I'd like to see more extreme women's matches.

Match 4. Bray Wyatt vs. Sami Zayn
Bray hit a cross body and a pump handle back breaker. Zayn came back with a deadlift reverse DDT. Bray got a near fall after a one-arm hip toss. Zayn hit a diving elbow to the back and got a near fall after the exploder suplex. Zayn continued with a tornado DDT through the steel post. Bray caught Zayn with a one-arm spine buster and won.

Interesting finish. Bray needed this win, though. Bray didn't need a signature move to get it done.

Match 5. Bo Dallas vs. AJ Styles
Joe ran down and distracted AJ.

Main Event. Finn Balor vs. Edge
Edge hit a bulldog at the opening bell.He hit a back breaker and Impaler DDT, but got a two count. Balor hit a missile dropkick. He then hit the shotgun dropkick. Edge DDT'd Balor through the announce table. Balor began hit comeback with another dropkick and sit-out powerbomb. After a Codebreaker, he won with the Coup de Gace, but Edge took out the ref. He then hit a spear and won.

Wow. That was a great main event. I can't believe Balor made it up after the table spot.

Recap: Superstars picked up some much-needed wins, especially Wyatt. There are 5 more weeks until WrestleMania.

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