Saturday, October 15, 2016

WWE - March Week 1, Year 2

Wow. SmackDown put together a big show.

Match 1. The Shield vs. The Pretty Express
What an upset!

Match 2. John Cena vs. CM Punk
Cena kept Punk grounded early. Punk had a leg lock and hit a back breaker. Cena hit a snap DDT and Five Knuckle Shuffle. He then connected with the AA, but Punk kicked out. Punk hit a spike head scissors. Cena hit a second Shuffle and AA to get the win.

This was mostly Cena's match. Punk had a couple of spots, but nothing comparative to Cena's.

Match 3. Neville vs. The Miz

Match 4. Kurt Angle vs. Kevin Owens
Owens landed a couple of slams and a rare dropkick. Angle snapped back and hit three German suplexes. Owens slowed the match down. He later hit a package side slam and got a near fall. They traded German suplexes. Angle locked in the Angle Lock. Owens landed the package piledriver for the win.

Seth Rollins came out and stared down the champ.

Angle/Owens would be a good title feud. Rollins wants to prevent that from happening.

Match 5. Ryback vs. Cody Rhodes
Another big win.

Main Event. Undertaker vs. Shawn Michaels
Whoa! Taker flipped Michaels over the ropes with an Irish whip. He then hit a huge spine buster. Michaels hit a back breaker. Taker connected with a chokeslam, but HBK kicked out. Taker then kicked Michaels' head into the steel post. God damn! Michaels somehow got up and locked in the Sharpshooter. HBK kicked out of the Tombstone. Michaels grabbed the rope on a pin. He then countered a Tombstone and won with the Sweet Chin Music.

Michaels went for a handshake, but Taker ignored it. What disrespect from the veteran.

Wow. That was an amazing match. I can't believe Michaels pulled out the win. I'm actually amazed.

Match 1. X-Pac vs. Fandango

Match 2. Christian vs. Viktor

Match 3. Wade Barrett vs. Mark Henry

Recap: I'm not sure which brand had the more exciting week. I think I have to give the edge to SmackDown. This is just the beginning.

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