Tuesday, October 11, 2016

NXT - February Week 4, Year 2

Match 1. Drew Galloway and ????? vs. X-Pac and Billy Gunn
Who did Galloway get as a partner? It's Bobby Lashley! The powerhouse Lashley suplexed both Pac and Gunn. Pac landed a couple of suplexes. Drew came back with his version of the Celtic Cross and Future Shock, but got a near fall. Gunn hit Lashley with the Famouser. Drew made Pac tap to win.

Drew gets his revenge on Pac and Gunn. This was a one-night appearance for Lashley.

Match 2. Curtis Axel vs. Shane McMahon

Match 3. Paige vs. Emma

Match 4. The Wyatt Family vs. The Ascension

Match 5. Cesaro vs. Rusev
Rusev overpowered Cesaro early. Cesaro ducked a punch and hit a German suplex. Rusev sent Cesaro to the outside and hit a back breaker. He continued with a one-arm slam and a sidewalk slam. This was all Rusev. He got a near fall off a super Samoan drop. Cesaro popped off a huge uppercut and got a two count. He later hit a second one, but could not capitalize. He won after a snap suplex.

That was a great match. Rusev was aggressive for most of the match. The US champ wins again.

Main Event. AJ Styles and Samoa Joe vs. Edge and Randy Orton
What a main event! Styles hit Orton with a spinning heel kick. Joe tossed Edge around with multiple suplexes. Orton targeted the neck of Styles. He went for a diving elbow and caught the ref as well. He then hit the RKO and won.

That was quicker when I thought. I'm surprised Joe and AJ didn't attack each other. Their 'Mania match should be awesome.

Recap: That was a good week. The one-time alliance between Edge and Orton brought back some good memories. Cesaro was tough to come back. Lashley was impressive, too.

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