Saturday, October 15, 2016

NXT - March Week 1, Year 2

Match 1. The Ascension vs. TM61
Big win for the Aussies.

Match 2. Asuka vs. Paige
Alexa Bliss came out and stood at ringside. The two women wrestled around before Asuka clotheslined Paige out of the ring. Paige locked in a modified cloverleaf. Alexa distracted Asuka, allowing Paige to hit a back breaker. Asuka came back with a big splash and kicks. She then won with a huge kick to the head.

This could have been a good match, but Alexa ruined it. Why is she targeting Asuka?

Match 3. Elias Samson vs. Fandango

Match 4. Cesaro vs. Baron Corbin
Triple H walked down before the bell rang. Cesaro landed a running boot. Cesaro slammed Corbin down. Trips jumped up on the apron and grabbed Cesaro. Corbin took apart the announce table before taking control. After a scoop slam, Corbin hit the End of Days and won.

Thanks to Triple H, Corbin pinned the US champ. This is the week of interference.

Match 5. Braun Strowman vs. Bo Dallas

Main Event. Samoa Joe vs. Edge
Make it a third. AJ Styles walked out. Joe sent Edge to the outside. Edge countered with a flapjack. Back in the ring, Edge hit a suplex and back suplex. Joe threw Edge into the steel post. He then turned his attention to AJ and the two were face to face. Edge then busted Joe open. Joe crawled into the ring just to receive a spear and lost.

Edge received help from AJ, which is a little weird considering they're on opposite sides.

Recap: AJ gets the first win between he and Joe. Triple H is still targeting Cesaro. Alexa aims for the target on Asuka's back.

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