Wednesday, October 5, 2016

NXT TakeOver: Respect, Year 2

The final NXT-only show of the year.

Match 1. Cesaro vs. Tyson Kidd - NXT United States Championship
I love that these two always face off. Kidd took Cesaro down and Triple H walked down! What? He got Cesaro's attention and Kidd landed a German suplex. Kidd got a near fall after a Falcon Arrow. Cesaro went for a pin after an uppercut, but Trips distracted the ref. Kidd back suplexed Cesaro on the apron. Cesaro hit a super German suplex. Cesaro hit three gutwrench slams and retained the title.

Wow. Triple H tried to get revenge on Cesaro for eliminating him, but it didn't work.

Match 2. Hype Bros vs. The Vaudevillains
Mojo quickly took out both English and Gotch. After ducking a clothesline, the Vaudevillains took control. Mojo hit a spine buster and tagged in Ryder. English hit a huge spine buster and got a near fall. Gotch locked in a reverse sleeper hold. Mojo came back in and hit a sit-out powerbomb to win.

Nice win for the up-and-coming tag team.

Match 3. Enzo Amore and Big Cass vs. The Wyatt Family - NXT Tag Team Championship
Rowan hit Enzo with a huge pump handle gut buster. Cass hit a delayed suplex on Harper. The Wyatts hit Enzo with a 3D and knocked Cass off the apron, but Enzo was able to kick out. Rowan later hit a big spinning ax kick, but Enzo grabbed the ropes. Harper hit Cass with snake eyes and a big boot to win.

Damn. The Wyatts left the former champs a bloody mess.

Match 4. Asuka vs. Alicia Fox - NXT Women's Championship
Asuka hit the hip attack and got a near fall after a northern lights suplex. Fox tried landing some moves, but Asuka was too dominant. She landed some German suplexes and kicks to the chest. Fox connected with a discus forearm smash. Asuka fired up and won with a huge roundhosue kick.

Match 5. 6-man Tag - American Alpha and Apollo Crews vs. Bad Influence and Baron Corbin
Kaz and Daniels worked over Gable. Daniels hit Jordan with a spine buster and spinning powerbomb. Kaz hit Jordan with a huge bicycle kick. Apollo came in and landed three powerbombs. Kaz caught Gable with a moonsault. AA landed a super double back suplex. Jordan then hit a super German suplex. Corbin finally came in and was beat down by Gable and Crews. Crews hit a spinning sit-out powerbomb to win.

Great 6-man tag. I'm surprised Corbin didn't get into the match until late.

Match 6. Daniel Bryan vs. Samoa Joe
Joe landed a big boot and senton. Bryan pulled out a German suplex, but Joe came right back. He landed a snap DDT and back suplex. Joe locked Bryan in a standing arm bar and continued to focus on the arm. Bryan got a near fall after his kicks. He landed a diving headbutt, but Joe kicked out. Joe escaped the Yes Lock. Joe missed a top rope senton splash, but hit 3 German suplexes. Bryan broke out of the Coquina Clutch and won with a northern lights suplex.

What a co-main event. Bryan looked real good, but Joe still has the title shot.

Main Event. AJ Styles vs. Randy Orton - NXT Championship
AJ clothesline Orton. Randy came back with a Lou Thesz Press. AJ connected with a couple of different DDTs. Orton hit a neck breaker. AJ got up and hit the Pele kick and got a near fall. Samoa Joe ran down out of nowhere. He hit AJ across the face with a steel chair. The ref had no choice but to call for the bell.

Damn. That's disappointing. Orton got screwed out of the title. I guess Joe wants AJ at 'Mania.

Recap: A great event brought down by the main event. Joe was pissed after the loss and took it out on AJ and Orton.

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